Sys Analyst and WinnerOdds Football excel, being down then up, and “boring” profit making!

At the risk of offending one or two, it’s always good to beat Spurs.  I’ll just leave that there.

The last week has felt a bit topsy turvy, but when everything had been settled late Sunday night, the seven days had produced a profit equating to a shade under 3% bank growth at an ROI of 6.9%.  That’s not exactly spectacular, but nor is it too shabby.  The ride to get there though, was a pretty bumpy one.

Let’s start with the positive and WinnerOdds Football.  The vast  majority of the action, as you might expect, came over the weekend and whilst Sunday was essentially break even, Saturday’s profits came to nearly 22% bank growth on their own.  There were some pretty hefty bets in there too, at short odds, but it would take only one or two of them to go down and we’d be looking at a very different picture.  That’s not what happened though, so all good.

It’s going to be interesting to keep an eye on turnover over the next week or so, with my adopting the policy I mentioned last week of not looking to strike bets on matches happening 48 or more hours ahead.  I know this is going to mean missing some fairly sizeable chunks of EV, but am prepared to make the sacrifice in the interest of keeping accounts viable for longer.  This might not work, of course.  It may be I’m better just getting as much turnover through as I possibly can whilst I have the chance, and there is a lot to be said for that approach too.

Really good to see Sys Analyst bouncing back and am delighted for Allan.  The trend was started last week, and continued through this.  Three days with bets, and each of them profitable.  A good priced each way place on Friday, and a winner on each of Saturday and Sunday meant an excellent week and the figures for the month to date are something to gaze upon with adoration and admiration in equal measure.  All short term of course, but so good to see the numbers going in the right direction.

The Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker has been the epitome of something “going quietly about its business”.  No spectacular all four up Lucky 15s to boast about, but a couple with three.  Without any outstanding return from one bet, it is sailing along at an ROI of 41.5% this month, and has generated 11.6% bank growth.  If making money from betting was always this easy and smooth, it would likely grow to be a little boring.  I suppose it’s a tedium I could get used to.

Managed to hit a decent number of Value Bets derived from the Bookie Bashing Tools on Sunday, primarily on the Any Time Goalscorer market and some Combo Bets involving Cards and Corners.  And added volume seemed to do the trick with an area that I had been struggling with just a touch this month.  Anyway, almost all the losses have now been clawed back and I do enjoy finding value myself.  Makes me feel useful.

A break even week for Weekly Golf Value with three placed from the three events we played in.  Thought it was four until I realised that I’d taken Alex Fitzpatrick to eight places instead of ten – he finished in a tie for 9th!  One of the placed golfers was at 110/1 which produced a decent enough return and overall, I finished just the red side of the break even line.  Certainly not much damage done at all.

The one service to lose anything like a significant sum last week in the end was The Value Machine, although hardly in any disastrous way.  The first half of the week saw some fairly significant losses, but a fair chunk of these were recouped through the second half, despite my not being in a position on Saturday to put any bets at all down.  I think what I’ve learnt about TVM is that with a large number of bets each day, the bad days can feel pretty darned bad, and the good days pretty darned good.  Losing runs may not last that long in terms of time, but they can hit in a fairly sharp way.  But then so do the winning runs.  I think, what I’m trying to say in a very roundabout, incoherent way, is that it can feel a bit up and down.  Even with the down this week though, TVM has still provided 10% bank growth in just two weeks.  Which is an up.  Not a down.  Just has felt down.  And then felt up.

You get the point.

September Figures (stakes normalised):

Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 420pts, 174.32pts, roi 41.5%, roc 11.62%.

Weekly Golf Value: Staked 384pts, -59.5pts, roi -15.49%, roc -2.97%.

Sys Analyst: Staked 177.8pts, +343.06pts, roi 192.94%, roc 17.15%.

Value Bets (BB): Staked 533.1pts, -19.35pts, roi -3.62%, roc -0.96%.

The Value Machine: Staked 4,190pts, +200.09pts, roi 4.77%, roc 10%

Winner Odds Football: Staked 2,964pts, +455.21pts, roi 16.89%, roc 22.76%.

TOTAL: Staked 8,398.9pts, +1,095.83pts, roi 13.04%, roc 9.52%.

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