Losing runs are the Spiders of betting!

Let’s face it, nobody likes to be in the midst of a losing run.  And I’m no different from anybody else.

Losing money to the bookmakers or on the exchanges is not enjoyable, but it’s a fact of gambling life that there will be times when this is all you seem able to do.  But it’s not this that really unsettles me.  It did once upon a time.  Never mind unsettling, I found losing money consistently slightly scary.  It also made me question what I was doing and how I was doing it, which added to the general feeling of malaise.

Now, I’m very confident in what I’m doing and how I’m doing it.  But I’ll tell you what does still get to me a touch.

“What gets at you a touch, Row, when you’re in the middle of a losing run?”, I can hear you all shout.

I’ll tell you.  It’s reloading accounts with money.

Daft, isn’t it?  I mean depositing cash, if not quite an every day occurrence, is one that is frequent and just a part of doing the job.  It’s a nothing, menial betting task.  And yet it is one I really don’t like.  Appreciate it’s as logical of being scared of a house spider many thousands of times smaller than you are.  But then, I really don’t like spiders either.  Horrible, evil-looking, don’t know-where-they’re-going-to-run-next critters that they are.  The world would be a far better place without spiders in my view (although maybe slightly overrun by house flies), and losing runs and subsequent bookmaker account deposits needing to be made.  A. Much. Better. Place.

Just to add to the illogicality of this near phobia of pressing the <Deposit> tab, is that I deliberately keep my account balances relatively low anyway.  No point in exposing funds to companies that have been known to go bump without any warning  whatsoever.  It’s good betting practice, is it not, to keep balances low?

It’s currently Winner Odds Football and Sys Analyst providing the most cause for concern.  But when I look at the ‘Average User History’ for the past 12 months, I gain some reassurance.  Of the 52 weeks, 22 of them showed a loss.  That’s 42%, and yet at an average of a shade over 8 bets per day, the ROI shows 4.4%.  That ROI doesn’t sound so good, but when you take into account the high turnover, it’s enough to generate bank growth of over 500%! Put it this way, if I can get a 4% ROI over time then it’s happy days, as my daily bet average currently stands at 8.5 bets per day and that’s having just gone through the two quietest months of the year.

That’s not to say the downturn hasn’t come as a bit of a shock to the system.  Having started with seven profitable weeks from the first nine, I’m now on a run of five losing weeks from six and from a really nice profit high, I’m now in overall deficit after striking 890 bets.

As for Sys Analyst, well, there’s nothing to say really.  Just hope it keeps plugging away.  Allan has been through this many, many times in the past and has always bounced back to go on to post a new profit high.  I’m categorising this losing run as one of those that simply happens from time to time and all will come good again.

Results update tomorrow.

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