⚽️ The In-Play Football Tipster With An Edge From Bet365 & the Betfair Exchange ⚽️

In the latest tipster review from April’s mega betting magazine! (Issue 141) we continued the ‘football focus’ theme with an introduction to the in-play football tipster that boasts an excellent record over nearly 1000 bets.

Easy to follow with both bookmakers and exchanges, our review of this service has proven to be extremely popular indeed with it being the first in-play tipster we have ever recommended to SBC members.

Especially because in-play betting is viewed very favourably by bookmakers – making it a great way to win without attracting quick account restrictions or closures.

Full details on the service in question and all aspects of what they do is only currently available to SBC Members, Subscribe now to explore the detailed review or read on for some key reasons why it should be of interest to you…

The In-Play Edge

This tipster advises bets in the major in-play markets, concentrating on the 1×2, over/under goal-lines and Asian Handicaps. Their edge comes from the use of data and this marries up perfectly with the experience within their team – the service is run by 4 professional punters!

High liquidity leagues make up a large portion of their action and this is beneficial as bookmakers take lots of bets on these games, especially in-play and there are more layers on the exchanges if you want to take bets there.

As speed is of the essence, they use Telegram to advise each bet to members of their service – which is charged at 40 Euros per month.

The Record

To be as fair as possible, this tipster tracks their bets using Bet365 prices but our review in SBC 141, identified how profitable the service is at various outlets, including the Betfair Exchange:

5.38% ROI to bookmaker prices and a 10.15% ROI on exchanges are reasons enough to be impressed, but there are other less obvious benefits to following these selections in:

  • Bookmakers like these bets. They are associated with ‘recreational’ play and have large in-built margins.
  • There is no Closing Line Value (CLV), making it hard for bookmakers to track how sharp these bets are (Note – they are very sharp!)
  • Any checks from the risk department or a trader are likely to be viewed more favourably with these bets on your ‘ledger’.

For those limited solely to exchanges, our analysis shows that around 50% of bets are available at value prices (minus 2% commission) in markets with deep liquidity. To add to this, we have tried placing bets in-play on heavily restricted accounts and have been pleasantly surprised by the amounts we can get on!

Learn More & Subscribe

If you would like to learn more about this service, then our brand new review takes a deep dive into the record and has everything you need to decide whether the service is right for you.

To read that, you will need a SBC Membership – which you will grant you instant access to not only this review but our whole back catalogue of reviews and everything else we provide to members!

As ever, if you have any questions, please get in touch!

📰 SBC Magazine Issue #141: A Football Focus For April! ⚽️

After an extremely busy month at SBC, today we are releasing SBC Magazine Issue #141, which has a strong football betting theme in preparation for the Euros!

Despite a high profile podcast with the CEO of the Gambling Commission, Andrew Rhodes, we have still got plenty of our ‘bread and butter’ content prepared and released in April, with two long-term winning football services put under the SBC review microscope!

We provide a snapshot of what’s inside below. If it sounds like it could be for you, then sign-up for membership to get instant access to SBC 141 and our full back catalogue

Clocking in at 56 pages long, SBC 141 includes:

  • Analysis on Football Trading Club, the pre-match service that finds value in major markets with both bookmakers and exchanges
  • A further football tipster review for an in-play service that has major benefits for account longevity (alongside profitability, with exchanges again providing a viable outlet for getting on!)
  • SBC Member Q & As, with practical advice provided by the SBC team
  • Two SBC Podcasts, with reflection and reaction to accompany our content


To gain instant access SBC Magazine #141 and all of our back catalogue of reviews and reports, you will require SBC Membership. To sign up as a paid SBC member, just click here and follow the registration link.

To have a good look at what SBC Members get, this video introduces changes to the area of the site for those with full subscriptions, providing you with a sneak peak of what is inside!

Tipster Video Diary – Follow Alex’s journey using 4 SBC recommended betting services

Building a successful betting portfolio is not always straightforward and at SBC we try to give people the knowledge to succeed in this game.

That’s why we’re asking SBC team member and part-time bettor, Alex to document his betting journey using tipsters in a video series to show you exactly how it is done.

The first video is now live on our YouTube channel.

In it he details the 4 services he is using, all SBC recommended, in an attempt to turn a profit from betting this year. He goes through how each service works and the specific strategies he will be using for each.

If you want to know any of the following…

  • The strategies used for some of the best SBC recommend services
  • Bankroll management for building a successful portfolio
  • Real-world potential profits on offer

Then you’ll definitely want to watch this video diary.

This is the first video in the series which will be tracking exactly what Alex is doing and the results that come from each service. These are some of the most highly recommended services by us at SBC so it’s very likely that there will be some good profits along the way (in fact he has already recorded some healthy figures testing these services out).

Alex is going to show the precise strategy he uses to build a successful betting portfolio.

Watch the first video here

Best Regards
Peter Ling

Smart Betting Club
Owner and Founder

Professional punter insight on what it takes to win football betting – One expert speaks

Tuesday saw the release of our 2019/20 Season Football Tipster Guide – featuring our take on 16 of the very best football tipsters to follow this season.

Designed to help you find genuine, proven experts to follow in this season – its the perfect antidote to all the ‘predictions’ written by ex professional footballers or journalists with no background or experience in what it takes to make a profit football betting.

Playing football is one thing – betting on it another thing entirely!

One man who does know how to make a profit football betting is the very highly rated expert – Greg Gordon, who since 2006 has run a very profitable tipping service advising bets across a range of major English, Scottish & European leagues.

Greg was one of the experts featured within our 2019/20 Football Tipster Guide and alongside our detailed analysis on his performance, we also grilled him on the current state of play football betting as he saw it.

As a peek behind the curtain on what you can expect to find in the 2019/20 Football Tipster Guide, in this article you can read his interview in full.

We asked him about his performance last season, his thoughts on modern day football betting, the bookmakers & exchanges he uses PLUS his top advice for aspiring football punters.

As Greg also outlines, Smart Betting Club members can save a whopping £100 on the cost of joining his expert service – all thanks to our independent punter-first setup, where you pocket savings not us!

Sign-up for the Smart Betting Club.

Interview With Greg Gordon – As Taken From The 2019/20 Season Football Tipster Guide

SBC: Can you talk us through your tipping performance during the 2018/19 season and what you achieved overall?

Greg: At the end of each season, I always go back to first principles and I look at the season as a whole, before breaking it down into its constituent parts and its particular themes.

The first thing I’d say is that I am always happy to take a profit.

A profit of 20+ points is respectable enough. So is an ROI of 5.28%. With fees of £275 (with the £100 SBC discount applied) a return of £2,000 for an outlay of £275 is not to be sniffed at when compared to other places you could put your money for 10 months.

So big picture is OK. Not as good as last season, where I made a 44.37pts profit at an ROI of 14.84% – but not bad by any means.

Last season, your return would have been £4437 for the £275 outlay and adding the last 2 seasons together, that’s a £6437 profit for a £550 outlay.

Adding the last 2 seasons together, that’s a £6437 profit for a £550 outlay.

During the 18/19 season, we were prisoners of where the results fell and that is basically an occupational hazard in any betting endeavour.

Those that joined in the second half of the season will have had poor results and perhaps even a negative impression of the service. But the season as a whole was good, just as the previous seven seasons have been good.

Over the past 7 seasons I have averaged a profit of 31 points each season at a ROI of between 7 and 8%. Some seasons this figure is slightly higher and some slightly lower but I take strength from the fact my advice consistently beats the bookmaker.

Over the past 7 seasons I have averaged a profit of 31 points each season at a ROI of between 7 and 8%

It is what keeps me going on the days when things go wrong and equally I never go overboard on those great days where everything we touch turns to gold, which seems to happen at least once or twice every season.

And this is the nub of things for anyone betting seriously:

In a short run of bets, such as a half season or a few months you often get an extreme run of positive or negative results and I am sure that’s what happened for me this season more than usual.

When things went well in the first half of the season they went extremely well – with a lot of results falling our way, late in games. Latterly, when we’ve had a bad day or a bad run, the bit of counterbalancing luck you’d expect has deserted us.

At the time it doesn’t seem significant – three bad days a season.

But if you take say just five losing football bets and turn them into winners over a run of say, 100 bets you’d see quite a different picture and the effect of small margins for error, really running for you in individual games.

If you extrapolate that out, then -15pts or +15pts over 300 bets could typically be turned into a -15pts to a +20pts, a swing of as much as 35pts.

I’ve tried to mitigate against that potential for volatility by having more bets this season. It hasn’t worked out like I’d have hoped, largely because there’s been less goals around than I’d expect in the second half of the season. What I’ll need to ponder is, ‘is that likely to be an ongoing trend or is it just a quirk of a particular run of games?’

I look at 2019’s results and I don’t think there’s a deeper meaning to them than the variance of a small sample, based on my experience over the last 12 years. And I also know that to look or invent reasons for a run of results in retrospect, when you are dealing with a small sample size, can lead you down a false trail. I am wary of doing that.

SBC: Were there any notable highlights or challenges faced last season which stand out?

Greg: Starting with a negative: In a football sense there’s been a lot less late goals than I’d normally expect in the leagues I bet in, over the last two quarters of this season.

There’s been a lot less late goals than I’d normally expect in the leagues I bet in

That could be a function of a few things – players mentality, teams’ instructions and a fear of conceding overriding a desire to go and take risks to score that winning goal.

My suspicion is that current coaching fashion and the ‘too many cooks’ culture at most football clubs isn’t helping teams get a consistent, coherent message across to players for the whole season long.

For example, Liverpool take 25+ staff to every away game. In my opinion what can they possibly be adding other than a need to justify their own salaries? The result isn’t good for players that basically need a clear, concise message at all times, and strong sense of who they answer to and what the expectations are for them. Instead, their heads are full of complex, competing messages from a series of ‘expert practitioners’ from various disciplines.

So, what does this mean in terms of football betting? I think in a season of two halves, motivation and demotivation is going to be a key influencer on results and also goals tallies looking ahead. I think we now have to consider how we respond to a season, not as individual games or quarters but as two distinct halves.

So, while I started this answer with a negative, I think there is also a massive opportunity here for punters and tipsters that can look at the calendar in a dynamic, new way.

SBC: Will you be changing your tipping strategy at all for the forthcoming season? If so, what adjustments will you be applying and why?

Greg: For me it is always small changes, tweaks to thinking. The foundations are all solid but what fluctuates are short term results. Mainly, I’ll approach this season with optimism and an open mind. I think being open minded to the need to adapt on the hoof, and also being resolute where you need to be, is the balancing act that every punter has to negotiate.

SBC: Which bookmakers do you recommend for those following your service?

Greg: These days I am almost running a three tier service. For every member I have with a full suite of bookmaker accounts as listed on Oddschecker, I have many more restricted to a few accounts, solely to the exchanges or solely to Asian accounts or a provider such as Mollybet.

I only bet on match results and goals markets these days so the service isn’t restrictive or hard to follow.

It is a broad church service with a common sense approach – whether you bet with bookmakers, exchanges or bet brokers.

Basically it is a broad church service with a common sense approach – whether you bet with bookmakers, exchanges or bet brokers. I’ve set it up so everyone can get the bets on somewhere and in some combination that suits the accounts at their disposal.

SBC: What advice do you have for punters to help them with their football betting this coming season?

Greg: In terms of addressing a bad run, and this is general betting advice for tipster or punter alike, and advice I’ve been given myself: it is a balancing act between maintaining good principles that have stood you in good stead for many years while keeping an open mind to the potential for underlying change in the markets you are betting on.

On an individual level that means going back to first principles with every bet and making sure that you are confident that your thinking is sound and that you are betting to prices where you have an edge. Those are the two things that as a punter you can control – your opinion married to the price on offer. Everything else is ‘on the day’ and especially so in a low scoring game like football.

When the dust has settled and you are looking back over the bets you’ve done, see if there are common mistakes in your thinking, or pitfalls that you regularly fall into. Obviously, these are things that cost you money, that you don’t want to replicate.

I always say that you learn far more from your losers than your winners because winners don’t tend to be evaluated fairly. When we win we assume that skill has played a greater part than luck for the most part. It is easy to be over-critical of a good bet that has lost and to consider the process that got you there to be flawed.

I always say that you learn far more from your losers than your winners because winners don’t tend to be evaluated fairly

I wish there was a series of easy answers I could give you, but I know from past experience that taking care of details and simultaneously working hard on individual bets and the bigger picture is the only way to turn results around and that’s what you should strive to do. It is sore when you lose always, but it is not half as sore when you know that you have done your homework and applied your methods consistently. That’s what generates long term, steady success and that’s what means you’ll come out in front in the end, again and again.

SBC: Do you have any strong ante-post bets or teams/angles/managers to watch for the coming season?

(Note – the following was written on the 30th July and since then, some of the market prices have changed)

Greg: In the antepost markets, I can’t see past Cove Rangers in League Two they have been a popular choice in preseason but I still think there is value in their chances at anything over 5/4 (2.25). They are probably going to go off at around 7/4 (2.75) by the start of the season.

(Greg was correct on the above as before their first game of the season, Cove were 7/4 and are now 11/10 after an impressive start)

As an each way treble of Falkirk to win League One and Dundee United to win The Championship and Cove to win League Two should pay around 13/1 (14.0) and I’d expect all three to be in the frame

Cove have three players on Championship wages in League Two (Park, Masson and Megginson) and the money to back up an assault on the lower leagues above their current level. I can’t see any consistent challenge to their deep pockets over the next 10 months as every other team in their section has had to rebuild from scratch this summer and will take time to gel, even if their recruitment proves to be good. Cove, with a settled team that are used to winning, could be out of sight before the daffodils have bloomed.

SBC: Can you outline the membership options and terms you are offering during the 2019/20 season and any special offers you might have for SBC Members?

Greg: I always offer a £100 discount to SBC members. That takes annual fees of £375 down to £275 for the season up until May 2020.

Factor in the ability to join the Smart Betting Club for just £27.99 and anyone wishing to join my service would be mad to not join you guys first.


Grab Your Copy of The 2019/20 Season Football Tipster Guide

You can read more from Greg and 15 other proven football experts inside the 2019/20 Season Football Tipster Guide with a Smart Betting Club membership.

Providing insight into the experts with a proven history of making money football betting long-term

It also includes details on 2 expert football tipsters providing their advice for free to Smart Betting Club members this season.

For those of you interested in other sports and how to turn a profit from them – you can also read detailed examinations, reviews and ratings on the best tipsters across the likes of Horse Racing, Tennis, Golf, NBA, NFL, Darts & much more as well.

Sign-up now to gain instant access to this guide and the entire Smart Betting Club service on the best tipsters across all sports.

Best Regards

Peter Ling

Smart Betting Club Owner and Founder




Gear up for the new season with the 2019/20 Football Tipster Guide

The new season upon us and to help you find the best football tipsters, you must check out our fantastic new 2019/20 Season Football Tipster Guide.

It features our take on 16 of the very best football tipsters we have uncovered over the past 13 years with updated ratings, rankings and recommendations on the best experts for you to follow this season.

Highlighting the experts with a proven history of making money for those shrewd enough to follow their football tips.

You can also read detailed interviews with many of these top tipsters including their strategies for the coming season and their tips and advice on how to make a profit football betting.

It also includes details on 2 expert football tipsters providing their advice for free to Smart Betting Club members this season.

Sign-up now to gain instant access to this guide (and the entire SBC back catalogue)

Significant & Exclusive Tipster Discounts

Inside the 2019/20 Season Football Tipster Guide you can also read details on several significant discounts available on the cost of these tipsters – exclusively available to SBC members.

You can often save more than the cost of a Smart Betting Club membership by taking up these discounts!

Exclusive SBC member savings include:

  • £100 off the cost of a season with the ‘Hall of Fame’ Scottish football expert;
  • 30% off your first purchase of any Pyckio.com football tipster;
  • 25% off the cost of a top-rated acca and free bets loophole tipster;
  • £21 off the cost of joining another long-running profitable football service;
  • 150 Euros off the cost of a season with a non-league football guru.
  • 5% off 2 different betting exchange laying services

Full details on these savings (and many others) are available to you with a Smart Betting Club membership.

The Best Tipsters On ALL Sports

If you want to know about the best football tipsters (Plus Horse Racing, Tennis, Golf, NBA, NFL, Darts & many other sports) then a Smart Betting Club membership will be right up your street.

Best of all, you can now sign-up totally risk-free thanks to our money back guarantee, which ensures if you find our service not for you, then you can get a full refund.

Meaning you have everything to gain and nothing to lose from joining our exclusive club!

Subscribe NOW to the Smart Betting Club and gain instant access

Best Regards

Peter Ling

Smart Betting Club Owner and Founder

The Football Acca Tipster Up 55% ROI In 2 Seasons

A few months back I released details on the recommended football tipster making outstanding profits from his football acca (accumulator) tips.

Well the good news is this football guru has continued to ramp up the acca profits and he has just released a guide for the new football season to reveal all about his methods. (which you can download for free – details follow…)

The tipster in question is called Matchday Profits and as as one of the featured experts in our brand new 2017/18 Football Tipster Guide, its a great example of just how you can make money betting if following the right experts.

So far, Matchday Profits have made 133 points profit at 55% Return on Investment from acca betting alone with a 63% strike-rate of success! 

Download The Free ‘How To Win With Football Accas’ Guide

Matchday Profits is the brainchild of football betting guru, Paul Ruffy and we have been proofing his winning acca advice since the start of the 2015/16 season.

To showcase his profitable acca acumen, Paul has put together a free 12-page guide on his betting strategy for you to download.

>> Click Here To Get Your Free Guide <<

Within this free guide you can read:

  • How he has turned the tables on the bookies (who view acca punters as cash cows);
  • Why his method is safe to follow (he is not bonus bagging)
  • His ‘Bankers & Base’ acca strategy and how you can replicate it;
  • His performance with and without acca insurance;
  • The best ‘acca’ bookmakers to place your bets with.


133 Points Profit @ 55% ROI Last 2 Seasons!

I am happy to recommend Paul and his Matchday Profits service, having proofed and reviewed it on behalf of SBC members since it began.

I have been hugely impressed by his unique and sensible strategy to make a profit betting on football accas, which traditionally have been viewed by bookmakers as a very lucrative market (It attracts what they term ‘mug-punters’).

Paul has turned this on its head as his table of results below prove (presented both with and without the of ‘acca insurance’)

  • With Acca Insurance (whereby bookies refund your stakes if 1 leg of your acca loses) he has made 133.09 points profit at 55% ROI from 240 accas.
  • Even if betting without Acca insurance, you will still have made 73.29 points profit at 31% ROI.


You can read much more about his approach to acca betting and exactly why we rate his service so highly in his free guide.

Its a simple 12-page PDF that could make a massive difference to your football betting profits this season!

>> Click Here To Get Your Free Guide <<


Save 25% On Matchday Profits With SBC (Limited Offer)

In an exclusive deal, all Smart Betting Club members can now also save 25% on the cost of a year’s subscription to Matchday Profits.

Instead of the usual price of £127 for a year, through the special discount link provided to you as a Smart Betting Club member, you can join Paul’s service for just £95.25

But be warned – Paul tells me that he can only offer this discount for a limited time only. Due to demand, he expects to have to remove this offer in the very near future.

So if you want to follow him in – NOW is the time to act.

As ever, this special saving is ONLY available to Smart Betting Club subscribers as part of the unique ‘Tipster Discounts‘ we negotiate on their behalf.

Due to the way SBC is funded by member subscriptions – we are able to negotiate these unique deals and pass 100% of the savings onto you as a member. Helping line your pockets, not ours!

Once you have signed-up for your Smart Betting Club subscription, simply visit our members area, click on the ‘Tipster Savings’ link and you will find full details on how to take-up this special discounted Matchday Profits subscription (plus several other major trials and discounts unique to SBC!)

<< JOIN THE Smart Betting Club TODAY >>

See you on the inside.

Peter Ling
SBC Editor


“I believe so strongly in SBC’s ability to help your betting, you can subscribe with a 100% cast-iron 90-day money back guarantee”.
SBC Editor – Peter Ling     Subscribe Now



Under The Microscope: 2017/18’s Best Football Tipsters

The new season is nearly upon us and to help you find the best football tipster(s), you must check out our fantastic new 2017/18 Season Football Tipster Guide!

Inside it features our take on 12 of the very best football tipsters we monitor with updated ratings, rankings and recommendations for the new season.

You can also read detailed interviews with several of the expert tipsters included on their strategies for the coming season and how best to maximise their advice.

Sign-up now to gain instant access (and the entire SBC back catalogue)

The 2017/18 Season Football Tipster Guide

SPR Cover Part 2

Significant SBC Member Discounts

Inside the 2017/18 Season Football Tipster Guide you can also read details on several significant discounts available on the cost of these tipsters – exclusively available to SBC members.

You can often save more than the cost of a Smart Betting Club membership with many of these discounts combined!

The discounts include:

  • 15% discount on a top rated South American tipster
  • 10% discount worth £34.90 on a major football league tipster
  • Up to £40 off the cost of one of the most popular system based tipsters
  • A 25% discount on the cost of the Matchday Profits service (worth £31.75)
  • £100 off the cost of a season with a well liked Scottish football expert
  • 60 Euros discount on the cost of a season with a non-league football guru

Full details on these savings (and many others) are available to you with access to the Smart Betting Club website.

Subscribe now to take full advantage and save!

Team Up With These 2 Other SBC Reports

An an SBC member you can also access two other reports to help provide you with the most comprehensive guide to the best tipsters: The latest Sports Tipster Profit Report AND Horse Racing Tipster Profit Report.

The Sports Tipster Report was released last week and features updates on 24 of the best sports betting experts we continually monitor. Including details on the new Hall of Fame Tennis tipster hitting a 10.5% ROI from 1480 tips AND the Baseball expert averaging 133% betting bank growth each year.

Secondly, our latest Horse Racing Tipster Profit Report was released in June and provides the complete rundown on the best 34 racing tipsters for you to follow. Including the on-fire racing expert averaging 6X betting bank growth annually AND the free tipster up £2713 since June 2016.

SPR Cover Part 1  SBCTPRJun17Cover

 Gain Instant Access & Save Up To £38 On An SBC Membership!

If you want to know about the best football tipsters (Plus horse racing, tennis, golf, nba, nlf and darts) then why not subscribe to the Smart Betting Club today and gain instant access to all these reports and more!

Best of all if joining the Smart Betting Club today you can also save up to a whopping £38 on the usual cost of membership.

This is because we have slashed the price of joining to ensure as many people as possible have access to our reports, magazines and guides.

We know we can make a difference to your punting – so why not sign-up right away and get started immediately. (There is a 90-day money back guarantee available after all!)

Best Regards,

Peter Ling
Smart Betting Club Editor


One Simple Step For Betting Success With Tipsters In 2012

If you are one of the legion of joggers I saw struggling around the local park on New Year’s day, I salute you!

If you’re still at it six months from now, you’ll not only be doing well, you’ll be one of the few who stick to their new year resolutions. These guys aren’t fitness fanatics or that different from anyone else – Their secret is to keep things simple and start with small, realistic goals to get them started. Cold and rainy outside? The successful few tell themselves they’ll go out for just 10 minutes, anything to get their feet outside rather than slip and give the training a miss.

It all starts with that one simple step.

It’s exactly the same when it comes to making money from betting. It’s too easy to dive in at the deep end or not get started because you think it’s too complicated.

This is where a membership to Smart Betting Club (SBC) comes in. We help you make that first simple step to making money from your betting.

It’s not the only step you’ll make, but it’s an important first step that most people miss.

And when it comes to making money betting your first step should be to… follow the top performing tipsters as outlined in the SBC Profit Report. Let me show you why… Continue reading

The Free Bets That Would Have Grown Your Bank By 116%

One question we are often posed here at the Smart Betting Club refers to what type of bets a keen punter should look to focus on if he wants to be a success, especially when betting on Football.

Very often the simple answer for this is…look at the type of bets the bookmakers advertise and then go nowhere near them!

Because if you were to login to a bookies website or visit your local turf accountant shop, you would quickly notice the type of bets they advertise, which are in markets such as…

  • First goalscorer
  • Correct score
  • Refunds if a certain player scores the winner

It isn’t because bookmakers have suddenly seen the light and actually want you to win money, but more the fact they know these type of bets are very hard to call.

The bottom line is these type of bets pay for bookies to go on holiday…or more likely these days,  swell the shareholders coffers!

Therefore the next question that might fall from your lips could well be…

So what bets should you look for when football betting? Continue reading