In this week’s column, we have rounded up the most popular blog articles from the first 7 months of the year so far…
1. The Bookie Tricks To Watch Out For!
Bookmakers love to pretend to be on your side, although the reality is often quite different…After all – they only make a profit when you lose! So to help you understand them better, here is a list of 6 bookie ‘tricks’ to watch out for.
2. Yet More Bookie Tricks Uncovered & Why They Hate Us!
The second part of our ‘bookie tricks’ series with even more secrets revealed…plus why they hate us at the Smart Betting Club.
3. How To Find Winners (And Avoid Losers)
Betting successfully is about being skilful not just lucky (although a bit of luck is always welcome!) and it’s the same for tipsters. Check out the results of our tipster ‘luck simulator’.
4. The Diamond Racing Tipster With 290.1% Bank Growth
Extracts from our review of the GT Tips service and how it achieved nearly 3 times betting bank growth in a 2 year period.
5. Rocket Scientists Look Away – Football Betting Made Easy
The deliciously easy to follow football tipster and their 2 very profitable football systems. Combined, both systems have made over 550 pts profit from 4300 bets.
6. Interview With Pro Gambler Peter Green
An exclusive interview with profitable gambler – Peter Green and how he went from mug punter to perennial winner by following the right tipsters.
7. Are You A Victim Of The Betting Odds Conspiracy?
Most punters don realise they are victims of a betting conspiracy where they bet with the wrong bookmakers and miss out on the best odds. Find out how you can change this…
8. The Best & Worst Racing Bookmakers
Check out the results from our Independent Bookie Guide, where we reveal the top 7 and worst 3 racing bookmakers out there.
Enjoy These – Pick Up The Monthly SBC Magazine
If you enjoyed these articles, you may want to consider joining the Smart Betting Club, as we publish a full 30+ page magazine full of tipster reviews, articles and interviews each month.
Not only this but as a new member you also gain access to our full back catalogue, which dates back to May 2006! This contains hundreds of reviews of tipster services, systems and ratings products as well as interviews with betting experts and how-to guides.

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