Another Betfair SP tipster to follow in – the latest in our Betting Exchange Tipster series reveals all….

The 3rd review from the very latest SBC Magazine – Issue 117 is out now and focuses on yet another tipping service with a profitable record at Betfair SP.

It’s the latest review from our Betting Exchange series dedicated to helping you turn a profit following tipsters on the likes of Betfair, Betdaq & Smarkets. Ideal for those of you blocked and limited by bookmakers for winning!

You can access this latest review and our entire 15 year strong back catalogue of tipster reviews and articles the instant you join the Smart Betting Club.

Is this our most popular racing tipster review ever? ? ? ? Major Betfair SP edge

Monday saw the release of the very latest SBC Tipster Review and it’s safe to say it might well be one of the most popular pieces we have ever published!

Speaking to the tipster behind it all on Wednesday, he told me that already more than 60 SBC members had signed-up to be on the restart list for the service – which is due to begin advising tips again on the 20th June.

This re-start delay is simply to ensure they only advise tips when they have enough solid recent racing form to go off, since the sport itself only began behind closed doors on the 1st June.

The reason for the popularity is easy to understand as this tipster ticks a lot of boxes such as…

Read our updated review of this ‘Hall of Fame’ racing tipster service. Free download inside

To help showcase how the Smart Betting Club can help you, today I have a free sample review to share about the in-form Wizard of Big Odds racing tipster service.

The Wizard of Big Odds service is attracting a LOT of interest at the moment, based on the fact they are bang in form and have now made 389.77 points profit @ 30.19% ROI from 1216 advised bets to bookmaker prices.

Quite a record thus far and in this review you can read our detailed take on the service they offer.

The ‘Pro Betting Fundamentals’ to guide you towards long-term betting success

With racing just a week away from returning and several football leagues gearing up for their resumption, the sporting and betting world is about to get really busy very soon.

All of which means that right now it’s a great time to you lay the foundations for REAL betting success whilst you have the time to do so (i.e. with no sporting or betting distractions!)

This might be by getting to grips with the betting banks and staking plans they use or by learning how to adopt the psychology of a winner and understanding the key value betting concept all successful punters use.

These foundations are not difficult or time consuming to put in place – yet you would be surprised how much of a difference to your profit and loss figures they can make!

Answered: Your questions on getting started with tipsters…how much it costs, what you can realistically make and more..

Last week, I revealed details on the new ‘Getting Started With Tipsters’ section now available to SBC members and how it can help you if unsure of exactly how to begin on your profitable betting journey.

It’s release actually prompted a few emails from those of you keen to know more about the process of betting for profit with tipsters, so I thought I would answer a few of the most prominent queries below

I tackle everything about how much you need to get started, what you can potentially make through to how to deal with bookmaker limits when winning….

Interview with the punter making 5 figure profits annually with tipsters

I want to share with you my interview with one long-term SBC member, Dave, on how he runs a successful tipster portfolio – one that now makes him a five figure profit each year.

Having exchanged several emails with Dave over the years, I approached him earlier in 2019 to ask if he would be willing to reveal more on how he does it and to share some of the secrets behind his success. The idea being to provide some real-life inspiration and guidance as to how he is making money betting using tipsters.

Thankfully, Dave was only too happy to help answer my questions, including details on a few of the key tipsters he follows and how he juggles the practicalities of running a winning portfolio.

Here then is our exclusive interview with Dave on his profitable tipster portfolio

Deeper Betting Knowledge: Why understanding your ‘risk profile’ can make such a difference to your punting profits

Whilst much in the betting world has changed in the decade, one thing that hasn’t are the risks involved in betting and how we as humans understand this and are affected by it. Nor the immutable rules of investment such as the fact that anything promising you a high reward almost always comes at a higher risk.

It is therefore important that we understand risk and how we as humans react to it.

Yet most crucially of all from a betting point of view – how we can calculate our own risk profile and how that should inform the way we bet and the tipsters we follow.

3 of our top 10 ‘tipster tables’ including the best low cost & all-time tipping experts

Last week saw the release of our latest Tipster Profit Report, which is quite literally your ticket to finding out just who the best-rated tipster services actually are – those experts with a proven track record of success.

It’s not just results that we evaluate either, but everything from odds availability, customer service, practicality, cost and much more besides. All with the central aim of informing you as to who the best tipsters actually are.

And so to showcase the power of this report, I wanted to share with you extracts from it, including the tables outlining the top 10 tipsters rated by cost, all-time record and performance over the past 12 months.

Looking to increase your betting knowledge? Discover the best tipsters in this new report

If the current lockdown and sporting/betting hiatus has you looking for ways to utilise your time productively, then it could well be a perfect opportunity to explore how you can learn how to make a profit by following the best betting tipsters. Starting today with the release of the very latest Tipster Profit Report, which features everything you need […]

Deeper Betting Knowledge Part 2: Using Monte Carlo Simulations To Evaluate Tipsters

In these quiet times for sport and betting, it’s an ideal time to look to develop our knowledge and skill sets and as part of that, in this new 2-part series I want to walk you through a series of Monte Carlo simulations we use when evaluating a tipster and just why they are so important.

Many of them have been ported over from other investment worlds and serve to help us make more informed decisions on just which tipsters offer the best chance to make you a profit betting.

The full Advanced Tipster Analytics Guide and the Monte Carlo Simulation outputs for each tipster are available to full SBC members, yet in this 2-part article, I want to outline what they are and how exactly they can help when evaluating a tipster.

The good news is that you DO NOT need to understand any complicated mathematics to benefit from exploring these advanced outputs. Simply follow the easy to understand explanations we give and the context and scores we put the ratings in.