Month: August 2022

RACING: The cost of having a good time.

I thoroughly enjoyed my break away with the missus last week.  Having an internet connection as weak as a Spurs’ title winning record so that it’s not worth bothering about was just what the doctor ordered.  No point in stressing if you accept there’s not a lot you can do other than go and get another drink in and forget about betting completely.  On a serious note too, it’s also really important than when you spend quality time with your family/partner, you are truly “with” them and not only half mentally there because you’re wondering/checking/worrying about emails/prices/results.

However, once you get home again and back into the normal routine, it is a little whince inducing when you see that one of your tipsters – who has been really struggling of late – has only gone and had a stormer.  Step forward Northern Monkey.

I am genuinely pleased for Wayne.  He deserves an upturn in fortunes and he clearly has been suffering.  But it would have been nice for the winning singles and multiples last Thursday to have essentially eradicated all my losses in one fell swoop!  40+ points of profit!  And I missed them…

This can be a painful game at times.

Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 187pts, -2.865pts, roi -1.53%, roc -2.86%, High 0pts, DD -2.865pts, Max DD -24.338pts

Northern Monkey (80): Staked 331pts, -48.009pts, roi -14.5%, roc -60.01%, High 0pts, DD -48.009pts, Max DD -48.009pts

The Value Bettor (40): Staked 9.75pts, +1.46pts, roi 14.97%, roc 3.65%, High 2.71pts, DD -1.25pts, Max DD -2pts

BB Racing Tracker (100): Staked 349pts, +376.648pts, roi 107.92%, roc 376.64%, High 0pts, DD -10.881pts, Max DD -13.388pts

Racing Totals: ROI 38.91%, ROC 103.03%.

SPORTS: Looking brighter for The Poacher.

A truncated week, what with being away for the main part of it and then no bets placed on Saturday as has been the case through the summer.  But it wasn’t enough to prevent The Poacher from snaffling another chunk of profit and in doing so, reaching a new profit high for the year to date (to my own, personal figures).

This is particularly heartening as a few months ago The Poacher was going through the ringer a bit, and then we had to be really patient whilst the quieter midsummer months passed.  Now though, with football back and more bets coming through, we’re going in the right direction again.

Another noteworthy event this week has been the issuing of some antepost picks from our NFL specialist, Touchdown Profit.  I do like me an NFL match to watch of a Sunday evening.  I’m no expert, and the finer nuances of the sport are lost on me, but that doesn’t stop me enjoying it all.  With some bets coming through soon, as the season opens in just over a week, I’m really looking forward to it.

On The Oche (30pt bank): Staked 56pts, +7.735pts, roi 13.81%, roc 25.78%, High 8.735pts, DD -1pts, Max DD -2.05pts

The Poacher (40): Staked 171pts, +7.407pts, roi 4.33%, roc 18.51%, High 7.407pts, DD 0pts, Max DD -7.075pts

Touchdown Profit (50): Staked 11pts, +0.39pts, roi 3.54%, roc 0.78%, High 0.66pts, DD -0.27pts, Max DD -4pts

Sports Totals: ROI 6.82%, ROC 14%.

GOLF: A quiet but profitable week.

Those of you that read my last Bet Diary post will know I was away last week, enjoying some down time and making sure that my wife and I still enjoy eating good food, drinking good wine and beer, and talking nonsense.  We do.

What this short break meant though, was that the only golfing bets I struck all week were those released on the Monday (I was away Tuesday to Friday) by PGA Profit.  Happily, PGA Profit gave Rory McIlroy at 9/1 to win the Tour Championship, which he duly did albeit not without a bit of a battle.  Mind you, if the purse Rory won was available for me in some way, I think “battle” wouldn’t even cover it!  I’d quite possibly be up for a fight to the death, such was the size of it!

Anyway, not many bets, but a nice win.  I ain’t complaining.

Golf Insider (200): Staked 310pts, -57.435pts, roi -18.52%, roc -28.71%, High 29.24pts, DD -86.675pts, Max DD -92.525pts

PGA Profit (500): Staked 628.5pts, +14.14pts, roi 2.24%, roc 2.82%, High 119.24pts, DD -105.1pts, Max DD -133.1pts

European Tour (500): Staked 81.5pts, -65pts, roi -79.75%, roc -13%. High 0pts, DD -65pts, Max DD -65pts

Ben Coley (600): Staked 496pts, -110.79pts, roi -22.33%, roc -18.46%, High 79.93pts, DD -190.72pts, Max DD -190.72pts

Tour Tips (150): Staked 165.5pts, -23.52pts, roi -14.21%, roc -15.68%, High 19.614pts, DD -43.55pts, Max DD -79.25pts

Weekly Golf Value (2000): Staked 3,278.5pts, +1,273.56pts, roi 38.84%, roc 63.82%, High 1,464.65pts, DD -191.09pts, Max DD -435.75pts

The Rainmaker (400): Staked 928pts, -354.33pts, roi -38.18%, roc -88.58%, High 5.2pts, DD: -359.53pts, Max DD -359.53pts

Golf Totals: ROI -8.91%, ROC -15.88%.



Total (10,000): Staked £17,820.50, -£1,588.28, roi -8.91%, roc -15.88%

RACING: Better late than never!

First, an apology.  I, and my good wife, decided this week to take a couple of days off and booked a lovely pub in the Yorkshire Dales with a reputation for excellent grub and nice rooms to sleep off the food and wine/beer in. Not a problem, I thought.  I’d take the laptop and do a quick Bet Diary post on Wednesday at some point.

The best laid plans, and all that.  No internet connection worthy of the name (I know, in this day and age!) and no means of posting.  I soon gave up trying and forgive me, but I wasn’t going to go driving about to find somewhere I could set up.  It was supposed to be a break!  So, here we are now…better late than never.

To be honest, I’m not sure I was missing much with a report for last week’s racing results, bearing in mind it was a poor week.  Competitive racing at the York Ebor meeting suggested a good time, but it didn’t work out like that, especially for Northern Monkey, who I believe is now taking a needed break to recharge the batteries.

As for Bet Alchemist and the Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker, just a couple of dropped points between them.

Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 186pts, -1.865pts, roi -1%, roc -1.86%, High 0pts, DD -1.865pts, Max DD -24.338pts

Northern Monkey (80): Staked 328.25pts, -45.259pts, roi -13.78%, roc -56.57%, High 0pts, DD -45.259pts, Max DD -45.259pts

The Value Bettor (40): Staked 9.75pts, +1.46pts, roi 14.97%, roc 3.65%, High 2.71pts, DD -1.25pts, Max DD -2pts

BB Racing Tracker (100): Staked 339pts, +377.267pts, roi 111.28%, roc 377.26%, High 0pts, DD -10.262pts, Max DD -13.388pts

Racing Totals: ROI 40.04%, ROC 104.33%.

SPORTS: Quick round up.

A very brief update after a very quiet week.

One bet alone for On The Oche, a loser but the darts betting guru is hopping along quite merrily still this year.  Good to see him eke out the odd bet from different tournaments now too.

And a small profit for The Poacher who seems to be getting back into the swing of things now that the European football season has gotten underway.  Another half decent week this week coming will likely see him hit a new profit high for me for the year to date.

I really hope I haven’t just put the mockers on him!

On The Oche (30pt bank): Staked 56pts, +7.735pts, roi 13.81%, roc 25.78%, High 8.735pts, DD -1pts, Max DD -2.05pts

The Poacher (40): Staked 164.5pts, +6.057pts, roi 3.68%, roc 15.14%, High 6.606pts, DD -0.549pts, Max DD -7.075pts

Touchdown Profit (50): Staked 11pts, +0.39pts, roi 3.54%, roc 0.78%, High 0.66pts, DD -0.27pts, Max DD -4pts

Sports Totals: ROI 6.45%, ROC 12.87%

GOLF: Striking out alone.

It very much felt like a week that got away, with different services having between them a number of golfers finding themselves in very promising positions going into the latter part of the tournaments, but most of them fading out of the places as opposed to striking out for top spot.

The only service to break even was Tour Tips which found Xander Schauffele at 20/1 finishing in the frame.  A marginal, and I do mean marginal, profit for the TT gents.

As for Weekly Golf Value, well, this was the first time I’ve struck out alone, using the Bookie Basher Golf tracker to find a bet to replace one I couldn’t get on at the advised (or value) price, due to recent bookie account closures.  I know that in the long term, as long as I’m backing golfers at +EV prices it shouldn’t matter who those golfers are.  It’s the value I’m taking that is the sole consideration.  But psychologically, it does take a little getting used to to overlook the WGV-provided tip to find your own.  You can’t shake the feeling that the golfer you’re not backing is inevitably the one going to win!  It was only one golfer this week to replace the suggested bet on John Catlin, but I’m sure it will be many more moving forward as restrictions start to bite.  I’m kinda running out of online options, so it will be going out to the shops and betting in cash a lot more before too long I’m sure.  A small loss for WGV this week.

Both Golf Insider and The Rainmaker had one tip finish in the places; not enough for either of them to avoid more losses and unfortunately with the latter, I’m essentially one no-return week from doing my bank.  A big win would buy time of course.  Fingers, toes, eyes and anything else it’s possible to cross, crossed!

Finally a blank week for PGA Profit, and back into negative territory for the year to date (although only just).

So another very underwhelming week across the golfing board.  My whelm is definitely under.  Good job the mighty Arsenal are going to win the league, eh?

Golf Insider (200pt bank): Staked 310pts, -57.435pts, roi -18.52%, roc -28.71%, High 29.24pts, DD -86.675pts, Max DD -92.525pts

PGA Profit (500): Staked 611.5pts, -13.86pts, roi -2.26%, roc -2.77%, High 119.24pts, DD -133.1pts, Max DD -133.1pts

European Tour (500): Staked 81.5pts, -65pts, roi -79.75%, roc -13%. High 0pts, DD -65pts, Max DD -65pts

Ben Coley (600): Staked 496pts, -110.79pts, roi -22.33%, roc -18.46%, High 79.93pts, DD -190.72pts, Max DD -190.72pts

Tour Tips (150): Staked 165.5pts, -23.52pts, roi -14.21%, roc -15.68%, High 19.614pts, DD -43.55pts, Max DD -79.25pts

Weekly Golf Value (2000): Staked 3,278.5pts, +1,273.56pts, roi 38.84%, roc 63.82%, High 1,464.65pts, DD -191.09pts, Max DD -435.75pts

The Rainmaker (400): Staked 928pts, -354.33pts, roi -38.18%, roc -88.58%, High 5.2pts, DD: -359.53pts, Max DD -359.53pts

Golf Totals: ROI -9.57%, ROC -17%

RACING: It’s a tough, tough game.

The only ‘game’ other than betting that I’ve felt is possibly a touch tougher, is the one which The Wire explores in its amazingly good, ground-breaking HBO series of a few years ago (seriously, if you’ve never watched it, do!).  The drug trade-fuelled violence, murder and general desperation endemic on the rough streets of Baltimore was, I felt, a pretty harsh environment in which to survive, never mind flourish.  It’s all in the game, yo.

Reading Wayne’s (Northern Monkey Punter) crie de coeur sent out to members last week, sent something of a shiver down my spine.  He’s clearly really not enjoying ‘the game’ at the moment, and even hinted at closing the service come season end.  For what it’s worth – and I know this is easy for me to say as I’m not the one under pressure here – but I really hope that isn’t the case.  Regular readers of the Bet Diary will probably be bored of my saying that Wayne is one of the good guys and a darned fine tipster to boot.  But it’s true.  And a losing year doesn’t change that.

In other shock news, I’ve had a losing week using the Bookie Bashing Racing Tracker.  Not one single day ended in a profit, which I’ve not experienced before.  The losses are hardly large however, and whilst appreciating I’ve not so much been riding a wave of positive variance as doing hand stands whilst smoking a fat Cuban and drinking the finest of Cognacs whilst on that wave, I know I’m due a serious reversion to the mean.  The ROI remains stupendously, ridiculously – and most of all – unsustainably, high.  Perhaps this past week is the start of the ‘correction’.

Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 176pts, -1.28pts, roi -0.72%, roc -1.28%, High 0pts, DD -11.73pts, Max DD -24.338pts

Northern Monkey (80): Staked 308.875pts, -33.996pts, roi -11%, roc -42.49%, High 0pts, DD -33.996pts, Max DD -45.043pts

The Value Bettor (40): Staked 9.75pts, +1.46pts, roi 14.97%, roc 3.65%, High 2.71pts, DD -1.25pts, Max DD -2pts

BB Racing Tracker (100): Staked 319pts, +378.81pts, roi 118.74%, roc 378.81%, High 0pts, DD -8.719pts, Max DD -13.388pts

Racing Totals: ROI 44.09%, ROC 108.35%

SPORTS: Another quietly profitable week, thank you very much!

This sports “portfolio” is just about the very antithesis of what a lot of people think serious betting is about.  I think the natural assumption for those that have no clue is that it’s all big wins and devastating losses, and sure, there are services out there that you can follow that are very much like that.  I follow a few myself.

But these three tipsters here – On The Oche, The Poacher and Touchdown Profit – are the absolute opposite of that misconception.  Last week was another prime example of just ticking along, adding a nice, but modest profit to those already made this year.

One bet from On The Oche (just a half point stake risked) came up with the goods, and The Poacher eked out a bit of profit too.  Noticeable that the latter is beginning to produce a bit more by way of output too, now that the European footie season is properly underway.

On The Oche (30pt bank): Staked 55pts, +8.735pts, roi 15.88%, roc 29.11%, High 8.735pts, DD 0pts, Max DD -2.05pts

The Poacher (40): Staked 160.5pts, +5.304pts, roi 3.33%, roc 13.26%, High 6.606pts, DD -1.302pts, Max DD -7.075pts

Touchdown Profit (50): Staked 11pts, +0.39pts, roi 3.54%, roc 0.78%, High 0.66pts, DD -0.27pts, Max DD -4pts

Sports Totals: ROI 6.78%, ROC 13.24%.

GOLF: Tour Tips comes good!

Will Zalatoris winning the play-off in the PGA Tour event last night for Tour Tips at 25/1 ensured the week’s golf punting ended in profit, and I’m never going to complain about that!  It feels like a long time since we had a winner from Tour Tips and although we’re still in the red for the year, the losses have been cut considerably.  Another winner like this week’s and we’d be ahead, which just goes to show how quickly things can turn around.

The Rainmaker will be praying that’s the case for him as yet again, for the upteenth time it feels, he knocked on the door, this time getting two to place in the same US event.  However, at the prices it wasn’t enough to avoid another (small) loss on the week, and we need one of these near missed to drop soon.

A very similar story for Golf Insider who also found two to place for the week, but again at relatively skinny odds for golf and with one sharing the places with too many others, a loss overall was the outcome.

This however was better than Weekly Golf Value who could only get one in the frame across the two tournaments (and sadly again, we had to share the place money), and PGA Profit, which blanked completely and is now barely above the profit and loss line for me for this year so far.

So all in all, an ok week that provided some profit, but it still feels like the portfolio isn’t quite clicking.  Let’s see what this week brings.

Golf Insider (200pt bank): Staked 301pts, -53.935pts, roi -17.91%, roc -26.96%, High 29.24pts, DD -83.175pts, Max DD -92.525pts

PGA Profit (500): Staked 593.5pts, +4.14pts, roi 0.69%, roc 0.82%, High 119.24pts, DD -115.1pts, Max DD -127.01pts

European Tour (500): Staked 81.5pts, -65pts, roi -79.75%, roc -13%. High 0pts, DD -65pts, Max DD -65pts

Ben Coley (600): Staked 496pts, -110.79pts, roi -22.33%, roc -18.46%, High 79.93pts, DD -190.72pts, Max DD -190.72pts

Tour Tips (150): Staked 159.5pts, -23.77pts, roi -14.9%, roc -15.84%, High 19.614pts, DD -43.75pts, Max DD -79.25pts

Weekly Golf Value (2000): Staked 3,133.5pts, +1,312.81pts, roi 41.89%, roc 65.64%, High 1,464.65pts, DD -151.84pts, Max DD -435.75pts

The Rainmaker (400): Staked 881.5pts, -342.33pts, roi -38.83%, roc -85.58%, High 5.2pts, DD: -347.53pts, Max DD -347.53pts

Golf Totals: ROI -8.73%, ROC -14.97%

RACING: Tough at the top.

I think it’s fair to say that Northern Monkey sits at the top table when it comes to horse racing tipsters.  You don’t get a track record of success and reach the longevity that NMP has over the years without being.  How many “great” tipsters do we see come and go in what is essentially the blink of an eye?  I can think of several over the years which have briefly lit up the tipping skies with what seemed like supernova-esque brilliance, only not to still be operating less than a year later.

NMP, on the other hand, has seen bad spells and good.  A couple of years ago I think the service dropped out of the SBC’s Hall of Fame for a while before earning a re-entry.  Last year was very strong.

So through this current, incredibly frustrating (for Wayne, I mean) spell, we need to remember that it’s far better to be in with someone we’ve seen go through the bad times and come out the other side smiling, than with someone who hasn’t.  This current situation – and it’s not really even that bad (I’m less than half the allotted betting bank down) – is infuriating, frustrating, challenging and likely to test patience.  But this is precisely why we invest in experienced tipsters, and set up an appropriately sized betting bank.

Let’s see what next week brings.

Bet Alchemist (100pt bank): Staked 176pts, -1.28pts, roi -0.72%, roc -1.28%, High 0pts, DD -11.73pts, Max DD -24.338pts

Northern Monkey (80): Staked 296.5pts, -30.434pts, roi -10.26%, roc -38.04%, High 0pts, DD -30.434pts, Max DD -45.043pts

The Value Bettor (40): Staked 9.75pts, +1.46pts, roi 14.97%, roc 3.65%, High 2.71pts, DD -1.25pts, Max DD -2pts

BB Racing Tracker (100): Staked 306pts, +387.53pts, roi 126.64%, roc 387.53%, High 0pts, DD 0pts, Max DD -13.388pts

Racing Totals: ROI 47.1%, ROC 112.19%