SBC Issue 120: Nigel Seeley’s Premier Sports Plays reviewed, Betmarkets & how to get better prices on Betfair

The very latest SBC Magazine (Issue 120) has just been released and is available for immediate download to all Smart Betting Club members.

It’s a jam-packed issue containing 3 key articles that can help make a massive difference to your betting as follows:

  1. Our detailed exploration of the new platform making a huge splash in the tipster world. Connecting tipsters with punters with automatic bet placement, as an SBC member you can enjoy a 2% deposit bonus
  2. An in-depth review of the Premier Sports Plays tipping service from renowned bettor and former odds compiler, Nigel Seeley. He has built up quite the following over the past couple of years and we explore all aspects of his football tipping output. Also includes a 25% discount on the cost of his service – exclusive to SBC members.
  3. The latest SBC Insight article exploring betting sequences and just how you can get better prices by timing your horse racing bet placement on Betfair. It outlines a simple strategy based on the odds of any horse you want to take, which can ensure you get better odds either in the live Betfair market or at Betfair SP.

Access to this latest SBC Magazine and our entire back catalogue (119 issues strong!) is available NOW with a Smart Betting Club membership. Sign-up now to gain instant access

See you on the inside!

Peter Ling
Smart Betting Club Editor




The recommended tipster with 26 losers in a row – understanding sequences & the maths that underpin value betting

Be honest with yourself. How likely are you to stick with a tipster, no matter how good their reputation, if they put up 26 losing bets in a row?

Chances are that most people, especially if paying for tips would throw in the towel long before they placed the 27th bet.

Yet, that is exactly the situation that unfolded with the SBC Hall of Fame service, the Daily Bargain in October when the first 26 bets of the month all lost.

(A Hall of Fame service is simply one of those we fully advocate to SBC members after several years of monitoring, thousands of results and deep analysis of the tipster in question)

As Steve who oversees the Daily Bargain puts up 1 bet a day, that was 26 days of consecutive losers, which will no doubt have seen some posing questions such as why have we at SBC recommended this service in the first place?

It must be some kind of mistake or perhaps even a scam as surely no subscription charging tipster could ever put up 26 losers in a row, could they?

Well, yes they can and in today’s article I am going to explain why as part of a very important discussion on mathematical sequences I would encourage you all to read.

Why Understanding Sequences Is Vital When Betting

Many losing bettors are fooled by their lack of understanding of sequences in relation to the odds and strike-rate of the tipster they follow.

A run of 26 losers in a row, whilst sounding unlikely, is in fact entirely reasonable to expect given the strike-rate of the Daily Bargain.

The historical strike-rate for this service over 2500 bets since 2012 has sat at 14.89%. Just under 1 in 7 bets win.

When we run this past the wonderful ‘Don’t Go Broke’ article I regularly reference from the Daily Bargain website itself, a tipster with a 15% strike-rate is rated to have as follows:

  • A 75% chance of 25 losers in sequence
  • A 50% chance of 30 losers in sequence
  • A 25% chance of 36 losers in sequence

So as unlikely as it sounds a run of 26 losers in sequence is reasonably likely to happen over a large enough sample size.

The Turnaround…

The above is important as it gets to the heart of a flawed viewpoint that many new punters wrongly believe – that if you pay for tips, you should win more often.

The reality is that you will continue to win just as often as the strike-rate of the tipster dictates. If the tipster wins 15% of the time, you will still win 15% of the time long-term.

Over the course of a short-term period, you will always see fluctuations in that – just as we saw in the first 26 bets of October for the Daily Bargain when it hit a 0% strike-rate.

Yet, what I haven’t yet discussed in this article is what happened between the 29th October and the 2nd November as you might have guessed by now…things changed!

Each of the 5 bets advised during this period by the Daily Bargain all won to make back the losses incurred in the first 26 bets of October and add plenty of profit on top.

To simple 1 point stakes, a deficit of -26 points had risen to a profit of +17.67 points.

A swing of 43.67 points in your favour.

What a turnaround and reward for those following during the fallow days of October for their patience. The losing run had been easily absorbed.

Taking as a whole, over the course of the 31 bets between the 1st October and 2nd November, this saw 31 bets advised, with 5 bets winning.

Which equates to…you guessed it a 16.12% strike-rate of success.

Just a smidgen above what the service has achieved long-term since 2012.

It is also worth pointing out here that during those 26 bets in October without a winner, 6 of them placed, finishing 2nd or 3rd at odds of 20/1, 10/1, 7/1, 7/1, 13/2, 11/2. So, it is not as if they all ran badly – sometimes it’s just a series of near misses that go against you, during a bad run. You must remain patient for the rewards to come your way.

I should also make clear that in the 10 days since the 2nd November and this article being written, the Daily Bargain has also enjoyed three more big winners at 8/1, 12/1 and 9/2 so the rewards for being patient in October are now being reaped big time.

The Same Maths Apply Whether Paying For Tips or Not

The truth is that even if paying for a quality tipster service like the Daily Bargain, there is no getting away from the maths that underpin betting.

So don’t be fooled into the notion that if paying for tips, they will lose less.

They will lose the same amount as their long-term strike-rate dictates. In the Daily Bargain’s case – 15% of the time, they will win. 85% of the time they will lose.

What will change is the profits you make based on the odds you place the bets at.

Because as long as taking a value price, such as the Daily Bargain advocates, then over the course of time, you will end up in profit.

Yet these profits never come in a straight line. You might get 26 losers in a row; you might get 5 winners in a row.

The sequences will change. At times they will frustrate you and at others they will delight you. You simply have to be patient and not fall into the trap that gets so many punters who don’t understand the simple mathematics behind sequences.

The trick is not to micro-manage and live out your results day-to-day or week-to-week.

If you do so, you might fall into the trap of quitting too soon. Like any punters that stopped following the Daily Bargain after the 26th loser in October…

The Importance Of A Betting Bank

To help you cope with sequences, you also need a betting bank to cover yourself when bad runs hit.

This is why we recommend a 100 points bank for the Daily Bargain, because even if you joined on the 1st October, you would have only lost 26% of your bank at that point.

Come the 2nd November, you would have been up 17.67 points or 17.67% of your bank.

The betting bank is there to help keep your staking in check when a bad run hits, because all bettors, no matter how experienced do feel the pain of losing to some degree.

Over time and once you have ridden this storm a few times, it gets easier to handle, but if new to betting in this way and if you struggle to keep focus when in a losing spree, a betting bank is absolutely crucial.

Don’t forget either that each individual bet you place is almost always totally disconnected from the last bet you placed (assuming placed on different games/races)

So just because your last bet won or lost, it makes it no likelier that your next bet will do the same.

The horse running in the 3.10 at Kempton you have just backed has no idea that the horse you backed yesterday in the 2.20 at Wolverhampton lost.

It’s a completely different race with different horses, jockeys and conditions entirely. So try not to think about runs of ‘good form’ or ‘bad form’ and instead focus on the bigger picture.

That alongside a greater understanding of the betting strike-rate can make a world of difference to your betting.

And as ever you also need patience. Patience in abundance at times, but for those of you able to apply this to your betting – the rewards are there with the right tipsters.

Discover More On Top Tipsters & How To Win With SBC

If you are interested in learning more about both the top tipsters we recommend AND what it takes to win long-term as a bettor, then you might like to consider a Smart Betting Club membership.

Not only do we guide you as to the best tipsters to follow like the Daily Bargain, via our Hall of Fame ratings and regular Tipster Profit Reports.

But we also do our best to explain, educate and inform on how to setup like a professional and handle the psychological swings of betting.

For every tipster we review and recommend we give ratings and scores on things like risk and profitability as well as guidance on the size betting bank you need if following.

You can also read the Pro Gambler Blueprint guide (65 page PDF) and our special 54-page Betting Psychology Guide, entitled ‘How to get the Betting X-Factor‘ as an SBC member.

Furthermore, you can also save on quality tipsters such as the Daily Bargain thanks to the discounts we offer SBC members. For example, you can enjoy an extra month free of charge to the Daily Bargain as an SBC member if subscribing to them.

Best of all you can sign-up today and enjoy a full money back guarantee if not satisfied by what we offer. Membership is available from as little as £29.99 per quarter.

Subscribe NOW to the Smart Betting Club and gain instant access

Best Regards

Peter Ling

Smart Betting Club Owner and Founder

If you have any questions on this article or a Smart Betting Club membership in general, you can contact me directly via I respond to all emails as quickly as I can!

SBC’s extensive review & podcast on the new Betmarkets game-changer tipster platform

Friday saw the release of one of the most hotly-anticipated reviews SBC have ever released – our exploration of the new platform making a huge splash in the tipster world.

The interest is easy to understand as Betmarkets allows you the opportunity to automate the following of expert tipsters and have all their advised bets placed on your behalf.

Styled as the e-toro of the betting world, the Betmarkets platform removes the need for you to do anything but choose the tipsters you wish to follow and how much to have risked on each bet they put forward.

Already they have more than 30 quality tipsters onboard and to gauge the service, the SBC team have been actively using Betmarkets since May, during which time more than 2200 trades have been placed on our behalf and a profit has been made.

In this major review, we explore all aspects of the Betmarkets platform from its setup and licensing through to the tipsters they have onboard and exactly how profits are made and distributed. Plus of course the fees for usage, licensing and safety/security of money deposited.

SBC members can also enjoy a special 2% credit on their first deposit with Betmarkets. So if you deposit €2000, you will get €40 back in credit set against any future fees. This is an exclusive offer available ONLY to Smart Betting Club members and part of the benefits of our service.

SBC Podcast Interview With Betmarkets

To coincide with the release of the official review, SBC Editor, Pete also interviewed the Betmarkets CEO, Afonso Vieira in the very latest SBC Podcast.

You can download and listen to this for free via all the usual major podcast directories including SpotifyGoogle & Tune-in. It will also shortly appear on Apple Podcasts.

Explore The SBC Review & Access The 2% Credit

You can read our full exploration of the Betmarkets service and discover how you can enjoy a 2% credit on deposits with a Smart Betting Club membership.

Not only can you read our detailed Betmarkets guide, but also access the ENTIRE Smart Betting Club service including all our SBC Magazines, Tipster Profit Reports, Free Tipsters, Pro Betting Guides & more.

This includes access to our full 15 year back catalogue and no quibble money back guarantee.

Subscribe NOW to the Smart Betting Club and gain instant access