Weekly Golf Value and Sys Analyst – thoughts.

In this post, some thoughts on Weekly Golf Value and Sys Analyst.

Starting with the sport that ruins good walks.  As far as WGV is concerned, I could just as well simply copy and paste my comments in yesterday’s post around the Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker.  Things are going smoothly if we look at longer term performance and year to date figures just north of 15% ROI.

15% is lower than the long, long term numbers but is a level of return not to be sniffed at.  A service cannot be said to be enduring a disappointing year when it’s performing to a level of 15%!

It would be nice if we could finish the year off with a winner or two, he says, stating the bloomin’ obvious.  A 20% ROI 2024 would be another excellent year.  As for August, it was essentially a break even month, which I think feels worse than it should because for such a period throughout August, it was the one service producing the goods after an early winner.  Unfortunately the profit from that was eroded completely, but as we know, this is all a part of the golf betting game.

It’s a little bit different when it comes to Sys Analyst.

Before I continue, I want to make one or two things extremely clear:

  1. This is a top drawer service that has been churning out excellent profits for a long, long time.
  2. The chap who runs the service, Allan, is a highly experienced bettor and tipster who has seen losing runs come and then go, recovering strongly from each and every one of them.
  3. Because of Point 2 above, he retains my complete confidence.

I think my only concern here is that it feels like the number of bets has dropped in more recent times.  Looking at the latest results spreadsheet that was sent through on July 29th, I can see that there were 753 bets issued between July 28th 2023 and July 27th 2024 – exactly one year.

Through the previous 12 months, there were 1,218 bets.

My feeling is that one likely cause of this trend is Allan’s desire to provide the best possible service to his clientele.  He is – and has always been – keen to ensure that the prices he is quoting his bets at are realistically achievable, and this has meant targeting higher quality racing carrying more liquid markets, plus tipping at a time when the markets have matured and bookmakers are less likely to have their hackles raised by someone sticking more than a tenner down!  Let’s not forget too, and this is vital, Allan is tipping in a way that allows those that use the Exchanges to profit.

I’ve seen this pattern before, in old favourite The Value Bettor, with Andrew there being equally as conscientious as Allan is now.  He too altered his service to target exclusively the major races and meetings.  It means that turnover drops, and therefore the individual or service becomes more susceptible to losing runs lasting longer (in terms of time), simply because they take longer to recover from.  I have an inkling this is what we’re seeing with Sys Analyst.  I could be wrong, but to me anyway, it makes sense.

Next post we’ll explore the Bookie Bashing derived Value Bets, and WinnerOdds Football.

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