New Podcast Interview With Pro Punter, Mark Holder

In the latest episode of the SBC Podcast, I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing a total legend in professional betting circles – Mark Holder.

Mark has been betting for a living for the past 30 years and has seen it all and bought the t-shirt when it comes to making it pay!

In this special one hour interview, he explains how he has adapted and evolved his betting over the years to continually eke out a living as a punter and just how he does this now with bookmakers and exchanges.

You can listen to this episode now via Apple / Spotify / Google / YouTube and all other major podcast directories (search Smart Betting Club)


Mark began life as a punter in the late 80s and we talk about his introductions to the industry, his early years running an advisory service and why since 2008 he has been mostly focused on his own personal betting and living off its rewards.

Targeting races that others avoid due to complexity, he outlines the work he puts in to find value, why he specialises more and more these days and his frustration that so much about what is published in the betting world is not correct

We also get onto the mathematics that prove ‘inside information’ is a red herring these days and how he gets bets on both in todays challenging market and historically when he employed someone to do this for him.

Mark is extremely generous with not only his time but insight and expertise in this detailed conversation and it was a real pleasure to sit back and learn from one of the very best punters of the past few decades.

Check out all the episodes of the Smart Betting Club Podcast