Thoughts on WinnerOdds Football – unlucky so far.

I’ve been following WinnerOdds Football for 18 weeks.

Nine of those weeks have been profitable, so it shouldn’t really come as much of a surprise that all in, I’m at break even point.  In fact, I’m ridiculously close to break even, with an overall ROI of -0.04%.

Across those 18 weeks, I’ve struck 1,027 bets.  507 have won, 509 have lost.  And this is where it gets interesting.

Using the WO tool that allows us to look at how the “Average User” has fared over defined periods of time, I can  see that over the same 18 week period, Mr or Ms Average User experienced 10 winning weeks and eight losing.

He or she struck fewer bets – 637.  323 of those were winners, 308 losers and the outcome is a positive ROI of 3.35%.

What does this tell us?

That unfortunately, I’ve been the victim of negative variance, but not to any level anywhere near outside of the norm.

I do feel unfortunate, got to admit.  In their FAQ section, WO have this to say on the subject of when it is reasonable to judge their performance, ie. over the long-term:

“At WO, we set the long-term at 1000 bets, because as you can see in the betting history, the chances of being at a loss after 1000 bets are minimal.”

Well guys, I am at a loss.  But don’t worry, I’m not coming for you! 🙂

I’m genuinely not concerned at performance levels thus far.  I’m confident that it will improve, and although we’re obviously talking very, very short term now, September has got off to a pleasing start.  Let’s just hope it’s the start of a sustained profitable period.

If I’m being totally honest, I do harbour some concerns over viability.  I rely on the family’s account with one prominent online bookmaker more than I would ideally like, and the fear has to be being shut down before making a decent profit.  High turnover should help with this, but it hasn’t over the last 1,000 bets!  Do I feel comfortable putting a bet down on a team playing in the South Korean League 2 in a match not being played for five days?  No.  No, I don’t.  Because surely not many Traders are going to turn a blind eye for that long.

But this is doom and gloom stuff, the sort you often read in Discord channels where people who don’t necessarily reveal the whole picture criticise and whinge and generally give the impression something is a complete waste of time because they haven’t won for two days.  A lesson I learnt very quickly was to pick carefully who you listen to or take advice from, and who from their public utterances can be trusted as being fair and balanced.  Outside of that, just do things yourself and draw your own conclusions on something,

Anyway, let’s see what happens next with WO Football.  Hopefully, more of what I’ve enjoyed over the last few days.

As for yesterday’s betting, we had a couple of Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Trackers complete with a resultant small profit.  An overdue poor day for The Value Machine recording a -107.5 point loss. one winner from two Any Time Goalscorer bets sourced from the Bookie Bashing Player xG Tool (Value Bets) in the France match last night, and one losing bet from one for WinnerOdds Football.

Overall then, a loss of -88.33 points across the board, or ROC of -0.76%.

Updated figures below:

September Figures (stakes normalised):

Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 105pts, 75.74pts, roi 72.13%, roc 5.04%.

Weekly Golf Value: Staked 94pts, -44.5pts, roi 11.39-47.34%, roc -2.22%.

Sys Analyst: Staked 55.8pts, +191.3pts, roi 342.83%, roc 9.56%.

Value Bets (BB): Staked 134pts, -80.21pts, roi -59.85%, roc -4.01%.

The Value Machine: Staked 2,410pts, +308.59pts, roi 12.8%, roc 15.42%

Winner Odds Football: Staked 929pts, +212.85pts, roi 22.91%, roc 10.64%.

TOTAL: Staked 3,727.8pts, +665.77pts, roi 17.85%, roc 5.78%.

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