FREE SBC GUIDE: Guide To Navigating bookmaker disputes
- Are you in a dispute with a bookmaker?
- Are you unable to access your funds and/or winnings?
- Are you worried about these things happening to your accounts in future?
If so, this new FREE SBC 'Bookmaker Disputes Guide' is here to help you as a UK bettor.
Grab your free Bookmaker Dispute Guide PDF now - simply enter your email address below and we will send it to you immediately!
Why this guide is needed!
The UK Gambling Commission have openly stated that friction and delays around withdrawals make up a sizeable portion of complaints they receive from the betting public and that it is the most frequently cited issue that arrives with them.
Despite this, we have seen no meaningful action from the regulator in recent years, with operators running amok and treating UK customers who have the temerity to win a bet like criminals.
Whether it be unexplained account suspensions, refusals to process withdrawals or simply abysmal customer service - UK punters need help when it comes to dealing with bookmakers and how to navigate the disputes system.
With the Gambling Commission asleep at the wheel and the other routes for resolving any issues fraught with danger, we have created this FREE guide to help you along every step of the process with betting operators.
It covers everything from 'Preventing' issues through to what to do if they hit - such as what to request, template complaint letters through to dispute resolution services and small, county and high court claims.
This advice is independent from any outside influence and is informed by our collective experiences and intelligence from within the betting industry including several very well-informed betting industry experts.
This document contains 3 core elements to help you deal with bookmakers. They are:
Prevention is better (and easier) than cure. We detail the things you should be doing to lower the risk of running into issues with betting operators.
Dealing With Operators
Letter templates, 'dos and don'ts', insight around what operators are doing during the process and what to do at each stage are set out in an easy to follow guide.
Next Steps
If all else fails, letters from solicitors, dispute resolution service or court proceedings are all options to get your money. We provide guidance for all possibilities, with recommended services also documented.

License Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP)
'a request made by a customer to withdraw funds from their account must not result in a requirement for additional information to be supplied as a condition of withdrawal if the licensee could have reasonably requested that information earlier'