Month: October 2021

RACING: Concerns.

It’s been a rotten run for Precision Value.  Plenty of horses finishing in the frame it feels, but that’s not much good when you’re backing win only.  After another poor week, the drawdown for 2021 has reached a comfortably new deep point, and more the issue, the profit for the year stands at just 0.44 points!  That’s a lot of bets (803 to be precise) to stand still for.

I emphasise these are my figures.  As you know, I’ve not backed every bet.  So some of you who also follow the service may be doing better than I am, and some may be doing worse.  Either way, it is easy to get disheartened when you see things go south over what can now be described as an extended period of time.

It would be wrong to say I have no concerns, but being completely honest, I’m not that concerned.  The drawdown still represents only just over a quarter of the bank, and let’s face it, the tips come from a source long since proven as profitable.  I reckon it’s just one of those things, and I’m nowhere near ready to quit the service.  Nope, I’m happy to plough on.  There are times when that is simply what we do, and one of those times is now.

Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 405pts, +67.665pts, roi 16.7%, roc 67.66%, High: 67.66pts, CDD: 0pts, Max DD: -25.65pts.

Northern Monkey Punter (100): Staked 510.6pts, +175.772pts, roi 34.42%, roc 175.77%, High: 200.604pts, CDD: -24.832pts, Max DD: -27.028pts

Precision Value (200):  Staked 803pts, +0.44pts, roi 0.05%, roc 0.22%, High: 55.986pts, CDD: -55.546pts, Max DD: -55.546pts.

Racing Service 1 (50/): Staked 29.5pts, +6.312pts, roi 21.39%, roc 12.62%, High: 12.312pts, CDD: -6pts, Max DD: -8pts.

Racing Totals: ROI 18.62%, ROC 64.07%

*ROI – Return On investment, ROC – Return On Capital (ie. bank growth), CDD – Current Drawdown, Max DD – Maximum Drawdown

SPORTS: Me and my big mouth!

I really need to learn how to put a sock in it.  I should know better than to wax lyrical about a tipster and so openly and brazenly invite the wrath of the betting gods.  Hubris, I think they call it.

After last week’s praise of Sports Service 1, what did this week bring.  Losers is what it brought.  Losers, I tell you.

Not that many of them, to be fair.  Four of them in total.  But that was four more than there were winners, and as a result the ROI and the ROC figures have taken a bit of a bashing.  That’s the thing with low turnover services you see.  Short runs – for either better or worse – tend to have a pretty sharp impact, and that’s what has happened this week.  Still, the overall ROI for the year is still in pretty decent shape.

In contrast, it was a good weekend for The Poacher, but impressed as I am by this service, I’m going to resist shouting it from the rooftops this week.  No point in messing with them Gods.  Let’s leave it a while and allow those grumpy beggars to calm down a bit before risking raising their ire again, eh?

More bets this weekend for Scottish Football Income Booster which essentially broke even.  There was a smidgeon of profit, not not exactly needle moving stuff!

Sports Service 1 (30pt bank): Staked 37.75pts, +5.632pts, roi 14.91%, roc 18.77%, High: 9.132pts, CDD: -3.5pts, Max DD: -3.5pts.

Sports Service 2 (40): Staked 64pts, -4.934pts, roi -7.7%, roc -12.33%, High 0pts, CDD: -4.934pts, Max DD: -6.734pts.

Scottish Football Income Booster (100): Staked 127pts, -18.747pts, roi -14.76%, roc -18.74%, High: 4.394pts, CDD: -23.141pts, Max DD: -23.231pts.

The Poacher (40): Staked 327pts, +21.767pts, roi 6.65%, roc 54.41%, High: 24.07pts, CDD: -2.303pts, Max DD: -9.645pts

Sports Totals: ROI 3.3%, ROC 10.05%.

GOLF: Rorying to another winner for WGV!

Only one place to start this week, and that’s with the magnificent Weekly Golf Value which tipped its second winner in two weeks as Rory McIlroy (20/1) eased to what was a relatively comfortable win in the end over in Las Vegas.  That’s the service’s 12th winner this year, which is quite incredible really, when you think about the odds they tip at.  Their email to members today almost sounded as if they themselves are slightly surprised by the level of success they’ve enjoyed this year.  I may be imagining that.

The cherry on top of the cake was Keith Mitchell finishing in the places at 250/1 (some will have got 300/1).  Mitchell was actually five shots in the lead at halfway, although I have to admit I didn’t get my hopes up too high.  Not many 300/1 shots successfully make all the running and there was a heck of a field stacked up behind.

All told, WGV has pushed on to a new profit high for the year, as has the golf portfolio as a whole.  Lovely stuff.

I have to feel for Golf Insider.  They seem destined to come close without getting to smoke the cigar at the moment, another 2nd place finish (to McIlroy) to go along with the two they had last week.  They have just dipped below their previous low mark for 2021, but it could all have been so much different.

Nothing at all by way of returns this week from PGA Profit/PGA Profit Europe.

Golf Insider (200pt bank): Staked 295pts, -76.694pts, roi -25.99%, roc -38.34%, High 14.35pts, CDD: -91.044pts, Max DD: -91.044pts

PGA Profit (500): Staked 688.5pts, +327.866pts, roi 47.62%, roc 65.57%, High +343.866pts, CDD: -16pts, Max DD: -115.77pts

PGA Profit Europe (500): Staked 80.5pts, +31.527pts, roi 39.16%, roc 6.3%, High 75.027pts, CDD: -43.5pts, Max DD: -43.5pts

Weekly Golf Value (2,000): 5,318pts, +1,962.78pts, roi 36.9%, roc 98.13%, High 1,962.78pts, CDD: 0pts, Max DD: -461.8pts.

Golf Totals: ROI 27.58%, ROC 57.45%

*ROI – Return On investment, ROC – Return On Capital (ie. bank growth), CDD – Current Drawdown, Max DD – Maximum Drawdown

SPORTS: The profit keeps creeping up.

Creeping is the right word.  I mentioned last week that Sports Service 1 was doing what is asked of it, ticking away, accumulating profit quietly but confidently.  And that’s what it did again last week at the World Grand Prix.  A little under a couple of points profit for the week means that it pushes to yet another high profit mark for the year, and the ROI stands at an excellent 26.6%.  With a fair wind all the way down to the end of the year, and a strong performance at the World Championships over the Christmas period, and you never know, we might get up to that 50% ROC figures for the year, and that would be fantastic.

Overall though the Sports portfolio made just a few bob on the week as the profit from SS1 was effectively wiped out by an equivalent loss from The Poacher.  There were no bets from Scottish Football Income Booster.

Sports Service 1 (30pt bank): Staked 34.25pts, +9.132pts, roi 26.66%, roc 30.44%, High: 9.132pts, CDD: 0pts, Max DD: -2.743pts.

Sports Service 2 (40): Staked 64pts, -4.934pts, roi -7.7%, roc -12.33%, High 0pts, CDD: -4.934pts, Max DD: -6.734pts.

Scottish Football Income Booster (100): Staked 119pts, -18.837pts, roi -15.82%, roc -18.83%, High: 4.394pts, CDD: -23.231pts, Max DD: -23.231pts.

The Poacher (40): Staked 320pts, +18.947pts, roi 5.92%, roc 47.36%, High: 24.07pts, CDD: -5.123pts, Max DD: -9.645pts

Sports Totals: ROI 3.68%, ROC 10.89%

*ROI – Return On investment, ROC – Return On Capital (ie. bank growth), CDD – Current Drawdown, Max DD – Maximum Drawdown

GOLF: Sunny Boy (J)Im!

Sung Jae Im.  33/1.  Double tipped.  Hats off to PGA Profit and Weekly Golf Value.

It was all on a little too late for an old fella like me.  But looking at the card this morning – and what a nice way to start the week, by the way! – it seems that Im hit upon what can only be termed a golden patch to record eight birdies through ten holes mid-round!  That is some going, and set him up for a final round of 62.  He went into the last day three shots behind, and ended it four shots clear.  Lovely, lovely stuff.

It all puts PGA Profit on a new high water mark year to date, as it does the gold portfolio as a whole, and things really are going swimmingly well at the moment.  The overall ROI of 27.2% is tremendously satisfying, losing runs have been relatively short, and it’s all been very enjoyable indeed.  The dark side of me, the glass-half-empty side, is screaming that it’s all going a little bit too well.  Perhaps it is.  Perhaps the mother of all losing runs starts this week, but let’s hope not, eh?

Got to feel a bit for Golf Insider.  Here in Europe he had a 50/1 shot lose a play off to win the tournament, and over in the States his 40/1 shot couldn’t live with Im’s red hot form and finished second.  Would have been quite the double, and instead we make a profit of just one point across the two tournaments.

Golf Insider (200pt bank): Staked 286pts, -71.944pts, roi -25.15%, roc -35.97%, High 14.35pts, CDD: -86.294pts, Max DD: -90.494pts

PGA Profit (500): Staked 672.5pts, +343.866pts, roi 51.13%, roc 68.77%, High +343.866pts, CDD: 0pts, Max DD: -115.77pts

PGA Profit Europe (500): Staked 71pts, +41.027pts, roi 57.78%, roc 8.2%, High 75.027pts, CDD: -34pts, Max DD: -34pts

Weekly Golf Value (2,000): 5,209pts, +1,800.28pts, roi 34.56%, roc 90.01%, High 1,928.81pts, CDD: -128.53pts, Max DD: -461.8pts.

Golf Totals: ROI 27.2%, ROC 55.25%.

*ROI – Return On investment, ROC – Return On Capital (ie. bank growth), CDD – Current Drawdown, Max DD – Maximum Drawdown

RACING: Bet Alchemist leading the way as winter approaches.

It was the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe this weekend and the big Longchamp meeting.  I don’t like it.  Not because of the actual racing you understand, but more that it just feels that every single year, it’s bloomin’ cold and wet.  The Longchamp meeting is the marker for the beginning of winter in my book.  And until Racing Service 1 starts doing his thing, winter to me is like a bulb of garlic to a vampire.  And yes, I know it’s not winter and we’re barely into mid-autumn, but I hate the cold and damp.  It gets into the bones, and nobody wants that!

A good weekend for Bet Alchemist though who did its best to banish the autumn (winter really) blues.  A couple of nice winners last week and a decent profit the result.  Other than that, not too much to report.  Northern Monkey has cut stakes again, recognizing that this isn’t traditionally the time of year he excels and with the weather changing (booo!) and ground conditions becoming increasingly unpredictable, it’s probably a wise move.

Happier times though – RS1 has started its pre-season reparations, building up for the explosion of National Hunt racing (ie. proper racing) goodness from the start of November.

Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 363pts, +50.917pts, roi 14.02%, roc 50.91%, High: 55.38pts, CDD: -4.463pts, Max DD: -25.65pts.

Northern Monkey Punter (100): Staked 485.7pts, +182.143pts, roi 37.5%, roc 182.14%, High: 200.604pts, CDD: -18.461pts, Max DD: -27.028pts

Precision Value (200):  Staked 764pts, +19.94pts, roi 2.6%, roc 9.97%, High: 55.986pts, CDD: -36.046pts, Max DD: -41.296pts.

Racing Service 1 (50): Staked 29.5pts, +6.312pts, roi 21.39%, roc 12.62%, High: 12.312pts, CDD: -6pts, Max DD: -8pts.

Racing Totals: ROI 19.82%, ROC 63.91%.

*ROI – Return On investment, ROC – Return On Capital (ie. bank growth), CDD – Current Drawdown, Max DD – Maximum Drawdown

SPORTS: Tiptoeing to profit highs.

This past week has been quintessential Sports Service 1Not much by way of action – just two bets – but a good win and a profit on the week that amounts to 55% ROI.  The ROI for the year now stands at 24.07% which is superb in anybody’s book.  The ROC figure is very similar, so we can see that bank growth is limited, but it’s doing what I want it to do, which is provide a steady drip drip of profit.  When you consider I have now four golf betting services I’m following, each of them backing at big prices and clearly always vulnerable to a bit of turbulence, having services like SS1 can be a godsend.  Anyway, it’s now crept up to a new profit high for the year and this week we have the continuation of a major tournament to get stuck into.

Sadly Sunday saw The Poacher give back a chunk (bot nowhere near all) of last week’s profit, and essentially a break even week for Scottish Football Income Booster, although the result being a shade under the break even line as opposed to a shade over means their drawdown deepens, if only slightly.

Right.  It’s raining and I don’t want to, but I have to take the dog for a walk.  Joy.

Sports Service 1 (30pt bank): Staked 30.75pts, +7.402pts, roi 24.07%, roc 24.67%, High: 7.4020pts, CDD: 0pts, Max DD: -2.743pts.

Sports Service 2 (40): Staked 64pts, -4.934pts, roi -7.7%, roc -12.33%, High 0pts, CDD: -4.934pts, Max DD: -6.734pts.

Scottish Football Income Booster (100): Staked 119pts, -18.837pts, roi -15.82%, roc -18.83%, High: 4.394pts, CDD: -23.231pts, Max DD: -23.231pts.

The Poacher (40pts): Staked 313pts, +20.882pts, roi 6.67%, roc 52.2%, High: 24.07pts, CDD: -3.188pts, Max DD: -9.645pts

Sports Totals: ROI 3.74%, ROC 10.8%.

*ROI – Return On investment, ROC – Return On Capital (ie. bank growth), CDD – Current Drawdown, Max DD – Maximum Drawdown

GOLF: Just one of those weeks.

After recently hitting new highs, it was a bit of a bump as the golf portfolio fell back down to earth this weekend.  Between them, we backed a fair old number of golfers, but only one – Weekly Golf Value’s 250/1 shot Trey Mullinax – was able to finish in the frame for a return.

It doesn’t feel as if there have been too many weeks like this one since the turn of the year.  When I look at my collective maximum drawdown figure to date, it represents just over 12% of the betting bank, which in a sport like golf feels quite remarkable.  Golf Insider has, so far anyway, not had the best of years, but even the drawdown I’ve suffered here is a relatively unremarkable 45% of the bank allocated to it (nb to my personal figures).

We think of golf as being a betting medium that provides huge swings (no pun intended), and which fits the old cliche of being a rollercoaster ride for those that bet on it.  But taken as a whole this has not been my experience so far this year.  There’s time yet of course, and I sincerely hope I’m not tempting fate with these words.  Who knows, perhaps this weekend is the start of a new, deep drawdown.

Let’s hope not.

Golf Insider (200pt bank): Staked 277pts, -72.944pts, roi -26.33%, roc -36.47%, High 14.35pts, CDD: -87.294pts, Max DD: -90.494pts

PGA Profit (500): Staked 652.5pts, +266.57pts, roi 40.85%, roc 53.31%, High +285.07pts, CDD: -18.5pts, Max DD: -115.77pts

PGA Profit Europe (500): Staked 57pts, +55.027pts, roi 96.53%, roc 11%, High 75.027pts, CDD: -20pts, Max DD: -20pts

Weekly Golf Value (2,000): 5,100pts, +1,680.48pts, roi 32.95%, roc 84.02%, High 1,928.81pts, CDD: -248.33pts, Max DD: -461.8pts

Golf Totals: ROI 24.78%, ROC 48.97%.

*ROI – Return On investment, ROC – Return On Capital (ie. bank growth), CDD – Current Drawdown, Max DD – Maximum Drawdown