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Smart-Bash 2024

Friday was a long day.  It was an early start to catch the train that would get me to the Big Smoke, and from London Euston to Chelsea FC, in time for the first speakers at Smart-Bash 2024.  And before I go any further, can I just make a request to Virgin Trains that they up the ante when it comes to their bacon rolls!?  Richard Branson, if you’re reading this (and why wouldn’t you be?), you need to take a long hard look at yourself if you think that is a bacon roll.  It isn’t!

On what was a very hot day, it was a bit of a relief to arrive at Chelsea FC (not a line I’d ever thought I’d type) and into the air conditioned conference suites.  It was even more of a relief to just have time to grab a coffee before going straight in to listen to the first panel.

The whole thing got off to a perfect start in my eyes.  Nothing too complex; there was time for the caffeine shot to work its way into the system and kickstart the old grey matter.  But what we listened to was thoroughly entertaining betting and gambling talk and stories that made us chuckle from both sides of the punting fence.  What was clearly apparent was that both bookmaker and punter alike, a love of racing and the betting game was clear and obvious and set the tone for what was to come.

It was a shame to see a number of delegates take an unscheduled break for refreshments as the second panel took the mic.  This was a discussion around governance, legalities, affordability checks, etc.  There could be a fairly robust argument that these topics are the most important facing serious bettors today, and yet it was a little difficult to escape the notion that maybe some are sticking their heads in the sand and hoping the problems might just go away.  A call to collective arms to seek representation for punters within the corridors of power was a powerful message to take away.  Will this happen?  I guess only time will tell.

Further panels covering gaining an edge over the golf markets, the psychology behind the players and the role of analytics in golf betting was genuinely fascinating, as were the afternoon sessions dedicated to subjects such as effective staking from WinnerOdds, emerging technology and the use of crypto (very thought provoking), betting syndicates, and how to profit from using the Exchanges.

Thanks to a number of people who said “Hello”, and especially to Derek who remembered something I’d written within the Bet Diary a couple of years ago about cricket tipsters.  Derek,  if you’re reading, thank you for the insight…and even just for remembering.  Oh, and Up the Hatters! 🙂

To sum up then, there was a huge amount of excellent stuff to learn through the day.  Like most things I find with betting, a lot of information is to be mulled over, pondered upon, and thought through.  You can take bits of knowledge learnt, and see how they might benefit you, or not, as the case may be.  But I’d much rather have the knowledge and separate what is worth trying from what is not, depending on personal circumstances, than not having the knowledge at all.  And for this, the Smart-Bash was exceptional.

The only way I can think of a way in which it might be improved for next year, is to maybe try hosting at the Emirates, North London.  But then, I would say that, wouldn’t I? 😉


On enemy territory, Weekly Golf Value going mad!, and costly Euros.

Really looking forward to the Smart-Bash down in London tomorrow.  Will be the only time I go to Chelsea FC without Arsenal playing, of that there is no doubt, but for once I shall overlook the fact that I regard myself as being on enemy territory and just enjoy the occasion.  If you’re reading this and going, come and say “Hello!”.  I’ll be the one in the full Arsenal kit!

Last week was 99% losing, and 1% winning, with the winning bit coming right at the end.  I was looking down the barrel of a bad week until Harry Hall won a play off in the PGA Tour tournament to land odds of 50/1 and give the remarkable Weekly Golf Value their third winner in as many weeks.

There are so many similarities with last year for WGV.  The first half of the year proving to be something of a struggle before really hitting some form and making profit like there’s no tomorrow.  I’ve made the equivalent of 39% bank growth this month alone, and my ROI is looking much more healthy than it did this time last month.  Just shows how quickly things can turn around.

Tom Brownlee has been talking in his videos (well worth a watch as he visually records 25 days of betting, found on the Bookie Bashing website) of waiting for the heater to return when enduring a cold run.  Stay in the game, and the good times will return.  Hear, hear to that!

Weekly Golf Value Figures: Staked 5,805 pts, +995.32pts, roi 17.14%, roc 66.35%.

If you’re a WGV follower and thinking hang on, those figures for 2024 to date are much better than mine, don’t forget I used the Tracker for the first few months of the year.  That has changed last month and this, as my son is putting down the WGV bets only using his accounts.

For July only, WGV figures look like this:

Staked 594pts, +581.19pts, roi 97.84%, roc 38.74%.

It’s The Open this week.  Let’s see how we get on.

Not so positive have been the various Value Bets I’ve been placing, as you can see here:

Staked 778.5pts, -284.17pts, roi -36.5%, roc -18.94%.

Let’s make sure we keep this in context.  For the year to date I’m up 474.89 points at an ROI of 9%.  This is simply illustrative of how different methods and strategies can run either hot or cold.  I guess that’s the advantage of having a “portfolio” as such.  Avoiding putting all eggs in one basket can help ease the volatility.

With the Euros now over, my attention for these bets is turning more towards the World Matchplay Darts this week, and I’ll report back on how that goes.

Clearly though, no bets on Friday.  Too much time travelling, and learning down at the Smart-Bash.  Can’t wait.

Lucky 15s on ice, sourcing value at the Euros, and WGV hit 2 winners in 2 weeks!

Let’s continue on our update by taking a (brief) look at the Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker and the performance of what I call Value Bets sourced from the various Bookie Bashing tools and Bet Tracker.

There really is nothing to report on the Racing Tracker as finding Lucky 15s from this has essentially ground to a halt.  It’s a temporary halt, but I’m not at all sure when using this Tracker will resume.

The figures are, therefore, exactly the same as the last update:

Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker (Lucky 15s): Staked 3,995pts, -489.11pts, roi -12.24%, roc -32.6%

The fact is that I don’t want to put undue strain on online accounts and would much rather concentrate on using cash in shops, and here lies the problem.  I’m not currently able to get out and about at lunchtimes with any level of consistency to get the bets down.  This will change, but for now I/we have decided to reallocate the funds elsewhere within the services/strategies followed.

It feels a little strange to be doing this.  After all, the Racing Lucky 15s were by far my most lucrative source of betting income in 2023, but when Sky Bet restricted my lad’s account (it is still of use, just not as useful as it had been until then) this is the decision we took.

The Tracker isn’t going anywhere.  Just going to have to concentrate on hitting shops again when able.

As for the Value Bets, this is where we stand:

Staked 5,012pts, +635.51pts, roi 12.67%, roc 42.36%

As you would expect, the Euros have been dominating this sector, and we’ve been pretty busy on the Exchanges, taking advantage of value being found in the Enhanced Specials offered up by BetDaq and Matchbook.  This really is a great bank builder – liquidity isn’t always great, although better for the Euros, but even to small stakes you can keep a regular churn of profit coming in.

In addition to those we’ve been searching for value in the Anytime Goalscorer markets and had recently started looking at players being carded.  The latter has brought great early success with 3 of the first five bets being landed.

What we have found though is that there have been a couple of instances of a particular match proving to be the source of good profit, or a fairly significant loss.  Siding with the Germans and players to score plus Enhanced Specials on the first match of the tournament – Germany vs Scotland – got things off to a great start.  But there have been one or two matches since, particularly once the group games had been completed, where scoring was low and bets on players to score or shots on target accumulated a significant loss on the match.  I’ll tally everything up across the tournament and see how we’ve fared after the final at the end of this week.

Finally for today, a mention for the second winner in consecutive weeks for Weekly Golf Value, with 20/1 shot Davis Thompson landing the spoils in the US last night.  Great to see WGV find some consistent form and my ROI from finding bets for myself using the Golf Tracker, and now simply following WGV advice has broken the 10% ROI marker for the first time this year.

Covid, the EP Tracker takes a well earned rest, and can WGV have a strong second half to 2024?

Deep apologies for the enforced break.  Bloody Covid!

Yep, it’s not gone away, and to be honest, it hit me for a bigger six than any Tino Best would have hit if not trying to mind the windows!  Fortunately, as I’m now effectively in a joint venture partnership with my lad, betting didn’t come to a standstill as it might have done previously.  And in fact, looking at the bright side of things, it’s been an interesting exercise to get someone else’s thoughts and viewpoint gained from a practical perspective.

So I need to bring these pages up to date, and I thought that the best way to do this might be a series of posts, each of which will concentrate on a couple of the services/strategies used at a time, and including questions that have been raised and thoughts discussed between Joe and myself.

So we’ll start with the Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker and the Lucky 15 strategy adopted to utilise it.

Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 8,100pts, +1,657.5pts, roi 20.46%, roc 110.5%

A very small drop in the P&L from the last update, and only a handful of Lucky 15s placed.  In fact, no Lucky 15 bet has been struck for over a week now and there are a couple of reasons for this.

Firstly, with a lot of the domestic leagues currently on their summer break, there have been far fewer teams appear on the Tracker than is the case during the main football season.  However, that is not to say the Tracker has been blank.  It hasn’t, and it is still possible to get some bets down if you wanted to.  Which leads us on to the second point.

Although it is possible to get maybe one or two Lucky 15s on each day, to do so, it is often necessary to include matches that are being played days ahead.  In some correspondence I had with an SBC member a few weeks back, it was pointed out to me that the bookmakers aren’t particularly going to take kindly to this.  In other words, placing high liability Lucky 15s that include teams upon whom a very early price is being taken might catch the attention of the Traders, and nobody wants to do that when it can be avoided.

The way I use the EP Tracker during the main football season is to first look to see what bets I can make using teams playing within the next 24 hours, and then the next 48.  Generally speaking, I can get four or five Lucky 15s down each day without having to look at teams playing within 72 hours.  Right now, it’s almost impossible.

So after discussion, we’ve decided to knock the EP Tracker on the head until the new football season starts in August.  The account we use primarily for these bets is precious, not least when it comes to following a service such as Winner Odds, which is something I’ll talk about in a later post.

Weekly Golf Value

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/Weekly Golf Value: Staked 5,211pts, +414.13pts, roi 7.94%, roc 27.6%

Now let’s take a look at WGV.

Joe and I decided to slim down how we bet on the golf.  As you may know if you are a regular reader, at the start of the year when I was limited to betting in cash and on the Exchanges only, I used the Tracker and bet win-only using the likes of Smarkets and Matchbook.  When Joe opened new accounts we used the Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker to find our own bets and mixed them with WGV selections.  For the past month or so, and essentially due to timing, we decided to simply back the WGV bets that come out on a Wednesday.  Moving forward we will undoubtedly go back to using the Tracker to find our own players to back in each tournament, but right now it simply suits us to keep things as simple as possible.

This has coincided with something of a return to form for WGV which to official figures had until recently been in deficit for the year.  However, three weeks of good each way place returns and then this Sunday a winner at 45/1 has pushed things back in the right direction and I believe as a result the official figures have just broken through into positive territory.

Our own personal ROI from what is now a mix of our own bets sourced from the Tracker and WGV picks is creeping up towards the 10% ROI mark, which is good to see.

It was also good to see us get some luck on Sunday too, when for all the world Cam Davis, our winner, looked unlikely to end up as another to go close and place rather than win (Seconditis has been a curse this year!) but with a bogey on the last from a rival, Davis was left on his own at the top of the leaderboard.  Hallelujah!

Sadly this was the week when no other golfer in either of the PGA and DPWT tournaments placed, so the overall profit wasn’t that much greater than the previous week when we had four or five place but no win.  But who’s complaining?  Not us, that’s for sure.

I remember last year WGV struggled a little through the first half and then bagged a number of winners in the second half of 2023 to end up with another great year overall (23.8% ROI to official numbers) and so of course, we’re hoping for similar this year.  Whether that happens or things go the other way, it matter not in the long term.  The Golf Tracker/WGV is a winner.  Patience and good bank management will always be rewarded.

In the next post we’ll look at what’s happened with the Lucky 15s sourced from the Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker, and from our Value Bets.

Until then…


Early thoughts on WinnerOdds – so far so good!

When you go away on holiday, the last thing you want to do is to come home cream crackered, but when the holiday is to the City That Never Sleeps, I suppose it isn’t too surprising to return to normal life far more tired than when you left!  Not sure if it’s jet lag or just the fact that very long days spent walking and eating are bound to take it out of you, but either way I’ve got to admit I’m struggling to get back into the home routine.  For anyone who has never been to New York, I would strongly recommend it.  An amazing place.  But save your pennies before you go.  It ain’t cheap!

With my lad putting on the Winner Odds Football bets whilst I was away, we’ve now completed one month with the service and I thought it appropriate to provide some thoughts.  For the purposes of this post I’ll use the month’s figures, but as a pre-warning, the back end of last week has seen the biggest drawdown we’ve had, which whilst not being particularly big in itself, has meant that the current figures are down on those I’m about to talk around.

So what are those Month 1 figures?

Bets: 420.

Bets per day: 14.48

Points staked: 4,944

Profit: +232.51pts

ROI: 4.7%

(To give some idea of the subsequent drawdown, my ROI is currently standing at 1.49%).

The first thing to say is that Month 1 went well, essentially matching longer term performance expectations.  Past historical track records over many thousands of bets peg the target ROI at 5%, so to come within 0.3% of that is satisfying.

How has the experience so far been?

You know what?  I’m really pleased to have a betting “partner”!  Seriously, I can recommend having such a person as highly as I recommend visiting New York!  And when it comes to Winner Odds Football, Joe’s help and input has been invaluable because quite frankly, placing so many bets – especially when working full time – can at times be a bit of a slog.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting for one second you can’t follow Winner Odds if you’re doing everything on your own.  You can.  But with a service such as this where the higher the turnover you can achieve the better in the long run, having someone to share the load with is, I’ve found, more than useful.

Interestingly, when I use the WO website and examine the “Average User” stats, using the same size bankroll, over the same period, the ROI stands at -0.4%, which is quite the discrepancy.  I guess that we could, to an extent, have been somewhat fortunate in the picks that we’ve backed.  Every user is going to have a different betting history, dictated most by the bookmakers they have available to them, so over a short time frame, it would be easy to be the right or wrong side of variance.  However, as I said, turnover is important.  We’ve backed an average of 14.48 bets per day, the average user by comparison, 9.38.  That’s 65% of the total of picks my lad and I have supported, and I reckon that can be significant.

What is a shame I feel, is that just as we were really getting into it, the bet supply has dried up a bit.  Whereas Winner Odds Football takes bets from football leagues all over the world, there simply aren’t as many leagues currently in action.  Before I signed up, I read that this is traditionally a period of the year when the number of picks coming through dries up a bit, and this is something we’re definitely seeing.  A short losing run is now biting, and partly I feel because over the last week, we’ve had notably fewer bets, a higher proportion of which have lost.

The other interesting point to note is that despite the number of bets, the ride has still felt pretty rocky.  I guess this has been down a lot to regularly checking in on results, which is always a silly thing to do but inevitable in the excitement and the natural curiosity that comes when following a new service.  Weekends have been particularly busy, with say 30-40 bets playing out on the Saturday.  That’s a range of bets that can see considerable rises and falls as you go through each match, but we soon realised that checking results at the end of the day gave a feeling of far more stability and gradual progression.  Very easy to be sucked into a bad habit when working with a new service of checking results far too often!

So, all good so far.  The big question mark remains over how long we can go avoiding bookmaker restrictions, but only time will tell with that one.

Betting 2024

Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 8,055pts, +1,677.76pts, roi 20.82%, roc 119%

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/Weekly Golf Value: Staked 4,483pts, +88.43pts, roi 1.97%, roc 5.89%

Golf (Win Only): Staked 217pts, -217pts, roi -100%, roc -21.7%

Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker (Lucky 15s): Staked 3,995pts, -489.11pts, roi -12.24%, roc -32.6%

Bookie Bashing Value Bets Tracker: Staked 3,661.5pts, +828.2pts, roi 22.61%, roc 55.21%

DD/HH: Staked 844pts, -473.50pts, roi -56.1%, roc -47.35%.

Golf Betting Club: Staked 1,376pts, +153.34pts, roi 11.15%, roc 10.22%

NFL strategy: Staked 94.5pts, +95.45pts, roi 101%, roc 9.54%

Sys Analyst: Staked 3,178pts, +400.47pts, roi 12.6%, roc 26.69%

Touchdown Profit: Staked 120pts, +75.44pts, roi 62.86%, roc 7.54%

Winner Odds Football: Staked 4,944pts, +232.51pts, roi 4.7%, roc 15.5%


Up and running with Winner Odds Football, Value Bets true to their name, and being a muppet.

A very good, solid week in the end, but can’t escape the feeling that it could have been much better.

It was great to start making a profit with Winner Odds Football, and after 113 bets struck through the week, and being just shy of turning over the bank 100% (97%) an ROI of 7.28% is higher than I could have hoped for.  When accounting for the slight loss the previous week, the total ROI now stands at 4.84%.  It’s far too early to draw any conclusions as yet, but as the long term target here is to canter along at 5% ROI it was quite pleasing to see the early figures run so close to that marker.

Like I said last week though, the secret here is going to be getting on.  Already I/we’ve lost 10bet, who have been quite pathetic.  It’s not as if the liability for most individual bets is that big.  We’re backing a lot of bets at very short prices – long odds on in a fair number of cases – but clearly 10bet have no stomach for a fight.  No surprise there, I guess.

It was a strong week for Value Bets sourced from the various Tools available through the Bookie Bashing site plus the Bet Tracker.  The returns have now all but eradicated the losses from the recent small drawdown and this week will hopefully see a push through the previous profit high.  Six winners from ten Any Time Goalscorer bets by far the biggest contributor to the profits, and the ytd ROI of 20% is way higher than anything I could have hoped for.

Sys Analyst contributed well to the coffers too, although I was a little fortunate in a couple of bets not being backed due to price availability.  I haven’t checked too closely, but where I was playing cricket on Saturday precluded me from striking any bets at all, and I believe I’ve come out the right side there.

The only slightly sour note was my golf picks from the Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker.  I usually see myself backing the Weekly Golf Value picks if I’ve not already picked them up myself from the Tracker.  For some unfathomable reason though, I neglected to do so last week for the PGA Championship.  As a direct result, I wasn’t on winner Xander Schauffele, nor 2nd placed Bryson De Chambeau.  What an absolute tool I am!  A fine example of first class muppetry!

Betting 2024

Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 7,860pts, +1,785.14pts, roi 22.71%, roc 119%

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/Weekly Golf Value: Staked 3,745pts, -238.75pts, roi -6.37%, roc -15.91%

Golf (Win Only): Staked 217pts, -217pts, roi -100%, roc -21.7%

Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker (Lucky 15s): Staked 3,860pts, -501.41pts, roi -12.98%, roc -33.42%

Bookie Bashing Value Bets Tracker: Staked 3,518.5pts, +719.06pts, roi 20.43%, roc 47.93%

DD/HH: Staked 844pts, -473.50pts, roi -56.1%, roc -47.35%.

Golf Betting Club: Staked 1,376pts, +153.34pts, roi 11.15%, roc 10.22%

NFL strategy: Staked 94.5pts, +95.45pts, roi 101%, roc 9.54%

Sys Analyst: Staked 3,005.15pts, +373.31pts, roi 12.42%, roc 24.88%

Touchdown Profit: Staked 120pts, +75.44pts, roi 62.86%, roc 7.54%

Winner Odds Football: Staked 2,733pts, +132.3pts, roi 4.84%, roc 8.82%

TOTAL ROI: 6.95%

Introducing Winner Odds Football

A major addition to the squad with Winner Odds Football being signed for an undisclosed fee (well, actually, you can see the fee by looking at the cost of subscription on their website, but play along with me).  The length of the contract has not been released but both parties hope that this is the start of a long term relationship that rewards both handsomely.

I’ve bitten the bullet, and my early impression is that this is going to be an interesting ride.  Never before have I had any financial interest in football matches being played in Botswana, Zambia, or the Polish Regional League 3.  But I have now!

This is a busy service, and I’m aiming over time to be striking at least 10-15 bets per day.  That’s a lot, but from all the reading into the service and digging I’ve done, the more I put into this the more I should ultimately take out.  The name of the game here is turnover – turn the bank over as many times as possible as quickly as possible, thus allowing the inherent edge every chance to show itself.

The big question of course, is keeping relevant accounts open.  How quickly will we be restricted?  I’ll keep you up to speed on that.  I am exploring other options too.  My genuine belief is that this is a service that can provide serious profit…IF you can get on.  Trying to future proof that ability is something I’m currently giving a lot of thought and consideration to.

This may be something I can seek help from at the forthcoming Smart-Bash.  There’s going to be a whole heap of folk wiser and more experienced than I am when it comes to profitable betting, and that’s a ridiculous understatement!  Perhaps a bit of mingling and networking will provide some insight and answers to some of the questions I have.  Really looking forward to it!

As for last week’s betting, I’m going to post the figures and leave it there.  It was the very epitome of a break-even week, with no big losses or big wins anywhere.

Betting 2024

Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 7,395pts, +1,761.79pts, roi 23.82%, roc 117.45%

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/Weekly Golf Value: Staked 3,637pts, -184.63pts, roi -5.07%, roc -12.3%

Golf (Win Only): Staked 217pts, -217pts, roi -100%, roc -21.7%

Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker (Lucky 15s): Staked 3,770pts, -565.47pts, roi -14.99%, roc -37.69%

Bookie Bashing Value Bets Tracker: Staked 3,256pts, +574.64pts, roi 17.64%, roc 38.3%

DD/HH: Staked 844pts, -473.50pts, roi -56.1%, roc -47.35%.

Golf Betting Club: Staked 1,224pts, +134.3pts, roi 10.97%, roc 8.95%

NFL strategy: Staked 94.5pts, +95.45pts, roi 101%, roc 9.54%

Sys Analyst: Staked 2,844.05pts, +244.66pts, roi 8.6%, roc 16.31%

Touchdown Profit: Staked 120pts, +75.44pts, roi 62.86%, roc 7.54%

Winner Odds Football: Staked 1,271.1pts, -22.79pts, roi -1.79%, roc -1.51%

Summer betting, and making plans.

As we move into summer, the dynamics of what I bet on shifts a bit, and this year is going to shift significantly.  The main factor having a direct impact is that as you can imagine, Saturdays tend to be the busiest betting day of the week, and by quite some distance.  But as of this week just gone, I am now unable to do much on Saturdays.  Team meeting time for the afternoon’s cricket match is 10.30, which doesn’t leave much time for betting.

Take this Saturday just gone.  I was able to get the Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker Lucky 15s on, and that was it until I managed to jump on the Sys Analyst bets using 4G at about 1.00ish, and that was dependent on the team I play for batting first!

Why doesn’t your son do it for you then, I can almost hear you ask?

Well, simple reason.  He plays too.

The biggest effect is on using the Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker.  Due to the ever present threat of bookmaker restrictions, we’d always wait until at least 10.30 on the Saturday morning before putting any Lucky 15s down, and I’d then drive around various shops to get more down in cash.  Well, that’s not an option any more and won’t be until late September.  We never put Lucky 15s down on the horses during the week anyway, unless there’s a big Festival (eg. Cheltenham) on, so suddenly horse racing Lucky 15s have hit a temporary halt.

I can still quickly look for value in the Enhanced Specials markets on the Exchanges before I need to leave the house, but again because of the time liquidity isn’t good, so not really able to get much down there, either.

Reduced turnover across the summer months has been a perennial issue, but this year I intend to do something about it.

Watch this space…

Betting 2024

Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 6,885pts, +1,726.71pts, roi 25.07%, roc 115.11%

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/Weekly Golf Value: Staked 3,494pts, -109.30pts, roi -3.12%, roc -7.28%

Golf (Win Only): Staked 217pts, -217pts, ROI -100%, roc -21.7%

Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker (Lucky 15s): Staked 3,770pts, -565.47pts, roi -14.99%, roc -37.69%

Bookie Bashing Value Bets Tracker: Staked 2,867pts, +689.61pts, roi 24.05%, roc 45.97%

DD/HH: Staked 844pts, -473.50pts, roi -56.1%, roc -47.35%.

Golf Betting Club: Staked 1,204pts, +148.97pts, ROI 12.37%, roc 9.93%

NFL strategy: Staked 94.5pts, +95.45pts, ROI: 101%, roc 9.54%

Sys Analyst: Staked 2,739.05pts, +271.15pts, roi 9.89%, roc 18.07%

Touchdown Profit: Staked 120pts, +75.44pts, ROI: 62.86%, roc 7.54%

Value Bets: Staked 3,186pts, +571.04pts, roi 17.92%, roc 38.06%


The first through the 100% ROC barrier for the year, ROI now running at target, and acting the bufoon.

Another fantastic week for the Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker, and the approach of putting four teams into Lucky 15s.  I know there is more info being prepared behind the scenes here at the SBC on this strategy, so keep an eye out for that in the not too distant future.  The last two weeks in particular have provided some ridiculously strong results, this last week primarily down to catching four winners across two Lucky 15 bets.  Neither individually provided a return any more than 66% of the big one landed the previous week, but together they meant the overall profit across last week was greater than that the week before.

This strategy has so far in 2024, been by some way my most lucrative.  In the back of my mind – actually not too far from the front – is the worry about account closures, but what can I do.  The rate of return is justifying the journey so I’ve kinda resigned myself to an approach of making hay whilst the sun is shining.  I would anticipate too that it will be only a couple more weeks until the main European leagues come to a halt, so I would imagine that turnover may drop a little until they resume in August, but we’ll see.

The other point to note is that four months in to the year, the EP Tracker has reached the point where it’s bank has been doubled.  The ROC at the end of the week stands at 110.11%.  Bearing in mind it takes about 10-15 minutes each day to get the bets down, that must equate to a pretty healthy hourly rate!

Anyway, because of last week’s successes, the ROI for the year to date as a whole has hit the magical 10% mark that I tend to use as something of a target.  The key now of course, is seeing if that can be maintained.

Not much happening elsewhere, really, in what was something of a quiet week.  Golf Betting Club banked some profit but nothing that provided cause for “pants on head”, which is a shame.  I love @SBC Josh’s phrase, and relatively late in life, running around with aforementioned pants perched on one’s noggin is something I now aspire to.  As my wife has said mind you, perhaps I do need to get out more.

Betting 2024

Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 6,495pts, +1,651.67pts, roi 25.42%, roc 110.11%

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/Weekly Golf Value: Staked 3.127pts, -230.9pts, roi -7.38%, roc -15.39%

Golf (Win Only): Staked 217pts, -217pts, ROI -100%, roc -21.7%

Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker (Lucky 15s): Staked 3,770pts, -565.47pts, roi -14.99%, roc -37.69%

Bookie Bashing Value Bets Tracker: Staked 2,867pts, +689.61pts, roi 24.05%, roc 45.97%

DD/HH: Staked 844pts, -473.50pts, roi -56.1%, roc -47.35%.

Golf Betting Club: Staked 1,104pts, +206.97pts, ROI 18.74%, roc 13.79%

NFL strategy: Staked 94.5pts, +95.45pts, ROI: 101%, roc 9.54%

Sys Analyst: Staked 2,499.05pts, +511.15pts, ROI: 20.45%, roc 34.07%

Touchdown Profit: Staked 120pts, +75.44pts, ROI: 62.86%, roc 7.54%

Value Bets: Staked 2,867pts, +689.61pts, ROI 24.05%

TOTAL ROI: 10.13%