Brutal! And bring back the stocks and rotten tomatoes…

You know that when you look at the past week, the highlight is that by using the Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker yourself and not just relying on the Weekly Golf Value bets (as mentioned last week), you’ve managed a slightly smaller loss than would otherwise have been the case…it’s not been a great week.

To be honest, I’d snap your hand off for “not great”.  The word I would use instead to describe the past seven days or so, is the title of this post!

We all know these spells happen from time to time, but it makes them no less painful to endure when they do.  It’s been a horrible week, with not one tipster or strategy used generating any profit, and a number producing a pretty sharp loss.  Diversification is supposed to stop such acute sharp, short term swings, but every now and then, the principles of diversification get trampled on and destroyed.

From Sunday, things have stabilised a little.  It feels akin to having a bad, open wound.  Somehow I’ve managed to stem the flow of blood, but I still need to get to hospital.  The losses are the flow of blood – since Sunday I’ve managed to scrabble a profit of about £50, which feels like it’s bought me the time for the ambulance to arrive.

I’m exaggerating a little, of course.  The drawdown only amounts to 10% of the overall betting bank, so let’s keep things in perspective.  It’s just when that 10% drop hits over the course of just three or four days, then it feels like quite a hard hit.  Suddenly you’re depositing more money into more accounts, and that always makes things feel worse.  I guess that’s a consequence of never wanting to hold too much money with any one company for any lengthy period of time.

I’ll post the figures below, as usual.  I’m not going to go into any detail about how any individual service or strategy has performed.  1. What’s the point? and 2. It’s too soon! Too soon, I tell you!

What I am going to mention is the total and complete waste of oxygen cowards who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and who instead scapegoat someone else are.  Bookie Bashing Tom had just started a 25 day series of daily Vlogs, aimed at being entertaining (I find Tom always is, hence why the BB Podcast is a must listen) and educational.  Here we have anyone at all able to listen to a renowned professional gambler talk through his bets, explain some of the edges, and go into his thought processes.  Genuinely, I reckon if instead of a Vlog series someone like this ran “seminars”, marketed them aggressively, and delivered the same content, they could charge a lot of money for attending.  I’ve seen it happen in the property world.

Instead, we could get this insight for free.  Every day for a near-month.  What an education that could have been, but instead some brainless, selfish, good-for-nothing bell-ends (hyphenated?) have seemingly ruined it for everyone else by submitting Tom to vitriolic personal abuse!  Seriously, what sort of person do you have to be?  As a result, Tom (and I do not blame him) has at best put a temporary pause on issuing these Vlogs, and at worst has just brought a halt to them altogether. I don’t blame him.  I’d do the same.

I don’t know any detail.  Last Wednesday was a bit of a shocker with almost all of a relatively large number of bets I placed that I’d derived from the BB Tools I use being losing bets.  I noticed that there was (unsurprisingly I guess, bearing in mind the same source) a fair amount of overlap between the bets I had placed and those that Tom was talking about and striking himself.  Did people just blindly follow him, do their money and then let loose with all that nonsense aimed at Tom?  That’s my guess.  Either way, hurling crap at someone from behind a screen is to my mind, an offence that should be punished by public shaming so cowardly is it.  Bring back the stocks and rotten tomatoes, I say.

October Figures (stakes normalised):

Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 400pts, +31.5pts, roi 7.87%, roc 2.1%.

Weekly Golf Value: Staked 240pts, -47pts, roi -19.95%, roc -2.39%.

Sys Analyst: Staked 182pts, -155pts, roi -85.16%, roc -7.75%.

Value Bets (BB): Staked 960.06pts, -427.8pts, roi -44.55%, roc -21.39%.

The Value Machine: Staked 1,810pts, -171.35pts, roi -9.46%, roc -8.56%

Winner Odds Football: Staked 1,536pts, -224.82pts, roi -14.63%%, roc -11.24%.

Trial Service: Staked 7.5pts, +47pts, roi 626.66%, roc 6.96%

TOTAL: Staked 4,927.81pts, -948.55pts, roi -19.24%, roc -9.98%.



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