Free 33 page sample of our Golf Betting Guide 🏌️⛳ Includes 5 Top Tipsters We Recommend!

Many of the sharpest punters agree – one of the best, most lucrative sports to currently bet upon is that of Golf.

Love it or loathe it from a sporting perspective, the number of great offers and terms that bookmakers offer (plus the value you can also get on the exchanges) has seen more and more punters start betting on the sport to earn a few quid!

Which is why today I want to again highlight the free expert golf betting guide that my team and I put together earlier this year to explain its potency.

It’s a 34 page free sample for you to download

New SBC Podcast interview with betting professional, Paul Chandler-Burns

The latest SBC podcast episode is out now and features an interview with betting professional, Paul Chandler-Burns on his many years working in the industry.

You can listen to this episode now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

Paul’s time as a full-time bettor saw him take advantage of edges in football ante-post markets, entertainment and reality TV betting markets (and the inside information that so often flowed in them) as well as golf and horse racing.

Winner Odds Review: The A.I Focused Tennis Tipster With A Superb Record

The latest SBC Magazine – Issue 129 has just been published and it contains a major new review exploring the popular Winner Odds Tennis service.

Winner Odds has been running since 2016 and with well over 50,000 tips generated by its artificial intelligence tennis betting algorithm, our independent review goes in-depth to investigate the profits made.

Twin Racing Experts – 2 fantastic new racing tipsters explored in SBC 128

Betting on horse racing is one the most popular sports for all kinds of punters – and for good reason – as with the right expert(s) to guide you, there is a serious edge to be made!

To back this up, in the latest SBC Magazine (Issue 128) the SBC team reviewed 2 very promising racing experts, both of whom have showcased a long-term profit betting not just with bookmakers, but also at Betfair SP.

This free-with-SBC tipster hits a new profit high with 41.75 points made in just one day

Are you looking for your next horse racing tipster but concerned about laying out the funds to join an expensive service? At the Smart Betting Club we cater for all budgets which is why we have a ‘Free Tipster’ section that provides quality services at no extra cost above your SBC membership payment. Quality services […]

Tipster update: ROI jump from 32% to 42% for this in-form racing expert

What a last few weeks it’s been since we reviewed Hanbury Racing! Since the cut-off point for our latest review that featured the prolific racing tipster, Hanbury Racing’s ROI has jumped from 32% to over 42%! That’s another 400 points profit in just a few weeks Better still, that ROI has shot up to 44% […]

New SBC Podcast with big priced winner specialist, Richard Hutchinson of Hanbury Racing

The very latest SBC Podcast has just been published featuring my in-depth discussion with the owner of the Hanbury Racing tipping service – Richard Hutchinson.

This episode is the perfect accompaniment for the detailed SBC review of Hanbury Racing and the edge it has to both bookmakers AND at Betfair SP.

Our review identified the service had a 32% ROI to bookmakers and 37.7% ROI at Betfair SP at the time of publication.

You can listen to this episode now via Apple / Spotify / Google and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

You can also watch both Richard and I record this episode on the SBC YouTube Channel

Hanbury Racing – A 32% ROI with bookmakers and 37.7% ROI at Betfair SP.

What do you think makes a great horse racing tipster service?

How about one with a long term profitable record of 32.36% ROI to advised prices over the past 2 years?
How about one that is not only profitable at the bookmakers but also at betting exchanges, including to Betfair SP?
How about one that is currently offering a huge 25% discount for those with a Smart Betting Club membership?

Well the service examined in our latest Tipster Review ticks all 3 of those boxes.

That service is called Hanbury Racing and with 2 years worth of profits behind it, our detailed review confirms it’s a tipster that is really doing the business for followers

Lies, damned lies and statistics in the tipster world

In the crazy world we live in currently, the collection and analysis of data is never far from the headlines.

Whether it be examining political polls, interest rates and inflation or the spread of Covid-19, the ability to interpret complex data and make informed decisions from it is key.

As we have seen from the different approaches to Covid-19 across the world, many ‘experts’, especially the uninformed ‘sound-bite’ variety, struggled to interpret data correctly and made often perhaps well-meaning, yet flawed decisions.

Yet, what you may ask – does that have to do with betting?

The reality is that whatever field you work in, interpreting data and its outputs is vitally important, including SBC’s world of tipster reviews and recommendations.

Certainly nowhere near as important as working out how to counter the spread of Covid-19, yet for those of us interested in betting and the goal of making money, it is important to us.

Yes, we can review a tipster from the basics of data. Pick out what they made over the last 3 months or simply pile in on one that made the most money in 2021, but would that be right?

3 tipsters revealed from March’s report including a service thats turned £1000 into £9500+ in under 4 years

The latest Tipster Profit Report from the SBC Team is out now and it contains over 40 tipsters reviewed, across multiple sports, price points and membership options. All told, it’s a surefire way to find a profitable tipster that fits your budget and betting portfolio strategy. Today I wanted to give you a taster of some of […]