RACING: Better late than never!

First, an apology.  I, and my good wife, decided this week to take a couple of days off and booked a lovely pub in the Yorkshire Dales with a reputation for excellent grub and nice rooms to sleep off the food and wine/beer in. Not a problem, I thought.  I’d take the laptop and do a quick Bet Diary post on Wednesday at some point.

The best laid plans, and all that.  No internet connection worthy of the name (I know, in this day and age!) and no means of posting.  I soon gave up trying and forgive me, but I wasn’t going to go driving about to find somewhere I could set up.  It was supposed to be a break!  So, here we are now…better late than never.

To be honest, I’m not sure I was missing much with a report for last week’s racing results, bearing in mind it was a poor week.  Competitive racing at the York Ebor meeting suggested a good time, but it didn’t work out like that, especially for Northern Monkey, who I believe is now taking a needed break to recharge the batteries.

As for Bet Alchemist and the Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker, just a couple of dropped points between them.

Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 186pts, -1.865pts, roi -1%, roc -1.86%, High 0pts, DD -1.865pts, Max DD -24.338pts

Northern Monkey (80): Staked 328.25pts, -45.259pts, roi -13.78%, roc -56.57%, High 0pts, DD -45.259pts, Max DD -45.259pts

The Value Bettor (40): Staked 9.75pts, +1.46pts, roi 14.97%, roc 3.65%, High 2.71pts, DD -1.25pts, Max DD -2pts

BB Racing Tracker (100): Staked 339pts, +377.267pts, roi 111.28%, roc 377.26%, High 0pts, DD -10.262pts, Max DD -13.388pts

Racing Totals: ROI 40.04%, ROC 104.33%.

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