Month: May 2018

Getting the rewards for practicing what we preach.

I was going to write about how ironic it is that the bookmakers are in the process of having the stakes they can accept on their FOBTs capped at £2 by the UK Gambling Commission, but then Monday happened.

Monday, the 21st of May.

It will go down in my personal betting annals as a true red letter day.  A day when the MVS (Lite) service came into it’s own, particularly the strategy of placing multiple selections as multiple bets.

If you’ve read my latest annual report, you will have seen me preaching the virtues of patience with this method of betting.  Of course we know that patience is a virtue when we’re betting full stop, but the importance of exercising it when following a low strike rate service is huge.

It is so easy to preach, more difficult to practice.  And so I thought I’d let you know (those of you who aren’t members of the SBC’s Fake Mug Bets Club of just how patience can be generously rewarded.)

I place my multiple bets at SP – I simply don’t have the time to go shopping around for the ‘collective’ best prices on offer to put in a multiple bet.  I stick the MVS (Lite) selections on as singles, and then as doubles, patents, yankees, whatever, depending on the number of bets there are.

On Monday, there were four.  The SPs of each were 11/4, 5/2, 5/2 and 10/11 (after a number of non-runners).  They all won!  Yep, you read that correctly…  They. All. Won.

A huge return, well over 50% of the betting bank allocated to the multiple bets.  After months of waiting for a big one, it arrived in some style.  After months of exercising patience, I was rewarded.  It’s so nice to be able to demonstrate, instead of just preach, the value patience has when it comes to following tipsters. 🙂

Figures for May to date:

ROI: 19.05%.  ROC: 7.63%.

AH Betting: Staked 26pts, -4.57pts.

Football Service 1: Staked 8pts, +3.711pts.

Jason James: Staked 110pts, -27.38pts.

MVS (Lite): Staked 56pts, +25.583pts.

Fake Mug Bets Club: Staked 134pts, +315.71pts.

Northern Monkey: Staked 52.375pts, -0.777pts.

Pilelist Racing: Staked 46pts, +1.208pts.

Racing Service B: Staked 73pts, -8pts.

Racing Service C: Staked 33pts, -16.325pts.