Smart Bash 2024: Expert Panels & Much More

In my experience, those of us who live and breathe gambling sound like we’re talking double-dutch to ‘normal’ people whenever anything betting-related comes up in conversation.

‘Winners’ vs. ‘a good price’ , ‘EV’ not having something to do with hippy cars and general probabilistic problems (do you price things up in your head too?!) are thought about in completely different terms by people who don’t work in or around the industry or in similar fields.

Smart Bash: Less than 50 tickets remain. Yet more big name speakers and guests announced!

Yet more big names have been confirmed for this year’s unique betting event – SMART-BASH and if you haven’t yet booked your ticket, now is the time!

That’s because there are less than 50 tickets remaining for the event, which is being held on Friday July 19th at Chelsea Football Club.

🎧SBC Podcast #75: Dylan From Pinnacle Odds Dropper On Market Moves, Automated Alerts & Beating Soft Bookmakers!

In the latest SBC Podcast I am joined by Dylan, the co-founder and co-owner of Pinnacle Odds Dropper (or POD for short!) who’s service was the focal point of the major review in our latest magazine!​

‘Chasing steam’, ‘top down betting’, ‘market movers’ and ‘warm money’ – all of these terms broadly mean the same thing – following in smart money to make a profit.

With sharp bookmakers (like Pinnacle) focusing their resources on keeping their prices up to date and ‘soft bookmakers’ often lagging behind, services like POD help followers to make profit when the former cut prices and the latter are slow to follow them.

In this podcast, Dylan and I discuss the concept, the software he and his team have built to help execute it and much more besides. The tipping landscape is constantly changing and this type of service is part of a new breed of customisable products that give bettors the edge!

Pinnacle Odds Dropper – Major New ‘Hall of Fame’ Service Review In SBC 143

The very latest SBC Magazine (Issue #143) has just been released, whereby we have a very detailed focus on Pinnacle Odds Dropper (or POD), a service that tracks sharp bookmaker moves to provide opportunities to profit from soft bookmakers (who are slower off the mark in adjusting their prices!).

Having used POD ourselves for several months and with a variety of benchmarked results to showcase, this review outlines just why we rate it of ‘Hall of Fame’ standard and how you can use it to eke a profit too.

International Help With SBC: Making A Profit Betting Wherever You Live!

Betting for profit these days is an international pursuit with bookmakers offering value prices and markets all across the world.

And with more and more new members now joining us at SBC from all over the globe, including Europe, North America and Australia, we have just introduced some new sections of the SBC members area to guide you on your betting journey, wherever you live!