The 2023 SBC Awards Have Arrived

Will Smith slapping Chris Rock… Ricky Gervais ‘roasting’ Hollywood Royalty… Jarvis Cocker storming Michael Jackson’s performance before he got to Moonwalk.

All of these are ‘award incidents’ that stick in the memory but we think that we have something coming up that will be more memorable than all of them!

Tipsters, writers, bookmakers, experts and websites from across the land have been waiting anxiously for their moment. Well it has arrived as voting is now open for the SBC Awards 2023!

🎧SBC Podcast #55: 🐴 Andrew Mount – Racing author, broadcaster, tipster, ex pro-punter/odds compiler & massive Scoop 6 winner

In the latest SBC Podcast I am joined by Andrew Mount, the well-respected horse racing punter, author and tipster who currently produces content for various outlets, including and Sportslens.

Andrew has a wealth of experience in the industry – bookmaking, odds compilation, pro-punting, writing, journalism and tipping – he’s done it all! Including hitting the jackpot several times on the Tote Scoop 6 and making a small fortune.

It is impossible to listen to Andrew and not learn something along the way. This chat covered so many areas of interest and I thoroughly enjoyed it – I’m sure that you will too!

You can listen to Episode 55 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

SBC Magazine #134 is out now!

17.27%, 31.12% & 22.39% ROIs inside!

SBC Magazine Issue 134 has three very different services that have remarkable records.
Consistent double-digit returns are quite something and all of these services have just that – 17.27%, 31.12% and 22.39% ROIs are waiting for you inside. All three reviews can be read in full as a member of the Smart Betting Club,

🎧SBC Podcast #54: 🎾James from Tennis Pilot on his service’s edge, building an AI system, bookmakers and more!

In the latest SBC Podcast I am joined by James, one half of the brains behind the recently reviewed tennis tipping service, Tennis Pilot.

English and Philosophy & Theology degrees at Oxford University may not be typical starting points for successful tipping services, but a shared love of tennis drove James and his partner Nicholas to bet using their combined expertise.

7 years, nearly 7,000 bets and a freshly built AI system later, we talk about the partners’ journey to success in a fascinating chat.

You can listen to Episode 54 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

🎾 ACE! Let Tennis Pilot Guide You To Profit!

Following my fascinating chat with David Lovell of DragonBet last week, the latest Smart Betting Club Podcast sees another ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ join me for an interview.

Anthony Kaminskas has done it all. Cashiering in bookmaker shops, trading at the sharp end for Paddy Power and pro-punting with specialisms in multiple sports.

His bookmaking venture, AK Bets, started life in the form of pitches across Irish racecourses and Anthony stood out from the crowd immediately by introducing his own way of doing things.

Now, he has expanded into the online betting market with and he has big plans to shake that market up too…

You can listen to Episode 53 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

🏇 Another Racing Service Beating Both Betfair SP & Bookmakers – The Latest SBC Review!

Following my fascinating chat with David Lovell of DragonBet last week, the latest Smart Betting Club Podcast sees another ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ join me for an interview.

Anthony Kaminskas has done it all. Cashiering in bookmaker shops, trading at the sharp end for Paddy Power and pro-punting with specialisms in multiple sports.

His bookmaking venture, AK Bets, started life in the form of pitches across Irish racecourses and Anthony stood out from the crowd immediately by introducing his own way of doing things.

Now, he has expanded into the online betting market with and he has big plans to shake that market up too…

You can listen to Episode 53 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

SBC Podcast #53🎧 Anthony Kaminskas of AK Bets on his new online bookmaking website and doing things differently

Following my fascinating chat with David Lovell of DragonBet last week, the latest Smart Betting Club Podcast sees another ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ join me for an interview.

Anthony Kaminskas has done it all. Cashiering in bookmaker shops, trading at the sharp end for Paddy Power and pro-punting with specialisms in multiple sports.

His bookmaking venture, AK Bets, started life in the form of pitches across Irish racecourses and Anthony stood out from the crowd immediately by introducing his own way of doing things.

Now, he has expanded into the online betting market with and he has big plans to shake that market up too…

You can listen to Episode 53 now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)

Navigating The Tipster World Profitably – What My Betting Has Taught Me (And How It Can Help You)

What is the point of a tipster? Profit on paper or in the punter’s pocket?
Prices, timing, account restrictions and the realities of betting on tips.

I’m Josh, an SBC member and full-time punter. In addition to my own racing betting, I use tipsters to diversify my income alongside doing some work for Pete at the SBC. 

Here, I am trying to write about tipsters from a follower’s perspective. Hopefully, I can provide some insight by referencing my own betting experiences and discussing the tipping industry as I see it. To begin with, I write about things as they are at first glance, with the mechanics of tipping and following being the main point of discussion. The ‘Elephant In The Room’ may make a lot of these observations moot, but it is only fair to take all involved at face value.

SBC Podcast #52 🎧: David Lovell From The Bookmaker DragonBet

In the latest Smart Betting Club Podcast I am joined by ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ David Lovell, who is one half of the duo that runs the independent bookmaking firm, DragonBet alongside his brother, James.

Immersed in the betting world from an early age thanks to their bookmaking father, John Lovell, both David and James have recently launched to go alongside their on-course bookmaking in Wales.

David provides a refreshing vision for what a bookmaker should be as we discuss the mechanics of running a smaller firm and how they differentiate themselves from the faceless corporate books.