It’s one of the most common questions I receive these days – Can you recommend a tipster that makes a profit betting at Betfair SP?
The good news is that YES I can recommend a profitable Betfair SP Tipster AND best of all – they are offering you the chance to sample their advice for just £1 for 30 days.
If after 30 days you like their service, you can also save 50% on the ongoing monthly cost.
Interested? I thought so….
Revealed: The Profitable Betfair SP Tipster
The tipster in question is ‘All Weather Profits‘, who we have been proofing at SBC since June 2015, during which time we have personally verified over 1000 tips and witnessed them first-hand making significant profits at Betfair SP.
The All Weather Profits setup is very easy to follow.
They email out a handful of tips between 9 and 10am whenever there is all weather racing to bet upon, with all bets following a fixed staking plan of 2 points to win at Betfair SP.
Check out their results since 2014 below:
Results to this simple method have been fantastic during each of the 3 years the service has been live.
2214 bets, a profit of 529.7 points, and a 12% Return on Investment.
And yes – these results do deduct 5% commission from each profitable bet. Thus ensuring that if you have a lower Betfair commission rate (as most people do), you will make a greater profit than those quoted.
Is Your Betting A Serious Investment Or Just Fun?…
Keen to learn how to make real money betting following tipsters? Follow our real-life pro punter, Rowan and his profitable tipster quest on the SBC Bet Diary.
Free to read – 2017 has got off to a flyer!
Even Better Profits With Bookmaker Access
Whilst ticking all the boxes when it comes to making a profit at Betfair SP, those of you with access to bookmaker accounts, might also be able to increase profits further.
During an 8 month period of intensive tracking, we noted the best odds available with a reputable bookmaker, both 15 and 60 minutes after All Weather Profits put forward their tips.
The upshot of this research is that if taking a bookmaker price within 15 minutes of the tip being advised, we noted an increase in ROI of 10.1% compared to Betfair SP. Even if waiting 60 minutes, the increase was 3.5%
Here is what we found during our period of odds tracking:
Full details on this odds tracking and how you can make greater profits using bookmakers can be found in SBC Issue 96.
How To Follow For £1 For 30 Days
In a special new deal, all Smart Betting Club members can now sample the All Weather Profits for 30 days for just £1.
If after those 30 days you enjoy what their service has to offer, you can also save an ongoing 50% discount on the cost of membership for as long as you stay with them. So instead of paying £14.95 per month, you will stump up just £7.47 per month.
Over the course of a full year with All Weather Profits, this would ensure a saving of £89.64 – more than the cost of a Gold Smart Betting Club Membership!
This special saving is ONLY available to you as a Smart Betting Club subscriber as part of the unique ‘Tipster Discounts‘ we negotiate on our members behalf.
Due to the way SBC is funded by member subscriptions – we are able to negotiate these unique deals on our members behalf and pass 100% of the savings onto them. Helping line their pockets, not ours!
Once you have signed-up for your Smart Betting Club subscription, simply visit our members area, click on the ‘Tipster Savings’ link and you will find full details on how to take-up this special discount with All Weather Profits (plus several other major trials and discounts unique to SBC!)
Subscribe Now And Get Started Immediately!
See you on the inside…
Peter Ling
SBC Editor
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“I believe so strongly in SBC’s ability to help your betting, you can subscribe with a 100% cast-iron 90-day money back guarantee”.
SBC Editor – Peter Ling Subscribe Now

“90-Day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee”……
“I believe so strongly in SBC’s ability to help your betting, you can subscribe with a 100% cast-iron 90-day money back guarantee”.
SBC Editor – Peter Ling Subscribe Now