I’m going to deliberately gloss over the past week’s betting on the nags, as quite frankly it’s not been a good spell and I’m trying to forget! In a nutshell, a bad week for both Bet Alchemist and Northern Monkey has put each of them on their worst drawdown of the year to date, and the racing portfolio as a whole the same. It’s not been great.
So instead, I’m concentrating instead on the exciting news that from this week, I’m going to add the Bookiebashing Racing Tracker to the services being followed.
This represents something of a departure for me in terms of style of betting. Longer term readers will know I tend to be ultra-conservative in my approach to betting. This however, is a strategy based on Lucky 15s!
I was fortunate enough to be involved in the writing of an in depth review into this service that will be hitting SBC members inboxes imminently. I’ve seen the data, and have been incredibly impressed. I would urge those of you who might be interested to read the original review and the subsequent analysis on the Lucky 15 strategy.
My thinking too, is that I might perhaps have pared back my racing betting turnover a notch too far. My attention is to place a few Lucky 15s each day. Not too many. Maybe just one or two on the quiet racing days, maybe four or five on the busier Saturdays. This won’t make too many demands on my time, will up the turnover, and hopefully will give a decent boost to long term ROI.
I am genuinely excited. I appreciate there are many losing weeks, and a bit like golf, it can be long periods between significant wins, but I’ve got my bank together, my expectations and mindset clear, and I’m raring to go.
Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 32pts, -17.338pts, roi -54.18%, roc -17.33%, High 0pts, DD -17.338pts, Max DD -17.338pts
Northern Monkey (80): Staked 38.75pts, -9.329pts, roi -24.07%, roc -11.66%, High 0pts, DD -9.329pts, Max DD -9.329pts
Racing Service 1 (40): Staked 6pts, +0.21pts, roi 3.5%, roc 0.525%, High 1.21pts, DD -1pt, Max DD -2pts
Racing Totals: ROI -29.83%, ROC -9.49%.