5 stages of profitable betting
From novices through to battle-hardened pros – The SBC has something for you!
Mindful of the fact that each of us are entirely unique when it comes to our individual betting circumstances, experiences and requirements, The SBC have a 5 stage guide to help outline what you need to know (and do) along the way on your betting journey.
To accompany this resource we recorded a 2-part podcast. Part One, which is free to all, can be listened to here. The second part, which discusses specific services is only available with a SBC Membership.
A follow up podcast, where we answered listener questions is also available (to all). It can be listened to here.
We have therefore grouped resources designed for distinct groups, namely
1. Beginners
For if you are brand new to betting and want to get started following tipsters and other SBC services.
Inside, we focus on:
- Free tipsters for beginners with the 'dos and don'ts' when starting out
- Opening accounts and good practice for maximising profits
- Record keeping and setting up systems to help you
- How to best use a SBC Membership to find what you are looking for
2. Builders
For if you have set up all of your accounts, have got started with some profitable betting and you want to expand your portfolio to build a larger bank.
Inside, we focus on:
- Diversification, why it is important and how to do it effectively
- The different sports and markets and how they best suit your needs
- Using more advanced metrics and SBC reports to choose new services
3. Bankers
For if your banks are working well and you have expanded your portfolio, this stage is ideal if betting account restrictions are starting to bite and you are looking to maximise value from them.
Inside, we focus on:
- Risk, volatility and why having a mix of services is important in this regard
- Moving away from online bookmakers as the sole recipients of bets
- Increasing turnover rather than targeting services solely for their Returns on Investment
4. Exchange/Sharp Players
For if you have lost (or are close to losing) all of your bookmaker accounts and you want to start using sharper bookmakers or exchanges to make your profits instead.
Inside, we focus on:
- How to best use exchanges and the services that suit them
- 'Auditing' services to see which strategies still fit into your portfolio
- Sharp/Asian bookmakers and where they are useful
- Learning about how best to use brokers and other services (e.g. Pinnacle, as discussed with Skeeve)
5. Big Bankroll Players
For if you have built a considerable bank and are looking for ways to grow it using exchanges, sharp bookmakers and shops. This stage is for more advanced and experienced bettors.
Inside, we focus on:
- Volume and why it is so important when betting at larger stakes
- Systems, software and self selection services that are likely to provide good returns at larger stakes
- The services that are designed for your specific needs
You may not fit neatly into one of these categories, but with full SBC membership, you will have the resources and services that best meet your needs.
For each stage, you will find:

This 5 stage guide is a comprehensive handbook for anybody looking to make better betting decisions, whatever their prior experience. If you would like even more information about what is inside and how we can help you, please email pete@smartbettingclub.com and I will let you know how we can help!