Oh dear!

NOT, a good week.  In fact, the very opposite of good.  BAD.  Very bad indeed.

I’m going to keep this update fairly short, and summarize thus…

No return from any bet at all last week from:

Bookie Bashing Value Bet Tracker (obviously only the ones I bet on – I’m sure others will have backed winners from this, and probably made a profit).

DD/HH strategy.

NFL half time/full time strategy – after an early return, it’s been a while.  This can be so frustrating as frequently the failure to get a draw at half time and therefore set up the full time double when it’s happy days, is just one score.  I still can’t forget the missed extra point after a touchdown that thwarted one of these bets.

Sys Analyst – Allan provided a results update recently.  I have no worries at all here.  The service has been there and done it in terms of recovering from drawdowns, many times over.

Add to the above and a loss too for the Bookie Bashing Lucky 15s strategy, no winner on the golf, and a loss too for AI Football which also sent out a missive to members apologising for the recent poor form (no need to apologise chaps, as we know, this happens), and you can see it was not a fun week.  Even the ever reliable Touchdown Profit went 1-3 for a loss!

All we can do is accept these weeks/months happen, and keep plugging away.  So that is what I shall do.

Have a good weekend!

AI Football: Staked 1,328pts, -186.47pts, ROI: -14.04%, ROC: -18.64%

Bookie Bashing Football Coupons: Staked 3,622.50pts, +144.81pts, ROI: 3.99%, ROC 9.65%

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/Weekly Golf Value: Staked 7,040pts, +1,157.84pts, ROI: 16.44%, ROC: 57.89%

Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker (Lucky 15s): Staked 7,155pts, +981.42pts, ROI: 13.71%, ROC: 65.42%.

Bookie Bashing Value Bets Tracker: Staked 3,746pts, +424.36pts, ROI: 11.32%, ROC: 21.21%

DD/HH: Staked 1,365.5pts, +383pts, ROI: 28.04%, ROC: 38.3%.

NFL strategy: Staked 927pts, -245.94pts, ROI: -26.53%, ROC: -24.59%

Sys Analyst: Staked 5,583pts, -143.5pts, ROI:-2.57%, ROC: -7.17%

Touchdown Profit: Staked 720pts, +204.77pts, ROI: 31.99%, ROC: 20.47%

TOTAL ROI: 8.84%

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