Month: January 2025

Another golf winner (Weekly Golf Value) and a Bookie Bashing Tools breakdown coming soon…

Two golf winners in two weeks, and Weekly Golf Value members should all have benefited from Harris English’s win Stateside (I got 75/1).  It’s amazing how frequently this happens, or at least seems to.  No winners for ages, and then two in consecutive weeks.

It’s been a great January for golf, and when bearing in mind we had a loser in a play off too, it could have been a month for the ages.  Still, I ain’t complaining.

I feel I’m in a good place too in terms of using the Golf Tracker to find my own value bets in each week’s fields, and then adding any official WGV picks providing I can find a value price at the bookmakers I can use.

Which is the opposite of how I’m feeling with the Bookie Bashing Early Pay Out Tracker, which I have to profess has me in a state of flux.  I can’t quite settle upon a strategy.  I know the value is there.  I’m just not happy I’ve quite nailed a preferred way of how to exploit it.  With bonuses no longer being paid on Lucky 15s, I know I need (and have been) separating teams into Doubles, Trebles, Fourfolds, etc.  Another way would be to use the same methodology as for the Football Coupon Tracker – find seven teams at a value price and stick in a series of 35 Trebles.

It was a poor week for the EP Tracker for me anyhow, with no returns at all, and I’m finding it just a little irksome, truth be known.

I had a reader email in to ask if I could give a break down of the different Tools I use at Bookie Bashing, and as I’m always eager to please (just ask the Missus!) that is something I shall do.  So stay tuned for that!

Elsewhere with the BB Tools, it was a good weekend for using the Player Stats Tool and this month is running at a hot 45% ROI using this.  Overall, the various ‘Value Bets’ I’ve struck this month are ticking along very nicely (12.3% ROI), so providing a break down of what Tools I use and how might be useful to some.

It was a shocking Saturday for me with WinnerOddsFootball, with my entire profit built over the month to date being eradicated in one day’s worth of bets.  Not nice, and thankfully Sunday was a day that clawed some of those losses back.

So, next post I’ll talk about the Bookie Bashing Combo Tracker and how I look to use that, plus the Player Stats Tool.

2025 figures to date (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Tools: Staked 1,133.21pts, +139.99pts, ROI 12.35%, ROC 9.33%, Drawdown -27.79pts, Max DD -43.66pts

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/WGV: Staked 532pts, +442.66pts, ROI 83.2%, ROC 22.13%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD -150.25pts

eSoccer Edge: Staked 3,775pts, -57.71pts, ROI -1.52%, ROC -5.77%, Drawdown -184.74pts, Max DD -253.49pts

Sys Analyst: Staked 350pts, -118pts, ROI -33.71%, ROC -7.86%, Drawdown -205pts, Max DD -205pts

The Value Machine: Staked 1,570pts, -281.9pts, ROI -17.95%, ROC -9.39%, Drawdown -295.96pts, Max DD -507.67pts

WinnerOdds Football: Staked 5,759pts, +93.1pts, ROI 1.61%, ROC 3.1%, Drawdown -118.81pts, Max DD -212.71pts

TOTAL: Staked 13,524.21pts, +234.91pts, ROI 1.73%, ROC 2.61%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD -596.58pts

Early thoughts, and a period of volatility.

First thing I’m going to say – and I want to emphasise this – is that what I am about to write is not criticism, nor me passing judgment.  It is merely my very limited experience to date, and it is around the fascinating new eSoccer Edge service.

I’ve only been trialling for a little more than a week, to very small level stakes.  Because of the high turnover nature of the service however, the total amount staked has soon built up and in fact it lies second only to WinnerOdds Football in how much I have staked on any one individual strategy or service this month.

There is no doubt that eSoccer Edge keeps its followers busy.  But it was very interesting to read that very recently, turnover levels had spiked.  The reason for the spike was a sudden burst in the number of goals being scored.  I’m not going to go into what might have caused that here, but the net result was a period of adaptation for the model.  From what followers were told, this is all part of an expected cycle.  One that is typified by some sharp losses before a period of stabilisation and then sustained profiteering as the model has adjusted but the markets have not.

It all made sense, to be honest, and I felt the approach I would take would be to simply carry on betting as normal.  I was already using small stakes after all (this is a trial), and if there was an uplift coming, I want to be on it from the start.

How have things fared since?

Well, I lost the profit I had previously made and then some, and I’ve not yet really started to make inroads into the losses.  I’m uncertain how long the cycle as it was described takes to progress.  Time will tell on that front.  What I would say though is that my personal betting on eSoccer Edge has stabilised and I’m breaking even today.  Yesterday was another losing day, which followed a more or less level day which followed the sharp losses suffered at the start of the week.

Read into all that, what you will!  I’m not sure there is too much to read into it to be honest.  Other than this does feel like a fairly volatile period.

I shall continue to follow with interest.  And obviously, will continue to report back here.

Elsewhere and there does appear to be something of a heater arriving for The Value Machine.  There’s one bar of the electric heater on and we’re just waiting for the other bars to kick in.

I’ve literally made a couple of quid using Winners Odds Football, but as ever the weekend’s activity will dictate how the week shapes up there.  And not much else to report.

See you Monday.

January figures to date (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Tools: Staked 906.28pts, +137.2pts, ROI 15.13%, ROC 9.14%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD -43.66pts

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/WGV: Staked 367pts, +263.26pts, ROI 71.73%, ROC 13.16%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD -150.25pts

eSoccer Edge: Staked 3,435pts, -123.46pts, ROI -3.59%, ROC -12.34%, Drawdown -253.49pts, Max DD -253.49pts

Sys Analyst: Staked 282pts, -50pts, ROI -17.73%, ROC -3.33%, Drawdown -137pts, Max DD -137pts

The Value Machine: Staked 1,410pts, -320.86pts, ROI -22.75%, ROC -10.69%, Drawdown -334.92pts, Max DD -507.67pts

WinnerOdds Football: Staked 4,592pts, +178.66pts, ROI 3.89%, ROC 5.95%, Drawdown -33.25pts, Max DD -212.71pts

TOTAL: Staked 11,397.28pts, +98.77pts, ROI 0.86%, ROC 1.09%, Drawdown -113.56pts, Max DD -596.58pts


Sepp, Sepp, Hooray!

Saturday was a bloody nightmare.  Don’t ask, but far too many steps trudging to and from the nearest train station to not catch a train I needed to catch… My mood wasn’t the best, shall we say.  When I was a kid, there were endless jokes made about British Rail, all around the fact that unlike the Italians under Mussolini, no bloomin’ train ran on time.  Then we had privatisation.  Now I’m thinking the rail system should be re-nationalised because the service couldn’t get any more expensive or unreliable.  I got the money back on my tickets, but I missed out on being where I wanted to be.  I bear a grudge.

After what has been a poor start to 2025, a lovely golfing winner in the US last night was very welcome.  It got rid of the losses in one fell swoop, and pushed my nose just above the waterline.  An ROI of 0.87% is nothing to write home about, but it is something I’ll take quite happily after being a fair way down.

Sepp Straka – 55/1 – and taken from the Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker last week.  He wasn’t on the Weekly Golf Value list, so this is one where it’s paid off to use the Tracker myself and it’s always gratifying when that is the case.  Straka was never really in any danger, starting the final round four clear and finishing it two clear but not at any point did he look as if he was going to give up the lead.  All very nice, and with the DPWT Tour also seeing three golfers place and providing a decent enough return on its own right, it was a darned fine golfing week.

It was a good week for new service eSoccer Edge too, with some steady gains and a decent ROC figure for the week.  However, that is really only half the story, and I’ll go into more detail in the post later this week.  Fascinating stuff, and I’ve enjoyed following thus far.

The Value Bets taken from the various Bookie Bashing Trackers and Tools are ticking along nicely.  The weekend was a bit win one/lose one, but overall an ROI of 11.22% is excellent.  A couple of very big value bets have been landed which at the risk of stating the obvious, have provided a real boost.

Ticking along is how I’d describe WinnerOdds Football’s week too, with losses on Saturday being grabbed back by profits on Sunday.  I kinda mentally compartmentalise this service as a steady earner.  High enough turnover, and an ROI of 5% or thereabouts consistently dripping profit into the bank.  And that’s exactly what it’s done so far.

Still waiting for “the heater” to arrive for The Value Machine (although a better day today, Monday) and a bit of a nondescript week for Sys Analyst.

So, I find myself in a much better position this Monday than I was last, or even through most of last week.  It would be fantastic if now I’ve been able to clamber out of the red, the rest of the month could add some real profit.  Let’s see if that happens.

2025 figures to date (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Tools: Staked 848.54pts, +95.24pts, ROI 11.22%, ROC 6.34%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD -43.66pts

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/WGV: Staked 367pts, +263.26pts, ROI 71.73%, ROC 13.16%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD -150.25pts

eSoccer Edge: Staked 2,515pts, +89.28pts, ROI 3.54%, ROC 8.92%, Drawdown -40.75pts, Max DD -40.75pts

Sys Analyst: Staked 282pts, -50pts, ROI -17.73%, ROC -3.33%, Drawdown -137pts, Max DD -137pts

The Value Machine: Staked 1,240pts, -489.7pts, ROI -39.49%, ROC -16.32%, Drawdown -503.76pts, Max DD -507.67pts

WinnerOdds Football: Staked 4,306pts, +162.35pts, ROI 3.77%, ROC 5.41%, Drawdown -19.43pts, Max DD -212.71pts

TOTAL: Staked 9,633.54pts, +84.4pts, ROI 0.87%, ROC 0.93%, Drawdown -68.22pts, Max DD -596.58pts

More questions, and none of them good. And do one, Bruno.

You may recall from Friday’s post that I posed two questions; one to WinnerOdds Football (to make sure the very heavily staked, very short odds bets won instead of lost – they listened – thank you), and one to The Value Machine (could they please do something about the weather because I wanted something to bet on – to be fair, they obliged too…and I blame myself for this because I forgot to ask, but perhaps one or two of them could win too?  Please.)

And today, I need to ask a question of Tom Brownlees of Bookie Bashing.  Their golfers are not supposed to lose in play offs.  They don’t lose play offs.  So what the bloody hell happened with Nicolas Echavarria then, eh?  A 70/1 winner would have done me very nicely indeed, thank you.  Instead I woke up this morning to find the Colombian had LOST A PLAYOFF.  Does he not know the rules?  Did he not realise that to let Weekly Golf Values down is just not cricket and is the last thing a true gentleman would do?

Apart from the various value bets from the Bookie Bashing Tools – Bruno Fernandes to commit at least one foul and to be fouled at least once yesterday was ridiculous value and the bet was landed before half time – it’s been a pile of crap, this past week.  Everything else is down.  The Value Machine the biggest culprit and it’s been a disappointing start to 2025.

I’m not going to go into specifics.  Look at the figures and see for yourself.

And as for Bruno Fernandes being fouled at least once…by the end of the match yesterday I could have killed him, never mind fouled him.  I hate football!

January figures to date (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Tools: Staked 554.33pts, +91.95pts, ROI 16.58%, ROC 6.13%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD -24.29pts

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/WGV: Staked 215pts, -150.25pts, ROI -69.8%, ROC -7.5%, Drawdown -150.25pts, Max DD -150.25pts

eSoccer Edge: Staked 530pts, -0.61pts, ROI -0.11%, ROC -0.04%, Drawdown -17.39pts, Max DD -29.74pts

Sys Analyst: Staked 168pts, -26pts, ROI -15.47%, ROC -1.3%, Drawdown -113pts, Max DD -113pts

The Value Machine: Staked 910pts, -356.03pts, ROI -39.12%, ROC -11.86%, Drawdown -370.09pts, Max DD -370.09pts

WinnerOdds Football: Staked 2,803pts, +14.66pts, ROI 0.52%, ROC 0.48%, Drawdown -111.93pts, Max DD -212.71pts

TOTAL: Staked 5,255.33pts, -412.31pts, ROI -7.84%, ROC -4.58%, Drawdown -564.83pts, Max DD -564.83pts

Too cold, too much losing going on, and too many golfers who are going to lose a leg!

Bloody hell it’s cold!  And I don’t like it.  Not. One. Bit.

What I also don’t like, is drawdowns.  And to start a new year off suffering from one is very much on my “Not Like” list.  What else is on that list?, I hear you clamour.

  1. John Terry.
  2. Teddy Sheringham
  3. Drawdowns
  4. VAR
  5. Referees
  6. All the above.

Other than that, I’m a fairly affable, easy going chap.  Oh, apart from people who don’t indicate at roundabouts.  Don’t like them either.  And spiders.  What is the point of spiders!?  Let the world be overcome by flying insects, I say.  It’s got to be better than those hairy, eight legged monsters who have no idea about what direction they’re going to scurry in next.  And I swear they’re getting bigger.

Anyway, my betting has been like a spider this week – all over the place and horrible.  And nothing’s won.

Looking on the bright side, after Round 1 of the golf, I’ve got three players all in a share for top spot, and another couple just a shot or two back.  Loooong way to go yet, and if things go in a similar way to the rest of my wagering this week, my best performer will finish 8 over par after having his leg chewed off by an alligator at the 17th.  Do they even have alligators in Hawaii?  Probably not, but knowing my luck there’ll be one there that’s got himself lost.  And hungry.

Note to WinnerOdds Football.  Please can the really high staked, very short priced bets start to win?  It would make the world of difference.  Thank you.

Note to The Value Machine.  Can someone there please do something about this weather.  It would be nice to have something to bet on.  Thank you too.

On a serious note, and a little addition to the portfolio for the near future.  eSoccer Edge looked very interesting when I read the blurb.  Small stakes to start off with, as is my usual way when trialling something new.  Let’s see what happens.

Right, I’ve a bottle of wine to drink.  First week back at work this week too.  Not used to it.  Exhausted!

Have a great weekend, folks.

2025 figures to date (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Tools: Staked 336.25pts, -10.32pts, ROI -3.06%, ROC -0.68%, Drawdown -24.29pts, Max DD -24.29pts

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/WGV: Staked 125pts, -125pts, ROI -100%, ROC -6.25%, Drawdown -125pts, Max DD -125pts

eSoccer Edge: Staked 240pts, -29.74pts, ROI -12.39%, ROC -2.97%, Drawdown -29.74pts, Max DD -29.74pts

Sys Analyst: Staked 115pts, +27pts, ROI 23.47%, ROC 1.35%, Drawdown -60pts, Max DD -60pts

The Value Machine: Staked 740pts, -186.03pts, ROI -25.13%, ROC -6.2%, Drawdown -186.03pts, Max DD -186.03pts

WinnerOdds Football: Staked 1,782pts, -86.12pts, ROI -4.83%, ROC -2.87%, Drawdown -86.12pts, Max DD -134.3pts

TOTAL: Staked 3,346.25pts, -396.24pts, ROI -11.84%, ROC -3.96%, Drawdown -548.76pts, Max DD -548.76pts

Snow, postponements, frustration.

The New Year has seen snow, and where I am, a fair bit of it.  I don’t know about you but once the initial “Oooh, that’s pretty” when you wake up and first see a white blanket lying over your garden, has worn off – a process that takes about two minutes – it becomes a bit of a pain in the arse.

Slippery roads, brown slush, and most importantly, the effect on horse racing, with meetings being cancelled left, right, and centre.  Like I say, a pain in the arse.

And so it has been this weekend, with horse racing turnover down to a minimum.  The year has not got off to the flier I had hoped for.

Friday was actually a really strong day and I was thinking we had lift off for 2025.  Saturday and Sunday however, has seen all that profit given straight back to the bookmakers again.

As well as the drop off in bets on the nags, it was a strangely quiet weekend for WinnerOdds Football too.  I don’t think we can be blaming snow for this when bets are covering teams playing in placed like Mauritius and Jamaica.  It was also a rare losing weekend for my bets with one or two teams carrying big stakes not producing the goods.

The first golf tournament of 2025 was similarly frustrating.  My Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker bets all finished out of the places, two of the players by just one stroke.  Nob heads!

And the there was the racing.  Not one bet yesterday from The Value Machine due to postponed meetings, and sadly after a good winner on Friday, a blank for Sys Analyst on Saturday and Sunday.

The one brighter spot has been a couple of winning Value Bets from the various Bookie Bashing Tools, but again not many bets that I could find.  It has just been a particularly quiet start to the year.

All in all, a weekend to forget.  Now all I want is for it to get a bit milder, get the racing back on, and press on.  Not too much to ask, is it?

Here are the figures for January so far:

January figures to Date (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Tools: Staked 299.25pts, +9.66pts, ROI 3.22%, ROC 0.64%, Drawdown -4.31pts, Max DD -6.27pts

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/WGV: Staked 125pts, -125pts, ROI -100%, ROC -6.25%, Drawdown -125pts, Max DD -125pts

Sys Analyst: Staked 115pts, +27pts, ROI 23.47%, ROC 1.35%, Drawdown -60pts, Max DD -60pts

The Value Machine: Staked 520pts, -100.11pts, ROI -19.25%, ROC -3.33%, Drawdown -114.97pts, Max DD -114.97pts

WinnerOdds Football: Staked 1,279pts, -7.71pts, ROI -0.6%, ROC -0.25%, Drawdown -134.3pts, Max DD -134.3pts

TOTAL: Staked 2,346.25pts, -182.19pts, ROI -7.76%, ROC -2.02%, Drawdown -334.71pts, Max DD -334.71pts


What I’m betting on in 2025.

Time to outline plans for 2025.

Let’s start with the Bet Diary itself.  I think moving forward I’ll try to get two posts out each week, one on the Monday and one on the Friday.  There may be the odd week when I change the days, but the idea is that each Monday I’ll provide a review of the weekend’s betting and provide year to date figures.  Then on the Friday, a review of the midweek betting and the month to date figures.  That feels quite neat.  I hope you agree.

As for what I’m going to be betting on and how, well there’s not too much that’s changing to be honest.  Just a bit of a tweak here and there.

Starting with what remains exactly the same for 2025 that was for 2024, and we have Sys Analyst.  Last year wasn’t the service’s best, but nor was it bad.  A simple case of just keeping calm and carrying on through 2025 with this one, I feel.

Same for golf betting, with my independent use of the Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker to the fore, supplemented by additional Weekly Golf Value picks if I’ve not already backed them and I can get a value price/place terms at a book I have available to me (which isn’t always the case).

My method is to use the Golf Tracker to identify value bets at around midday on the Wednesday, which is usually half an hour to an hour before the WGV email comes through.  There is usually a strong overlap between the players I back and those put up by WGV, as you might expect.  For example, at this week’s Sentry Championship event, I had bet on six of the eight listed WGV golfers before the WGV email arrived.  By getting on players slightly earlier, I should both avoid any price drops caused by WGV members, and as far as the bookmakers are concerned, I am not part of any discernible pattern of certain golfers being backed by numerous accounts within a small time window.  To be honest, I don’t think this last factor is really much of an issue, not at midday/early afternoon on a Wednesday.  If the bets were being put on by numerous WGV customers as soon as the markets have been formed, then maybe.  But by early Wednesday afternoon, the markets have matured.

One thing I am thinking about is perhaps leaving out the LIV Tour competitions this year.  For golf bettors, the sample size from LIV events remains very small, so I’m not saying that to omit them from my plans is a direct consequence of the poor results across the LIV events I endured through 2024.  My feelings around the Tour though, are that the dynamics differ from that of the DPWT and PGA Tours.  I question whether the competitive motivation of many of the leading players in these competitions reach the levels we see in those competing on the two ‘main’ Tours, and do I need to be putting down money on sportsmen who might not be that bothered?

There are other question marks I have about LIV and its dynamics.  I guess I’m in a place where I’m thinking there’s plenty of DPWT and PGA Tour action to get stuck into, and that as things stand I don’t need to be putting money on something I have questions over.  Cue WGV cleaning up on the LIV Tour…

Now we come to a couple of tweaks.

WinnerOdds Football has done me proud the last couple of months, and I’ve decided to invest more money and increase the bank committed to it by a third.  WO themselves advocate – as do others I know – setting the bank to be automatically updated on a bet by bet basis.  I have no doubt this is the “best” and most efficient way to follow, with the stake size growing in correlation to the bank.  However, to fit my circumstances better, I set the bank to a fixed amount doing so to prevent my stake sizes reaching a point where they are bound to attract the attention of trading teams.

Who knows if it’s better to simply raise stakes and the bank as quickly as possible to make as much money as possible before the accounts are restricted, or whether a more conservative approach means accounts remaining viable for longer, therefore allowing a greater total profit to be made over time?  I don’t.  But by staying relatively conservative, I can still make the sort of money from WO Footie that I want to, and by mixing their bets up with a range of others covering a variety of sports and markets, I’m hoping to avoid unwanted attention for an extended period.  It’s largely worked so far, but as we know, that dreaded email can arrive at any time.

There is a review in the offing so I’m not going to say too much about the new The Value Machine related services right now.  I have been following for a month, and although profitability wasn’t outstanding during this period, I’ve seen enough to commit properly to it.  The bank for TVM, like WinnerOdds Football, has been raised, and it is these two services that together will provide the bulk of my turnover for 2025.  Betfair-only for me with this too, so I know at least that if things go according to plan, this is a sustainable angle.

Whilst being mindful of time constraints, I fully intend to identify a lot of value betting opportunities using the various Bookie Bashing Tools and Trackers.  I think instead of calling these Value Bets as I have done previously, I’ll record these going forward under the label of Bookie Bashing Tools. 

What will these bets include?

  • The Combo Bet Tracker  (those with an indicated EV of 110+).
  • Darts 180s Tool.
  • Player Stats Tool.
  • NFL/Rugby xTouchdowns/xTries Tool.
  • Enhanced Specials on the Exchanges.
  • Early Pay Out Tracker.

I’m changing the way I use the Early Pay Out Tracker this year.  2024 was all about betting in Lucky 15s, but as one book withdrew bonuses from such bets, there can be no question that the edge was eroded somewhat.  However, bonuses are still paid on successful doubles, trebles, fourfolds, etc., and my way of utilising the Tracker will reflect this.  I’m also looking to it to bet some Singles on teams perceived as carrying value, which play in one of the top European leagues.  I’m not expecting to make a load of money from doing this, but what I am looking to do is add some decent sized single bets in major markets without losing money (over time).  Why?  To help camouflage the bets going down with a bigger edge!  All part of the (hopefully) long game.

Anyway, overall turnover from the EP Tracker is going to be significantly down from 2024’s level, and as such I’m going to include the figures within the ‘Bookie Bashing Tools’ category.  Obviously as time passes, I’ll write about which bet types are performing well and those not so well, and will give figures for each from time to time.

So there we have it.  Thoughts and plans for 2025.  We all know about the ‘Best laid plans…’ etc., but as we’re sitting here right now, this is how 2025 is shaping up.  I wonder what changes might be needed before this time next year?  I guess we’ll find out.

I’ll leave you with 2025 figures to date (all two days of them!), and will see you on the other side of the weekend.  Have a good one.

2025 Figures to Date (stakes normalised):

Bookie Bashing Tools: Staked 135.25pts, +6.27pts, ROI 5.69%, ROC 0.41%, Drawdown -6.27pts, Max DD -6.27pts

Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker/WGV: n/a

Sys Analyst: Staked 21pts, -21pts, ROI -100%, ROC -1.05%, Drawdown -21pts, Max DD -21pts

The Value Machine: Staked 240pts, -84.75pts, ROI -35.31%, ROC -2.82%, Drawdown -99.61pts, Max DD -99.61pts

WinnerOdds Football: Staked 511pts, +16.83pts, ROI 3.29%, ROC 0.56%, Drawdown 0pts, Max DD 5.19pts

TOTAL: Staked 907.25pts, -81.22pts, ROI -8.95%, ROC -0.9%, Drawdown -83.86pts, Max DD -83.86pts



The evils of oh so delicious wine, 20% WinnerOdds Football bank growth for December, and Happy New Year!!!.

You’ll forgive me if I keep this post short.

The biggest trouble with not being a spring chicken any more, is that it takes about six times as long to shake off the effects of the night before.  But white wine is delicious, and so is red.  And in my experience they each grow in deliciousness the longer the night wears on and the more of it you drink.  It’s a real vicious circle if you fall into the trap, and I must admit to being duped last night and falling, head first, into that trap.  So none of how I feel this morning is my fault, I promise you.  Although, I suppose the rum at the end of the evening was a touch extravagant.

Anyway, to matters at hand and of course I need to publish the end of month figures.  So here they are…

December Figures (stakes normalised):

Early Pay Out Tracker: Staked 680pts, -136.1pts, roi -20.01%, roc -9.07%.

Weekly Golf Value: Staked 539pts, +992.8pts, roi 184.19%, roc 49.64%.

Sys Analyst: Staked 372.4pts, -23.9pts, roi -6.41%, roc -1.19%.

Value Bets (BB): Staked 1,555.57pts, +134.18pts, roi 8.62%, roc 13.41%.

The Value Machine: Staked 2,445pts, +14.59pts, roi 0.59%, roc 0.72%

Winner Odds Football: Staked 3,894pts, +388.64pts, roi 9.98%, roc 19.43%.

Trial Service: Staked 633.3pts, -241.89pts, roi -38.19%, roc -16.12%

TOTAL: Staked 10,157.07pts, +1,128.28pts, roi 11.1%, roc 12.53%

A good month to end the year, largely due to WinnerOdds Football gaining a near 20% bank growth and the big win at the very start of the month from the Bookie Bashing Golf Tracker.  Good to see the various Bookie Bashing Value Bets turning a decent profit after some struggles in November.  It was the NFL that performed best for me, closely followed by Player Stats Football bets, largely via the Enhanced Specials sections of the Exchanges.

Now if you’ll forgive me, I’ve a paracetamol to take and a sofa to lie down on.  Thoughts on 2025 in my next post.  Some tinkering, but no wholesale changes the order of the day/year.

In the meantime, Happy New Year to all, and may 2025 bring us profit!