Earlier this week saw the release of the very latest SBC Tipster Profit Report, featuring updated tipster league tables, tipster ratings and recommendations on the best betting experts to follow in 2017.
Did you know that for each of the tipsters we report back on, you can also find a dedicated ‘Key Facts’ tipster ratings page, which provide unique and informative ratings on everything they offer?
Whether it be the profits a tipster is making, how much they cost, how patient you might have to be if following or even just how achievable their advised odds might be – we regularly update these tipster ratings to keep you fully up to speed on just who the best (and sometimes worst) tipsters actually are.

Tipster Ratings & How They Can Help You
My team and I rate each tipster we monitor on 10 different aspects of the service they offer. This is based on a scale of 1 (very bad) to 5 (very good) and we constantly update these ratings to ensure they are relevant.
To help showcase how they can help you, here is a brief guide to the ratings we provide for each tipster and exactly what they indicate:
Returns (AKA Profits!): This is always the first rating we supply as ultimately a tipster is only as good as the profits it can make you. The greater the profit, ROI or betting bank growth, then the higher this rating will be!
Risk: There is always an element or risk in following any tipster, yet for some the level of risk is greater than others. For example, a tipster with only a 1-year history of profitable tips is in essence a riskier proposition than a tipster with a 5-year profitable record.
Equally a tipster that chops and changes strategy every few months is going to rate poorly compared to an expert with a more settled method. Our risk rating communicates exactly how ‘safe’ your money might be when following a tipster.
Cost: Exactly how much does a tipster charge and how does that compare with others offering a similar service? The cost rating rewards those offering the best value for money service and helps you find the best, more affordable expert.
Odds Availability: For many tipsters, especially those supplying racing tips, odds availability is a critical tipster rating. After all, if you as a potential customer of a tipster are unable to obtain the odds they claim, then there is little reason in following them.
We base our odds availability rating on the in-depth odds tracking we perform in each review we publish. This odds tracking gauges the individual price movements of any advised tip over time (e.g. after 15, 30, 60 minutes) and compare it to the results the service utilises. The easier it is to obtain or improve on the settled odds, the greater this rating and appeal to you as a potential member of their tipping service.
Transparency: With this rating, we relate just how open and honest a tipster is. For example – do they publish accurate and detailed results on their website or do they keep them hidden from view? Transparency and openness is key in the tipster industry.
Customer Service: We also keenly observe the customer service experience you might receive if a member of any given tipping service. How quickly do they reply to emails and how do they treat you as a customer? This rating outlines our experience and understanding of the quality of service on offer.
Suggested Portfolio Weighting: Should you choose to join a tipster, exactly how much money and what proportion of your betting bank should you apply to them? This rating outlines our recommendation, based on our overall confidence in the service and the strength of our ratings.
Patience: How long might you need assign in terms of time to ensure a clear profit from following any given tipster? Our patience rating outlines this and is based on the profile of the tipster, their historical record and the odds/strike-rate they operate to.
Points Betting Bank: For each tipster we analyse, we also suggest the size ‘points betting bank’ we advocate you use to maximise your profits. This is designed to cover potential losing runs and maximise winning runs without ever going ‘bust’! Its all part of the money management advice we provide to help you make the most from your betting.
Recommendation: Our final rating provides an overall guide to the recommendation we currently apply to any tipster. The higher a tipster rates and the longer it has been in service, then the greater the recommendation for you to purchase a subscription with them.
Currently we provide each tipster with one of the following 5 recommendations:
- Strong Buy – We fully recommend this service as one to follow.
- Speculative Buy – We recommend this service although with some noticeable caveats, which can be observed in their SBC review.
- Hold – If you have a current subscription to this service, we recommend you continue to follow. Those of you without a subscription to the service, should not start following.
- Watch – A tipster we need to observe further. We do not recommend anyone joins and if you do have a subscription, we recommend you proceed with extreme caution.
- Sell – We do not currently recommend. If you hold a subscription, we recommend you stop following.

Get A Fully Informed Tipster View
All the ratings when combined can help provide you with a fully informed view of just who the best tipsters might be to suit your preferences.
- If you are looking for the most affordable tipster going – then the cost rating will help
- Perhaps you are looking for the safest tipster out there – if so, the risk rating is your friend
- Maybe you simply want to join the tipster with highest profits – the returns rating is what you need.
As we list 10 ratings for each of the 57 tipsters we currently track – in total you can currently access 570 different ratings as an SBC member. More than enough to help you find the right tipster for you!
Hall of Fame & Member Funded
To help you even further, we also put the very best tipsters in our ‘Hall of Fame’, which is our regularly updated list of top tipster recommendations.
Best of all, as the Smart Betting Club is 100% member funded, all our ratings and Hall of Fame recommendations are totally independent and affiliate/kickback free – unlike almost all other ‘tipster review’ websites.
We accept no payments or rewards for penning favourable tipster reviews. So if we say a tipster is good, it’s because they genuinely are, not because we have been paid to say so!
(And if you want to know more about this – feel free to search for other tipster review sites and see how they link to the tipsters they feature. Very often they will use affiliate links such as from clickbank or their own in-house affiliate programs, which pay the reviewer a share of income if you join the tipster services they recommend)

Up To £35 On An SBC Membership!
You can pick up your copy of the latest Tipster Profit Report and access all of our tipster ratings, the instant you join our service at the Smart Betting Club.
You can also now join and save up to £35 as part of our specially discounted 2017 membership prices.
Making it a great time to sign-up and see how we can help you and your betting!
Subscribe NOW to the Smart Betting Club
Best Regards,
Peter Ling
Smart Betting Club Editor