How much exactly would you pay for a plain old cup of coffee at Starbucks?
- Nothing, I’ll make may own and I like tea anyway!
- £2.00
- £5.00
- £20.00
Unless you’re particularly desperate, most people will say either A or B. We all have similar ideas of the value of a cup of coffee and so do Starbucks. Charging £20.00 for a cuppa will soon put them out of business, but what has this got to do with betting?
Its All About Value…
Betting has never been more popular and with the Daily Express reporting this week that its likely to get even bigger thanks to Seb Coe and London 2012, more and more people are looking to understand the topic.
Plenty of people therefore are joining us at the Smart Betting Club for help and the biggest change I see in our members is when they stop thinking in just terms of what will win and start thinking about value betting. Continue reading