Summer? Pah!

August is proving to be a miserable month, which really isn’t how it should be.  August is a time for summer holidays, sunny weather at home if you’ve not gone away, ripe strawberries and chilled white wine whilst enjoying long evenings luxuriating in the warmth.

Is it b*lloc*s!  It’s barely got above 15 degrees, the covers down at the cricket ground have been on more than they’ve been off, the strawberries are hard and horrible because there’s not been enough sun to ripen them, and I’ve been losing money!  Not what I was hoping for, really.  Oh, well.  It will soon be cold and dark by 5.00pm, eh?

After such a strong start to the month for Weekly Golf Value, the profits have somewhat dwindled and after just one golfer to finish in the (shared) places last weekend, the ROI is down to 11.3%.  In itself, this isn’t too shabby, and represents the final figure for August with this week’s tournaments ending on the 1st September.

It’s been interesting, and something of a roller coaster ride following new entry The Value Machine.  After reaching a new high and an ROI of 8%, a bad day has brought that right down again.  I’m managing to get between 30 and 50 bets per day on and I’ve seen enough to be encouraged.  Although I’ve found there is a need to get bets on efficiently, it’s not like the odds crash immediately or anything.  I did find last Saturday morning the prices went much quicker than at other times.  It will be interesting to see if this pattern repeats itself this week.  Anyway, so far I’m in the black, which for this month is something of a novelty.

The “best” of the ‘losers’ this month has been the Value Bets sourced from the various Bookie Bashing tools and tracker.  The ROI of -0.11% tells you that these have mounted something of a recovery and have almost broken level now.  A bit of luck over the weekend and we may end up with green figures in the spreadsheet and not red.

The Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker has so far this season failed to find the consistency in performance that was so enjoyable last, and as a result is currently tracking at-41% ROI and has reached its deepest drawdown for me since starting with it last December.

The month was rather summed up by Sys Analyst last weekend, as mentioned in the last blog post.  Suffice to say, both it and WinnerOdds Football have very much disappointed.  Let’s hope September brings happier times for both.

August Figures (stakes normalised):

Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 450pts, -184.69pts, roi -41.04%, roc -12.31%.

Weekly Golf Value: Staked 676pts, +77pts, roi 11.39%, roc 5.13%.

Sys Analyst: Staked 441.7pts, -254.2pts, roi -57.55%, roc -16.94%.

Value Bets (BB): Staked 651pts, -0.77pts, roi -0.11%, roc -0.05%.

Winner Odds Football: Staked 3,455pts, -259.97pts, roi -7.52%, roc -17.33%.

TOTAL: Staked 6,741.75pts, -605.26pts, roi -8.97%, roc -8.07%.




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