New SBC Podcast with big priced winner specialist, Richard Hutchinson of Hanbury Racing

The very latest SBC Podcast has just been published featuring my in-depth discussion with the owner of the Hanbury Racing tipping service – Richard Hutchinson.

This episode is the perfect accompaniment for the detailed SBC review of Hanbury Racing and the edge it has to both bookmakers AND at Betfair SP.

Our review identified the service had a 32% ROI to bookmakers and 37.7% ROI at Betfair SP at the time of publication.

You can listen to this episode now via Apple / Spotify / Google and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

You can also watch both Richard and I record this episode on the SBC YouTube Channel


Richard began Hanbury Racing in 2020, after he won £188,000 after being victorious in the Tote Ten To Follow competition – giving him the platform to start a new life finding winners for a living.

His specialty is finding overlooked horses at big prices for each way value with regular winners over the past 2 years at prices as big as 100/1. Richard explains his process behind how he finds these horses and just why he prefers this approach to betting at short odds.

In fact – just last week Richard picked out yet another 66/1 winner to continue his phenomenal record!

We get into the challenges that betting to a high odds/low strike-rate approach brings and the mindset required to make it work.


To coincide with the release of the podcast and SBC review, Richard has put together a special 25% discount on the cost of joining his Hanbury Racing service.

This is exclusively available to SBC paid members only as part of the special trials and discounts we negotiate on their behalf.

The cost of a 12 month Hanbury Racing membership is £346, so you can save as much as £87.25 through this special deal.

Very often you can save more than the cost of SBC membership with these special deals, including others such as

  • Save 25% on the cost of your first 3 months with the Bookie Bashing service (worth £66.75)
  • Save 50 Euros on the cost of a month’s subscription to Winner Odds
  • Trial the Northern Monkey Punter service free of charge for 2 weeks (exclusive SBC member only deal)

Explore more of these tipster trials and discounts

Hanbury Racing – A 32% ROI with bookmakers and 37.7% ROI at Betfair SP.

What do you think makes a great horse racing tipster service?

  • How about one with a long term profitable record of 32.36% ROI to advised prices over the past 2 years?
  • How about one that is not only profitable at the bookmakers but also at betting exchanges, including to Betfair SP?
  • How about one that is currently offering a huge 25% discount for those with a Smart Betting Club membership?

Well the service examined in our latest Tipster Review ticks all 3 of those boxes.

That service is called Hanbury Racing and with 2 years worth of profits behind it, our detailed review confirms it’s a tipster that is really doing the business for followers

Hanbury Racing is run by Richard Hutchinson, the owner of the Mega Tipsters platform, which he launched after winning the Tote Ten to Follow competition back in 2020 when he won £188,000. Richard has a real talent for finding value at big prices, including another 66/1 winner just last week.

Richard’s tips are also lucrative at Betfair SP, where over the same bets during the past 2 years he has posted a 37.77% ROI after commission is deducted.

That’s a considerable increase on the 32.36% ROI at advised bookmaker prices.

To put the icing on the cake, Richard has also agreed to provide SBC members wishing to join his Hanbury Racing service with an exclusive 25% discount. This is exclusively available to SBC paid members only as part of the special trials and discounts we negotiate on their behalf.

All this amazing info can be found in the latest SBC tipster review which is only accessible to SBC members.

Learn more and join SBC here

Lies, damned lies and statistics in the tipster world

In the crazy world we live in currently, the collection and analysis of data is never far from the headlines.

Whether it be examining political polls, interest rates and inflation or the spread of Covid-19, the ability to interpret complex data and make informed decisions from it is key.

As we have seen from the different approaches to Covid-19 across the world, many ‘experts’, especially the uninformed ‘sound-bite’ variety, struggled to interpret data correctly and made often perhaps well-meaning, yet flawed decisions.

Yet, what you may ask – does that have to do with betting?

The reality is that whatever field you work in, interpreting data and its outputs is vitally important, including in SBC’s world of tipster reviews and recommendations.

Yes, we can review a tipster from the basics of data. Pick out what they made over the last 3 months or simply pile in on one that made the most money in 2021, but would that be right?

That is what many simpler tipster review sites do though. Follow a tipster for 3 or even 6 months and say “Yep, this one is good – click this link to join them and we get a 40% share of any memberships you purchase”

The issue with this approach is two-fold.

Firstly the fact these affiliate review sites get paid for who they refer to a tipster (a topic for another day), and secondly, because they are simply recommending those who are hot or enjoying a purple patch over a short-term period.

These is no guarantee that any bettor or tipster enjoying a good 3 or even 6 months, will also be the best option for years to come. They might have simply got lucky.

Let’s be clear on this point because the goal of what we do here at SBC is to outline the tipsters that can make you money betting not just tomorrow, or next month, but for years to come.

Hence why we never go overboard on say just 3 months of results or small sample sizes – or even for that matter use affiliate links in our review, which financially compel us to give positive reviews to something we might not believe in.

Digging Really Deep Into A Tipster

Our quest to get the most detailed, accurate data on a tipster, has informed what we term our ‘Advanced Tipster Analytics’ that now form a standard part of every SBC tipster review.

Much of the work in these Advanced Tipster Analytics has been ported over from other investment worlds and the outputs provided help us make more informed decisions on just which tipsters offer the best chance to make you a profit betting.

To explain briefly how they work – effectively when the SBC team reviews a tipster, alongside reviewing the live, proofed data we have, we also run ‘Monte Carlo simulations’, which replicate the profile of the service over many million data points.

So rather than calculate what might happen when analysing 1000 or 2000 live bets from a tipster, we do so over say 90 million – a much more useful data set.

The results of these simulations can help to answer key questions for any given tipster such as:

  • Is a betting record more likely to be based on luck or skill?
    Getting to the heart of whether you want to risk your money following them…
  • What kind of losing runs or drawdowns might you realistically expect?
    Helping you cope with them when a bad run hits!
  • How do their live results compare to their simulation results?
    Very useful in identifying a tipster that might be lying about their live results
  • Have they benefited from some freak results and outliers that are unlikely to be replicated?
    I.e. Have they got really lucky with a big 100/1 winner or 500/1 each way double?
  • What size betting bank do you REALLY need?
    Because betting professionally is about building a bank!

No Complex Maths Knowledge Required

The good news is that you DO NOT need to understand any complicated mathematics to benefit from exploring these advanced outputs or ‘scores’ we publish as standard in each tipster review.

All you need to do is to simply follow the easy to understand explanations we give and the context to the scores published.

To further help with this, as an SBC member you can also read the Advanced Tipster Analytics Guide we have published that explains things in a simple manner.

Again – no difficult maths knowledge is needed beyond an understanding what each rating means and how a tipster scores in context and if this is good or bad (or in-between)

And naturally, the scores we see from a tipster, then directly contribute to whether or not the SBC team deems them worthy of a Hall of Fame recommendation.

I.e. The tipsters we advocate you should follow based on all the evidence in front of us.

Detailed Tipster Analysis As Standard

All SBC tipster reviews now undergo the Advanced Analytics treatment whereby we run a Monte Carlo simulation to really get to the bottom of just how good they actually are (or not!)

Ultimately though, whether you use this extra detail or not and simply just follow the SBC team’s recommendations, you can have peace of mind that no stone has been left unturned in our quest to make the most accurate predictions of which tipsters you should follow.

So, if you are interested in learning more on tipsters including the ones we recommend following and all of our reviews, reports and analysis on the tipping world, why not sign-up for a SBC membership today!

See you on the inside…

Best regards,

Peter Ling

Smart Betting Club Editor

If you have any questions on this article or a Smart Betting Club membership in general, you can contact me directly via