110.0 winner on the golf – thank you WGV!

It was interesting to read that Craig Edwards (Edwards Tips) is soon to be going through with members his approach to betting on golf using the Exchanges on a Wednesday evening.  For someone like me, who sees 80% of golf bets being placed via the Exchange, this promises to be fascinating reading, and I’m looking forward to it.

Craig has made the point that when he releases bets early in the week, usually taking advantage of what he sees as ricks in the Bet365 markets, there is often a lot of +EV to take.  In other words the quoted prices represent big value, and even as the markets mature and prices shorten there remains a good margin to profit from.

I would think that the Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker may well pick up on some of Craig’s bets as that searches for steamers and exploits “smart” money.

Talking of the Golf Tracker, Weekly Golf Value had a nice winner in the US with Keegan Bradley (110.0 on the Exchange) so my win only approach paid off this week.  However, those who follow the service and can still back each way with online books would have had a great week with several other golfers finishing in the frame and at some fancy prices.  Same with Edwards Tips.  And PGA Profit.

So although it was a good week, it does feel like I’ve missed out a bit on everyone else’s fun.  Not to worry.  I’m sure there will be weeks when I’m the one with the smug grin.

See you Wednesday.

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