Earlier this week, Business Insider magazine published a fascinating article about the new sports betting ‘hedge fund’ with one goal: To make money through betting.
This sports betting fund is being run by Stratagem and was founded by Andreas Koukorinis – a veteran of the more traditional financial hedge fund industry. Andreas and his team have seen what we have been banging on about for years here at the Smart Betting Club – that profitable betting is a reality if done right.
It might be betting on a larger scale than usual (they are raising a £25 Million hedge fund to bet with, which although it sounds a lot is relatively small beer for hedge funds per se) but what is most interesting is the methodology behind how they identify the best bets to place. ‘To find mispriced odds where Stratagem has a better chance of winning [than the bookmaker]’
Even more familiar is how Stratagem work out the best bets in the first place. “We collect Twitter feeds, crowdsource videos, market data, we collect from operators, action data we buy from various sources, tech data the analysts write — all of those sources.”
Effectively, Stratagem is gathering data, using the best analysis and analysts and placing bets where the odds are in their favour.
Sounds familiar?
Well it should do as this is effectively what we have been doing for years at the Smart Betting Club. Yet in our case, we exist for the everyday punter, not just those rich enough to invest in a £25 million hedge fund!
Can You Really Make Money Betting?
The article makes a big point about why Koukorinis and the Stratagem CEO, Charles McGarraugh left their traditional jobs in the City of London to be part of this hedge fund upstart.
A clear attempt to address the key question most of its core readers would be wondering: ‘Can you really make money betting’?
Stratagem claim to be doing so and this is no surprise when you consider how accessible and easy it is for punters these days to find the right experts (AKA tipsters) to guide them as to the best bets to place.
The sources that Stratagem use might well be different, yet the approach appears similar – to be shrewder than the bookmaker or exchange market and to bet at value odds.
This is also the approach that SBC’s blogger and pro-punter, Rowan Day takes and his recently released 2016/17 Bet Diary Profit Report outlined how he made a 58.76% growth betting last year. Following up the 64.4% he made in 2015/16.
Best of all – Rowan achieved all this through following a small number of recommended tipsters – Click here to read his free report!
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Betting Vs ‘Traditional’ Forms of Investment
Another reason more and more individuals and companies are turning to the betting market as a way to make money is down to the advantages betting holds over other forms of investment.
Whilst the stock and housing markets are considered more traditional forms of making money, in reality, they are also a form of gambling and often at very high stakes.
You are gambling that it’s the right market to invest in or that some unforeseen event won’t take place such as the 2008 crash, Brexit, Donald Trump or a snap UK Election. All of which were very much unexpected by the majority of experts (and betting markets!) and its ultimately a gamble you are investing at the right time.
There are also often significant fees, penalties and taxes on these more ‘traditional’ forms of investment and you regularly need large sums to get started. Plus you might have to wait years to see a return or profit kick in.
Betting, however, is a great leveler as you need very little money to get started, no qualifications, solicitors, estate agents, stockbrokers or lawyers. Anyone can do it!
Like any form of investment, betting comes with its own risks, not least the challenges of handling losing runs and bets when they hit (the biggest leveler there is). Yet with the right setup, discipline and prudent management it does offer a very viable and easy-to-get-started alternative.
Considering Betting For Profit? Let Us Help You
If you are interested in the idea of trying to turn a profit betting, then we are here to help you.
Our in-depth reports, reviews and magazines will help you discover the best, most reliable and professional tipsters to follow on an ongoing basis. We tell you who is both in and out of form, the best new tipsters to watch out for and the experienced experts who continue to make profits year-in, year-out.
As an SBC member, you will also gain full access to Rowan’s Bet Diary Pro, which features ALL details on the tipsters he follows to make the profits outlined in his Bet Diary Profit Report. Inspiration and guidance if its needed on how one man is making it work!
For those of you unsure, we also offer a risk-free 90 day money back guarantee if you don’t like what we offer after joining. Enabling you to sample our service, understand what we do and how we can help you.
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Peter Ling
SBC Editor
“I believe so strongly in SBC’s ability to help your betting, you can subscribe with a 100% cast-iron 90-day money back guarantee”.
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