🎧SBC Podcast #66: Chris Poole On His Career in the Betting Industry, ‘After Timing’ and Tales from the Inside!

In the latest SBC Podcast I am joined by Chris Poole, the Head Of Trading for Bet Victor and an essential X (Twitter) follow as he has a quite unique account, calling out the worst betting related boasting!

Chris has a wealth of experience, working his way up the bookmaking industry career ladder via multiple firms before settling into his current role with Bet Victor in Gibraltar.

Despite initially specialising on horse racing trading, Chris now oversees all of Bet Victor’s sports business, with over people 60 working in his team.

Alongside this, Chris has recently started a weekly Twitter ‘Spaces’ chat with the professional punter (and former SBC Podcast guest!), Johnny Dineen.

It was brilliant to get Chris onto the show to provide different perspectives from many of our previous guests as his job relates to stopping winners rather than finding them! I really enjoyed this chat and I am sure that you will too!

You can listen to Episode 66 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

An In-Depth Chat with an Experienced Industry Insider!

In this episode, Chris and I discuss:

  • The birth of ‘After timing Ansell’ on Twitter, the issues that it caused and Chris’s current social media activity
  • 26 years working in the industry, being a ‘dinosaur’ and starting out cashiering for an independent bookmaker
  • Progressing through the ranks to work for Boylesports, Paddy Power and Bet Victor
  • Moving to Gibraltar and adapting into a trading role
  • Chris’s early wins and how his grandparents influenced his love for ‘the game’
  • Early bookmaking experiences laying bets (and trying to arb!) on ‘The Crazy Gang’, sports days and Frank Bruno!
  • How Chris never has a ‘typical’ day in his current role
  • Personal betting in trading rooms
  • Football, horse racing and which sports make up the majority of Bet Victor’s trading each day
  • Surprising growth markets
  • Affordability Checks, proposed legislation and Chris’s reflections on how we have moved from the ‘wild west’ to the current day
  • Sorting the ‘shrewd’ bets from guesses, Twitter tipsters or other ‘momentum’ gambles
  • A scary multiple bet with three double figure selections that nearly cost Chris’s firm dearly
  • Minimum Bet Liability, Bet Victor’s attempt to launch their version of it and why it didn’t work when the big syndicates started to pick off prices
  • Best Odds Guaranteed and the issues it causes for traders
  • Chris’s foray into broadcasting alongside Johnny Dineen in their weekly X (Twitter) spaces horse racing chat, ‘The Morning Line’
  • The lessons that gambling can teach you and how it can help you in all areas of your life

Chris was a funny, engaging and knowledgeable guest and it was great to pick the brains of somebody with such a different perspective on the industry.

If you would like to hear more from Chris then you can follow him on social media @ChrisPoole___ and this is the perfect place to find ‘The Morning Line’ every Saturday morning.


🎥 Practical Demonstration of ‘Hall of Fame’ Pinnacle Odds Dropping Service 🎥

Last week saw the release of the first review from SBC Magazine Issue #137 as we introduced Chasing Steamers to our members.

Using AI to scrape Pinnacle odds drops, this service provides thousands of monthly bets that can be backed at value prices with soft bookmakers.

We used it extensively as part of our review process and found it to be very good, especially for those of you at Stages 1, 2 or 3 of your profitable betting journey and looking to build a bank.

Video Resource

To accompany our 18 page review, Josh and I recorded a practical 1 hour video explainer last week, a clip of which you can watch by clicking play below:

video preview

In the full 1 hour video, we talk about:

  • How the service works and who can make use of it
  • Our usage of it and the real life profits made.
  • Bookmakers and how to squeeze the most out of accounts by using less obvious ones!
  • Mistakes we made and tips to make the service more sustainable
  • How to get on selections (with live practical examples)
  • Recording results in an automatically updated personalised Google sheet
  • Conclusions about who it is for, how sustainable it is and things you need to consider before signing up

Sign Up For The Video & Detailed Report

Our detailed 18 page written report and one hour practical video explainer can be accessed immediately with paid SBC Membership.

Best of all, you can also enjoy a 15% discount on ALL Chasing Steamers subscriptions as an SBC member. Saving up to as much as £82.50 on a 12 month package with the service

Detailed reports, practical advice, member only content and considerable discounts are all examples of how we will help SBC Members assess this service but the benefits of membership don’t end there.

This page discusses everything that you can access with full SBC Membership – I would love for you to join us!

🎧SBC Podcast #65: Flawed Big Name Tipsters, BetMGM’s Value Boosts, Unbelievable ‘Inside Info’ & Using Chasing Steamers

In the latest SBC Podcast I am joined by SBC’s Josh as the Betting Clever podcast returns to tackle a whole host of important topics in the betting world.

We get into what’s going on with affordability checks, why we don’t think much to the petition about it and the reality of using the black market and its growth. We also touch on the Tony Calvin ‘furore’ and the real issues with free tip columns like his, how to take advantage of Bet MGM’s deep pockets and some of the ongoing work we are doing reporting on tipsters.

One tipster of note, which has already attracted a range of questions due to an 88% ROI headline & claims of using ‘inside information’ is something that we cover in depth. This gives listeners an insight to how we approach new services, what we look out for and how we are collectively quite cynical!

There is much more besides in the podcast linked up below and we have provided some timestamps underneath so that you can skip to different parts of interest.

You can listen to Episode 65 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

video preview

Two Members Of The SBC Chew The Fat

In this episode, Josh and I discuss:

00:00 Intro – The Return of the Betting Clever podcast

01:40 Hellos – Josh going too far after golf wins and our betting routines

04:05 Politics & Betting – Affordability, The fairly hopeless ‘Petition’, The Gambling Commission and favourite dinosaurs

11:56 The Black Market – Growth of unregulated operators and their issues

16:05 Rants – industry big wigs, naïve regulations & useless bureaucrats

19:50 Bet MGM – What are they doing entering the UK market & how we can profit from their boosts

23:42 Early Tipping – Tony Calvin, records, reactions and why these sites release information before markets have formed

29:00 Demetrio Giotti – making money on European basketball with Pinnacle

33:20 Inside Information – Pete & Josh’s cynicism & being pleasantly surprised

39:47 Chasing Steamers – who it’s for, our use of it and caveats

48:45 Headstart Racing – remarkable prices with this new free SBC tipster

This podcast series provides the perfect opportunity to discuss anything that you would like us to look at in the betting world so if you have any suggestions, please contact us through the usual channels and we will look to incorporate listener ideas into our future shows!


🎧SBC Podcast #64: Nick Goff on Football Betting, Syndicates and the State of the Industry

In the latest SBC Podcast I am joined by Nick Goffthe professional football punter, former industry trader and member of a highly successful syndicate.

Nick has an extremely interesting back story, with industry experience and management of markets for one of the UK’s leading bookmakers shaping his knowledge and expertise.

Disillusioned with the direction the industry was taking, Nick took the plunge and decided to back his judgement by becoming a full-time bettor seven years ago.

Antepost betting and day of game action make up the majority of Nick’s activity and to complement his own work, he is part of a group of very successful bettors who cooperate in a football syndicate.

With extensive knowledge of ‘both sides of the fence’, Nick is well placed to discuss issues in the industry such as affordability, the White Paper, bookmaker behaviour and suggested policies (such as Minimum Bet Liabilities).

In this interview, we cover it all. Nick has unique insights and I was delighted to be joined by a guest with such extensive knowledge. I enjoyed this chat and I’m sure that you will too!

You can listen to Episode 64 now via Apple / Spotify Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

An in-depth chat with a football betting expert

In this episode Nick and I discuss:

  • Nick’s work in the industry, working for four firms that no longer exist and progressing to become the Head of Football Trading at Coral
  • Learning from more experienced experts and amalgamating different insights to form his own punting philosophy
  • Building a bank, playing poker and betting on sports including snooker and NFL
  • Transitioning into full time punting, the challenges this presented and the support around him that helped to make it a success
  • How Nick’s betting has changed over time and how he has had to adapt as early markets have become more illiquid
  • Working cooperatively in a syndicate and finding others who have skills to complement each other
  • Discretion and the need to be less publicly open when working in a team
  • The White Paper, ‘frictionless’ affordability checks, shocking bookmaker behaviour and the state of the debate around gambling in the UK
  • The Black Market, its growth and who is likely to use it
  • Minimum Bet Liability and why Nick feels it an impractical way of dealing with over-zealous restrictions
  • The lack of long-term thinking in the industry to try and create more sustainable markets
  • The lack of expertise at the leading firms compared to ‘yesteryear’
  • 60-70 hour weeks – managing time, taking breaks and finding ways to take a break from an all-consuming role
  • Nick’s stoic attitude towards punting (and life!) and how he meets victory and defeat with the same face
  • Exacting revenge on a rude interviewer!
  • Plans for the future
  • Pearl Jam!

Nick was a fascinating guest and in addition to his insightful views, his outlook was something else that I loved about our chat.

If you would like to hear more from Nick, you can follow him on Twitter (or X!) @nickgoff79 and he writes a regular column for the ‘Not The Top 20‘ website.


🏇 An Update On The Very Best Horse Racing Tipsters 🏇

Ranked: The Very Best Horse Racing Tipsters

Following on from our recent Sports Tipster Profit Report, we have just released our brand new Horse Racing Tipster Profit Report featuring all of the latest results, ratings, league tables and recommendations from us for the very best racing judges.

Our 8 Hall of Fame rated tipsters are joined by 19 other top horse racing advisory services that have unique offerings for different codes of racing, odds ranges and betting strategies to make consistent profits.

Inside, you will find:

  • Updated results & figures for each tipster over the last 12 months
  • Latest ratings for everything from profitability and risk through to odds availability and cost
  • Comparative league tables to help you pick out the best racing experts
  • Our independent commentary to help you decide which tipsters you should follow in!
  • Any relevant notes on service changesexclusive SBC Member discounts and betting bank analysis.

For You: Find The Service That Meets Your Needs

As we all have different circumstances regarding things such as bookmaker availability, time and risk tolerances, this report has specific comparison tables to help narrow down your search to find the very best horse racing tipster for you.

These rankings include:

  • Overall SBC Ratings (with scores out of 5)
  • The best historical performance using a £2,000 bank
  • The best 12 month performance using a £2,000 bank
  • The best ‘Low Workload’ service
  • The best ‘ Low Cost’ service
  • The best ‘Odds Availability’ service (those with low price sensitivity)
  • The best ROI service

With so many options available, these rankings provide the perfect tool to filter services down before making a shortlist and finding the right tipster to start or grow your portfolio!

Read Now With A Smart Betting Club Membership

SBC membership grants you access to this report and a host of other great features, all designed to help you make money with betting.

Now is a great time to sign-up too as our memberships are currently priced very favourably, starting from as little as £49.99 + VAT for 3 months.

The monthly cost drops considerably if you choose a longer-term membership, adding extra value for those who decide to take up annual subscriptions.

At these prices, you can often make back the subscription fee with the numerous exclusive discounts and free trials we have available. Some discounts actually save you the cost of subscription many times over, so if you have considered any of the services that we preview, SBC Membership is a no brainer!

Plus, we’re so confident that you’ll love our subscription that we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked for up to 90 days, depending on your membership term.

If you have yet to make a profit betting OR if you are looking to add more profit on top of what you already make, then the time to get started is right away.

As soon as you sign-up you are given INSTANT access to the Smart Betting Club members area and all of our expert betting content.

Subscribe here and take your betting to the next level

🎧SBC Podcast #63: Stephen Harris From Betting Expert On Being A Bookmaker, Punter & Tipster!

In the latest SBC Podcast I am joined by Stephen Harris, a former bookmaker turned full time punter and tipster with decades of experience in the game.

Stephen lives and breathes betting and at the tender age of 20, he set out on his own as a bookmaker at his local dog track. Success quickly followed and Stephen built a successful career, working for industry firms alongside laying and using his nous to profit from his personal betting.

An expert in both greyhound racing and National Hunt racing, Stephen now bets full time and writes a daily column tipping for Betting Expert.

He has strong opinions especially when comes to the recent gambling legislation debate and provides clear, well-reasoned and articulate points in relation to the current betting landscape.

I hope that the powers that be are listening but aside from that, I’m sure that you will enjoy this chat!

You can listen to Episode 63 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

An In-Depth Chat With An Experienced All-Rounder

In this episode Stephen and I discuss:

  • Bookmaking from the age of 20
  • How relentless form study and video watching helped Stephen to form his tissues
  • Taking on some of the sharpest punters
  • Working in the industry for other firms
  • His day-to-day work pricing up greyhound and jumps races
  • Networking and getting help from others
  • Modern trading rooms and the lack of ‘old school’ skills
  • Affordability checks, hapless bureaucrats and the damage they could do
  • The Black Market, its growth and the problems it poses
  • The Racing Post, the media and some of the out of touch commentators
  • On course and cash betting and whether it could come back
  • Emerging markets and opportunities around the world
  • Betting Expert and Stephen’s tipping
  • A switch to recording results to BSP

Stephen has many tales to tell and his experiences lend him well to talk with authority about all things betting.

If you would like to know more about Stephen, you can follow him on Twitter/X @Stephenh61 and find his Betting Expert column here.
