August review: a mediocre month, but room for optimism?

What a month!  Not enjoyable.  At all.

And just when you think we’re entering a time of year when turnover could be reasonably expected to really pick up, we have an international footie break, bringing the top European leagues to a grinding halt.  To be fair, with Winner Odds Football, a lot of the picks are in minor leagues around the world, so the interminable interlull shouldn’t have that much of an impact.  I certainly hope not.  But with the Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker, that’s a different story.  A lot of the teams I back in my Lucky 15s are sourced from the EPL and other top level European leagues, and that’s not going to happen until proper football is back in two weeks time.  As if to emphasise this issue, Monday and Tuesday of this week have seen me able to get down just one – yes, one – L15.

I hate international breaks.  With. A. Passion.

Let’s take a look at the August figures:

August Figures (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 630pts, -132.7pts, roi -21.06%, roc -8.84%.

Weekly Golf Value: Staked 904pts, -16pts, roi -1.76%, roc -1.06%.

Sys Analyst: Staked 492.7pts, -230.7pts, roi -46.82%, roc -15.38%.

Value Bets (BB): Staked 691pts, -40.77pts, roi -5.9%, roc -2.71%.

Winner Odds Football: Staked 3,455pts, -259.97pts, roi -7.52%, roc -17.33%.

TOTAL: Staked 6,741.75pts, -605.26pts, roi -8.97%, roc -8.07%.

What I want to do is write a series of posts that explores each of the above separately.  Being honest, with one or two of them I do have some slight niggles.  Nothing at this stage that would make me think about dropping them.  But it should be a good exercise in noting the sort of things we should be always looking out for that might raise some real alarms and provide serious pause for thought.  At the very least, double checking that there are no real warning signs about a service, strategy, or tipster, is always good practice.  A constant and ongoing audit, if you like.

Let’s start today with the Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker.

In terms of alarm bells, there are none.  It is as simple as that.  I’m convinced that all that has happened here is that we’re a victim of variance across a very small data set.  The ROI for the year remains north of 15%, which is around about where I would set the target for the Lucky 15 strategy anyway.

The season has not yet really got underway properly, a point exacerbated by the dreaded interlull, and so the aim of getting four to five Lucky 15s down per day has proven to be somewhat ambitious.  This will change, of that I’m sure, and when it does I’ve no reason to think that results won’t continue to be strong.

It should be noted too, that the deficit for August is nothing that wouldn’t be totally eradicated (and then some) by one good Lucky 15 return.  In terms of concerns, there really is nothing to see here.

The next Bet Diary post will look at Weekly Golf Value and Sys Analyst.

Back soon with that.


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