Self-driving cars, commercial rockets to mars and video technology in football – whichever way you look at it – the future is most definitely almost upon us.
Yet for those of us interested in betting, technology is also having an impact, especially when it comes to automatic bet placement software.
Automatic bet placement is the dream for many punters – software that can open your emails, read a tip, login to your bookie account and place the bet for you.
Even better if the software can sort out your staking, work out the best odds to take and even constantly monitor the betting markets to ensure you get the best value possible.
Sounds like a pipe-dream?
Well it isn’t as this is exactly what the new betting software as reviewed in the latest SBC Magazine – Issue 101 actually does.
It’s new, developing technology with a growing following and growing group of tipsters for whom it works with.
Sign-up for your instant Smart Betting Club membership to access our full review right away or read on for more detail…
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Automate Your Bet Placement
The software in question is a bot which runs on any computer and provides an automated betting platform for punters.
Once setup, you can use the bot to automatically follow those tipsters that you subscribe to and who send you tips via email.
The bot constantly scans your email account, picks out the tips when they arrive (or logs in to pick it up) and will place them as per your settings.
Whether you want to bet at £5 or £50 a go, work to a specific staking plan or request very specific odds, it can also do that.
And best of all – the cost is extremely low as the software takes its cut by charging just 0.25% of your stake of each bet placed. Ensuring you only pay when you use it. (And best of all you can get an extra 18 Euros credit to use it as an SBC member!)
Putting The Bot Through Its Paces
As part of the detailed SBC review process, I put this bot to the test for several months by following a recommended SBC Tipster proven to work with it.
I installed the bot, configured my settings and put it to work to place automated bets on my behalf.
The results?
Over a 2 month period, the bot placed 115 out of 116 tips advised by the tipster automatically on my behalf and all at good odds.
Only 1 bet was missed (an acceptable margin of error perhaps and something it was unclear as to whether the issue was the tipsters or bots fault) and best of all I mirrored almost exactly the same odds as quoted by the tipster.
As you can see below – the average odds quoted by the tipster were 1.994 and I obtained an average set of odds of 1.993. A difference so marginal it is hardly worth bothering with.
Tipster’s Official Results
Average odds taken: 1.994
Bot Results
Average odds taken: 1.993
Best of all, aside from initial work setting it up and ensuring it ran smoothly, I didn’t lift a finger to place any of these 115 tips. It was all done for me by the bot.
Can It Work For You?
I was hugely impressed by my experience in using the bot – so much so that I am continuing to use it to place tips from several tipsters – all automated on my behalf.
Currently the bot works with several tipsters, although only those that sync up with the bookmaker Pinnacle Sports, so it is restricted to the markets they offer (so no horse racing!).
Plans are in place to expand the bot to work with both Betfair and Bet365, alongside other bookmakers in the near future.
If the idea of automated bet software like this appeals to you then I urge you to check out the detailed review as published in SBC 101.
Best of all – as an SBC member you can also get an exclusive offer of an extra 18 Euros credit when running the bot.
Allowing you to install it and use if first before needing to stump up any cash.
You can gain full access to SBC 101 plus our HUGE BACK CATALOGUE of past magazines, reports and a lot more with a Smart Betting Club membership. Click here to view our recent publications
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See you on the inside.
Peter Ling
SBC Editor
“I believe so strongly in SBC’s ability to help your betting, you can subscribe with a 100% cast-iron 90-day money back guarantee”.
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